I've also been down that avenue but believe there are different ways to get over depression. Firstly, I think that you should see a doctor and he'll prescribe you something. Secondly, I think that you should release your anger and fustration in a constructive way like writing poems and songs. Then you should buy a CD of linkin park and just listen to the lyrics and cry; crying is good it helps. After all of that, you should tell your self that you are beautiful and special because I sense that you are and I'm known for sensing this kind of stuff. Try e-mailing me and tell me how it goes. The e-mail adress is below...
2007-01-11 17:12:32
answer #1
answered by surani_ud 3
years and years and you're only 21 ! First off, stop hating yourself, no matter what you have done, just start tomorrow new, try and be with friends at night, call, email, or better yet be there in real time. Hair loss, not too much of a problem, some men are VERY nice looking bald. Remember, we all go through a lot of things in life as we grow, some are just tougher than others...so hold on for the ride and never judge yourself for what you do,,,just watch out for the consequences down the road. Take care!
2007-01-11 17:26:15
answer #2
answered by sandyjay@sbcglobal.net 1
Sel, My first question to you would be "What are you angry about?" What thoughts provoke painful emotions that you are fighting to press down. I know it is risky and a little scary but it may be of benefit to you to let those memories come up. Coming up serves no purpose if you do nothing with them because you will be tempted to shove them in again. Pen and paper have been my best therapist. I will share what helps me, since you asked; Identify memories that provoke a strong emotional reaction then get very real and honest about how you feel. You can write letters to the ones who hurt or offended you and you can say anything you want because you are going to then destroy the letters. You are safe to pour out your heart and not be left vulnerable. This way you get out what you need to and do not injure others in the process. To holdon to an offense begins to eat away like a cancer of the soul. Some injuries are so deep that it seems beyond ourselves to reach it. That is the point that some decide to call upon God if that be an option for you. Forgive my pat answer. I understand depression first hand. It is not oftened remidied by a few quick recipes - but this suggestion has helped me to some degree at times. Maybe not a cure all but a release valve. Peace to your soul. May your storm hush to a whisper. You are not alone, but in many thoughts. Perhaps thoughts for your good will find their way to you and you will know it feel it and live!
2007-01-11 17:59:36
answer #3
answered by wingsovgrace 2
You were already having a rough patch.. Now you’re getting a bald patch.
Do you think you could deal with the hair loss better if you were already in a place to take on stress?
You are right. This is the straw that broke the camel’s back- but that one straw alone is not doing this all.
Take a look at the bail of hay you have there. You are focusing on what is evident, but there is more going on with your life right now.
Go back. Start with the first straw and work forward.
Get the services of a professional. It is their job to help you sort this out. They can walk you though the process to organize this mess.
Once you figure out what is going on with all the processes in your life, your hair…. will fall back into place.
You sir, are lucky to live in the era of hair transplants and Rogaine.
There is hope for the top of your head- but you may want to sort out what is inside of it first.
2007-01-11 17:19:33
answer #4
answered by There you are∫ 6
That's good you are taking steps to pamper yourself. the relaxing hypnosis cds and extra good grooming. As for the depression, get to a psychiatirst or mental health clinic - if you have access and get on antidepresasnts. i was so deprssed i wanted to die for about 2 years and it took 2 years on antidepressants and i recovered. Also, about the hair loss, if you have insurance get to a doctor. if not, then are you starving yourself? look it up on web md for possbile causes. maybe its vitamin defieciency. i really do recommend a doctor though casue if it is a sign of something more seroius it would be good to know. Good luck and keep yoru head up. there are brighter days ahead. You are still young and can do anything you want with your life. Life is precious dont waste it worrying about your looks ( lord knows i did and it was miserable) one thing that helped me was getting out of the house around people, dont look at beauty magazines or celebrites, and dont stare in the mirror analzying yourself. the antidepressants can help you do it at first becuase it is hard and then eventually u can do it effortlessly, and like me a a year and half later i look in the mirror and i dont see the ugly person i saw 2 years ago. good luck !
2007-01-11 17:20:54
answer #5
answered by lady26 5
You know, your depression may not be mental but physical.
There's a few things that could be wrong including but not limited to:
Low thyroid-you can test by taking your temp-info at web site
testosterone problems
Mercury poisoning
Low magnesium
Candida albicans
Low good fat as in omega 3's-go to health food store and get fish oil caps-good fat feeds your brain. Lack of good fat makes your hair fall out!! I'd try this for a month-Lack of it also caused depression
You need to find a good Dr-this is HARD! Possibly find an alternative DR
God bless and good luck to you hon
2007-01-11 17:20:50
answer #6
answered by Jeanmarie 7
One word stands out...suicide. If you're having ideation, then you have to get to a doctor more help.
It's a scary world and depression is becoming a bigger epidemic than obesity. Go to a walk in clinic, hospital, anywhere where there's a social worker or doctor who can help...NOW!
And be HONEST about your feelings. Tell them you feel suicidal. It will help them determine what medication or therapy would be best for you.
From what you described, it almost sounds like unipolar disease, which is used to describe depression suffered by people with bipolar. You just don't suffer the manias.
God cares about you and so do I. If that wasn't true, I wouldn't have written. My e-mail is krazykritik@yahoo.ca if you need to share things with someone who has been there.
God Bless and thanks for reading.
2007-01-11 17:19:21
answer #7
answered by krazykritik 5
hey dear, no worries, if ur a girl , well i guess u are their are many hair loss products to regain ur hair back why not try them.. and if anything ddnt work out, get ur hair be curled, get it curl in the parlor, im a beautician, i work on it and im sure you will like your new look... and feel great about urself... have hope in God, and pray... daily, or wenever u feel lonely, geting woried all the tym is not a great solutuion to ur problem dear.. and do some activities., join a dance class, w/c u've never try before.. go 4 swiming, play tennis,,or take cooking clases, or take another course, get ur self bz all day till bed so that u dnt get tym to think of ur problem and god gav human life only once y waste it? be wise., you can make it... ur d only 1 hu can bring that change out in u, no1 else.. and change is constant, there is a very famous qoute: " Be a master of change rather than a victim of change"! okay and "DEVELOP A POSITIVE MENTAL ATITUDE" dats very important, if u CHANGE UR MIND U CHANGE UR LIFE" and change it 4 the better. okay dear?
my personal experience: my m0m was my greatest enemy coz watever i do, i like she dsnt like it at all, then wen i look back 6 yrs from now i graduated high school, at was thnking how successfull i would be in next 6 yrs after my college, and now im jsut ahead of my clasmates, i have done 3 courses and work in 3 different specialized fields of mine.,.. i though she was my greatest enemy but dat negative thinking of hers drove me hard to finish my studies and do lot more good than i ever imagined i colud ever be?
the moral lesson of teh story: is take thinks positively. no matter how negative others may say, u just hav to feel confident and good about urself! and the changes MUST BEGIN WID U ITSELF! not others.. ok hope i've helped u...
2007-01-11 17:26:24
answer #8
answered by Harp 1
I'm probably not going to say anything that anyone else already has said, but I've been down this road recently and it helps to talk to someone about it. Friends and family will insist that you can talk to them, but if you have to pay a therapist to talk to because you need someone objective, then so be it. I have a lot of self-esteem issues about my career, and talking to a therapist helped, and I've only had two sessions.
But, most importantly, thoughts of suicide are NOT NORMAL. If you're saying you want to commit suicide because you're seeking attention you certainly still need to speak to a therapist, but serious thoughts of suicide need medical help. Nobody you know can help you with this problem because they're probably not a psychologist/psychiatrist. We all get depressed for different reasons and no one that's not a professional can be objective about your unique situation, so you need to see a professional ASAP!
2007-01-11 17:39:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Your depression alone is far from unusual, but if you are also noticing physical changes, then both should be seen as symptoms.
First get a physical, and tell your doctor about both the hair loss and depression. Both are treatable, but need supervised meds
If your grandfather was bald, then your hair loss is genetic, it is still treatable.
See a Doc.
2007-01-11 17:19:35
answer #10
answered by Norton N 5