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14 answers

Dogs go into season (heat) every 6-8 months some dogs are less some are more. They general last 14 days but will only stand for the male for a few days.

Desexing you female reduced risk of mammory and other cancers quiet dramatically . Entire females also run the risk of developing pyometra which is an infection of uterus which is fatal and can occur at any time ( I have seen it in a 8 month old schnauzer).

2007-01-11 19:10:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Large and small Breeds usually have a heat cycle Between 8 and 14 Mo. of Age.She will go into her heat cycle every 6 months You count the day of beginning cycle and add 6 mo. The cycle last up to 21 days. The ideal time for breeding is between the 10th and 14 th day of her cycle, The Gestation period is 63 days in a normal pregency however the puppies can be born sooner from the 57th to 63 days without concern. If she goes over 63 i would consult with a vet.Large Breed bitches should never be bred until they are at least 24 mo old I prefer 30 mo.of age.Small bdeeds can be bred after their first birth day .I prefer 18 mo old.

2007-01-12 00:07:07 · answer #2 · answered by EL-BRAY 3 · 0 0

Usually a female will go into season every 6months but it depends on there family history my own female only comes into heat about once a year and her mum was the same.Depending on breed and size a female usually has her first season about 9months old,but with big dogs that are slower to mature it can be much later,dont worry if you still aint seen her come into heat by 14months its perfectly normal.It lasts normally about 2-4weeks and the female is only receptive towards males for a few days during the heat between the 11th-13th day usually.Remember to keep your female under strict control during her heat,there are items you can buy to make her heat less messy you can buy a pair of knickers with a little pad in which stops males getting at her if she lives with any and stops the blood spots going all over your house,and you can get a spray to mask the oduor of her season,both can be bought from good pet shops.Obviously the best bet is to spay her to reduce all the unwanted diseases that come with a intact female.Good luck.

2007-01-11 22:30:00 · answer #3 · answered by Heavenly20 4 · 1 0

You say she has become a teenager . Doe's this mean that she is Thirteen in dog years? if so I personally would not risk any surgery at that age, She would have been having a season at regular times throughout her life this will carry on for the rest of her life. They last the same length of time, you must keep her away from male dogs for three weeks to be sure.

I have just lost one at the age of Fifteen and she came into season every 12 month. I hope this answer was relevant to your question.

2007-01-12 01:58:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please look article: What To Expect When Your Dog Is Expecting

I would urge you to have some medical tests run by your vet. Things to look for would be her hormones levels, thyroid etc.

If she has any genetic problems associated with her not coming into heat, it may be best to consider not breeding her, especially if it could be passed down through the line.

First heat can vary greatly dog to dog. The youngest is about six months of age though sometimes a female will come into season younger. First heat can start as late as 12 or even 14 months of age or later in rare cases.

Your Dog, in regard to how often she will come into Heat varies in every Dog. Usually she will come into Heat every 6 months or thereabouts but it cna be earlier in some Dogs.

The average Heat cycle usually lasts 3 weeks (21 days). But it can be shorted (2 weeks) or sometimes longer (4 weeks).

Again, this varies dog to dog and is why some breeders attempt to progesterone test to help pinpoint fertility (though testing is not 100% reliable but can help). The fertile period can last about five days and may begin approximately nine to ten days after the onset of heat. However, onset of fertile period can vary after the start of the heat cycle. Some females will only accept a male during this fertile period though others females may allow a male to mount at any time during her cycle while others are not receptive at all. But remember, fertile periods can vary dog to dog

A puppy can get pregnant her first cycle. Ideally she should not be bred until about 24 months when she is out of adolescence.

Females do not go through menopause though sometimes there may be a cessation in heat cycles for a period of time and then they can start back up again. As a female ages, her fertility does drop off but she will not go through menopause as humans do. It is also possible for senior dogs to become pregnant. Dropping off of fertility with age does not mean she cannot become pregnant.
Jason Homan

2007-01-11 19:58:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Heat is more properly called the estrous cycle. During this cycle, female dogs may get pregnant. It’s equivalent to human menstruation.

2. What are the symptoms?

Females bleed from the vagina sometimes with swelling of the vulva and increased urination. Don’t expect bleeding comparable to a human female.

For small dogs, it’s usually not much and you may need to pay close attention to your puppy to identify her first cycle. Other than the bleeding, the most noticeable symptom may be male dogs hanging around your house.

3. When does a dog come into heat?

The average female dog has her first cycle about six months of age. A few dogs start earlier and few dogs later, even as late as 14-months.

If you have a new female puppy, you should watch her and note when she has her first cycle. If she’s 14-months old and still hasn't’t been in heat, you should take her to a veterinarian.

4. How long does the heat cycle last?

The average is three weeks or 21-days. In some dogs, it lasts only two weeks while others go four weeks.

5. How often will she be in heat?

Most female dogs have regular cycles usually every six to eight months. It’s quite typical to be in heat twice a year.

6. When can she get pregnant?

She can get pregnant only when in heat. Some breeders test for progesterone levels to identify the most fertile days but the rule-of-thumb is that the most fertile days are 11-15 of her cycle.

Note – when she’s in heat, the average dog will permit any male dog to mount her. Few females, however, will accept a male when they’re not in heat.

7. Can she get pregnant her first cycle?

Yes. However, responsible breeders generally would not breed a dog that early. For one thing, you need to do genetic testing and some serious problems such as hip conditions do not show up until a dog is approximately 2-years of age.

8. Can I take her on walks during this cycle?

Yes with care. She has no problem with the exercise but she’s a walking magnet for male dogs.

Even the best trained and behaved female dog will succumb to hormones. You can’t trust her off a leash or out of your control. Never let her outside by herself even in a fenced yard if there is any possibility of male dogs nearby.

For walks, if there are male dogs in your neighborhood, it’s a good idea to take your dog in your car and drive to a remote area. Take her for the walk there and drive back home. Otherwise, the scent of her urine and vaginal discharge will blaze a trail to your home.

9. When I can have her spayed?

The answer to that one has changed continually over the 25-years I’ve been in the dog business. People used to be told to let their dog go through at least one cycle or let them have one litter.

Today, veterinarians are doing it much earlier. Some vets spay as early as 6-weeks of age! Talk to your veterinarian about your dog and the vet’s preferences. The state of veterinary medicine also is much improved over the past 25-years.

10. If I don’t have her spayed, will she go through menopause.

No. Her fertility may decline but she will not go through menopause comparable to a human’s. She won’t lose her ability to become pregnant even as a senior so if you don’t want to her to have any (or more) litters, she must be spayed.

Louise Louis is a certified canine specialist and the creator of http://www.ToyBreeds.com, your online resource for Toy breed dogs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Louise_Louis

2007-01-11 23:08:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

How often will she go into heat? If she is 'average', she will go into heat twice a year. January and July, February and August, etc.

How long will it last? Until she dies or you spay her.

OH, you mean how long is the heat cycle.

On 'average', 21 days...but very often, the cycle can be a few days shorter or several days longer.

For her sake, you should spay her. Asking such a simple question on this board indicates you don't know a whole lot about a dog's reproductive system, which means you don't know a whole lot about breeding.

Until and unless you do a LOT of research on this topic, you shouldn't consider breeding. It will, if you do it right, take you several years to learn all you need to discover before you breed a dog.

So your own 'teenage' dog will be past her prime breeding age by the time you are ready to begin.

So you, IMO, should simply spay her and save yourself and, to me more importantly...HER, a lot of problems.

2007-01-11 19:20:31 · answer #7 · answered by Lori R 3 · 2 1

She will go in heat on average every six months for three weeks.If it is her first heat, she will probably go into heat between six months to a year old. After that she will go into heat every six months. The time of the first heat, depends mostly on the breed of dog that you have. Smaller dogs start their first heat at 6 months, Med size dogs are 10-12 months, large dogs can start their heat as late as 2 years old. I breed boxers and my girl started her first at 10 months old and has a heat cycle every six months. If you don't plan to breed, I suggest having her spayed. Heat cycles are a real pain in the butt, especially if you don't plan to breed and it is not good to breed every heat cycle.

2007-01-12 00:33:50 · answer #8 · answered by surelycoolgirl 5 · 0 0

dogs go into heat usually every 6-9 months. each heat cycle lasts about 3 weeks. you can prevent this by being a responsible owner and having her spayed. spaying her will increase her life span, increase her health by helping prevent mammary and other reproductive cancers and pyometra where the uterus becomes filled with pus. also you will be helping cut down on the countless puppies and dogs that do not have a home and are euthanised every day. please make the responsible choice. have your dog spayed now. it will make the both of you happier and live a longer life together. dog's don't live long enough now, why take a chance at shortening our time together?

2007-01-11 20:03:47 · answer #9 · answered by cagney 6 · 0 1

If it is a larger breed of dog, they have their first heat later, in small dogs they will have their first heat usually before 1 year. They (average) two a year and last about three weeks.

2007-01-11 23:39:08 · answer #10 · answered by crested_love 4 · 0 0

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