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should i ask this guy out? he's my really close friend but i also really like him. i have no idea whether he'll say es or no, i dont think hes ever liked me before. but, there are a couple of things i need to point out:
1. hes always talking about hot girls
2. i just found out that he likes someone (but doesnt go to our school)
3. he says that blondes are the hottest but im not a blonde

and another thing...if i ask him out and he says no../what am i going to do? i mean, its gonna be pretty embarassing to hang out with him still and also to have everyone know that i like him...
but then again i really really like him...should i ask him out or not?

2007-01-11 17:15:53 · 6 answers · asked by C♥ 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

also a LOT of people know that he likes another girl...a lot of people

2007-01-12 10:19:25 · update #1

6 answers

if i was in this situation, i wouldn't. but then, that's me. i have no guts. from what you wrote, it's likely that he's not interested in you. but then again, some guys are all talk but they don't really tell you what they are feeling. so what i think you should do is, ask him out but be with other people. make it a group thing so you wouldn't risk him thinking that you like him as more than a friend. then take it from there...get to know each other more...maybe sparks will fly. you'll never know :) good luck!

2007-01-11 17:25:34 · answer #1 · answered by unicorn 1 · 0 0

take a chance n live a little. but before u do, since u guys r close ask him if he'll always be there for u when u need someone, if u guys r close he'll say yes for sure. then u ask. n even if he says no, it'll be fine. awkward for a while but fine. oh n if he says no u cud laugh it off n pretend u were joking. that way he'll never know.

2007-01-12 01:27:00 · answer #2 · answered by julia e 2 · 0 0

I would say,,, don't ask him out.
I mean don't do it very formal...like some kind of date.

Just tell him to go out with you like .....for example ....after school,,, "hey lets go to .... " or..." hey im going to McDonald's, come on, come with me," " hey I'm starving, lets go to ,,, "

and try to be nice and cute and he`ll start seeing you different, not as a friend.

good luck!

2007-01-12 01:36:54 · answer #3 · answered by Casanova 1 · 0 0

hell yea-- ask him out.... i wouldn't mind being with any of my girl-"friends," I don't think he'll say no if you ask him out.... and if he does acknowledge it and move on.... If its meant to be, it will happen

2007-01-12 01:23:11 · answer #4 · answered by Likwid 1 · 0 0

if he says no ur friend ship will be destroyed so u chose its ur life

2007-01-16 01:22:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It seems that he just sees you as a friend...

2007-01-12 01:25:59 · answer #6 · answered by Joshua 5 · 0 0

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