If hes not fat I dont think you need to worry. One thing that hasnt been mentioned so far, he will eat more when its could as he will be using more energy to keep warm;
2007-01-12 04:56:00
answer #1
answered by huggz 7
I feed my budgies seven times a week, that means every day, some of my suns need to be fed twice a day that is fouteen times a week.
Try feed other foods instead of a seed only diet. Change the food slowly as a bird will not eat food he does not recognise.
2007-01-12 16:15:49
answer #2
answered by Angie C 3
The fact you are worrying is worrying as you only feed him 4 times a week. No wonder he attacks the seed bowl like a gannet when you do eventually feed the poor little thing. He must be starving.
You are supposed to feed them and give them fresh water everyday. It doesn't matter how much they eat just make it everyday, please.
If you are worried about the cost of bird seed for your budgie, then maybe you should give him up to someone who will look after him properly.
2007-01-12 19:50:42
answer #3
answered by Wizzy Woman 4
A budgie can eat as much as he wants when he's full, he will stop. I have a budgies aviary of about 35 budgies, some of them also eat quite a lot and some don't (it cost me a lot in seed). So don't worry, just make sure you blow of the husk each day in his seed pot and make sure it's always topped up. Hope this helps.
2007-01-12 14:13:51
answer #4
answered by Rachel Louise 3
Soon find out if you weigh him - should be under 65g!
Heavier and he's a fat git and needs a diet! Not joking!
Small amounts of food in morning! A tablespoon of budgie mix (Or Trill) in a food pot. That should be enough seed but put greens in as well - spinach leaf, lettuce, or good quality dried greens! Carrot as well washed and peeled!
Occasional treats like millet are OK but only every so often!
You can buy new Trill treats now called Trill Toppers - exact amount of food per day and full of vitamins that they need
2007-01-12 10:52:53
answer #5
answered by jamand 7
I just refill my seed every day. I have two budgies and they eat lots. Give them millet, but let them out to burn the fat, then when they're back in the cage they should eat again. Fruit and veg is good for a trim budge.
2007-01-13 06:05:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I assume you are worried about the budgie budget for food. I think he will eat what he needs to eat and if he is not fat there is no cause for alarm
2007-01-12 10:50:26
answer #7
answered by big pup in a small bath 4
any bird in cage will eat but they will only eat what they want to.
you will have to change feed more that that though 4 times a week is not alot.
i keep canaries and have to chage every other day!
budgies like fresh vegies to greens like lettice and frote to
2007-01-13 02:35:53
answer #8
answered by witheringtonkeith 5
there are a number of factors. for instance if the bird is more sedentary that active it would require less food. Also the temperature of the room it's in in will affect it for instance a kestrel at a temperature in the 30F-40F range will need to eat about 25% of it's weight in food to keep from losing weight. where at 90F+ they may be able to go a day without eating anything.
2007-01-12 11:49:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Please note that you should empty his dish and give him new pellets/seed mix every day. His bowl may look full but may be full of empty seed hulls, which the birds don't eat. I feed my English budgies about 2 tablespoons of pellet and 1 tablespoon of seed mix every day and empty the bowl the next morning before feeding again.
2007-01-12 11:35:56
answer #10
answered by Tina M 1