2007-01-12 02:46:30
answer #1
answered by RAMAN IOBIAN 7
Who told you that you your thighs were to big? YOU? OR DID YOUR ENVIRONMENT? I will give you safe way to stay in shape. Stay active. If you want to tone safely get into track at your school. That activity definetly targets the thighs. Run with friends even. Just stay active and eat. Human bodies need nourishment. Eat!!!!! STAY ACTIVE. Don't forget muscle weighs more then fat.. I would consult a physician actually if you are at the proper weight for your height. I would not consult the answer boards for this answer dear, everyone is going to have a different answer. The only right answer is from a trusted physician who can consult your concerns. Don't be afraid to ask the physician either.
2007-01-11 23:47:26
answer #2
answered by hbuckmeister 5
Difficult, but not impossible. Losing fat or weight needs continuous regimen. Exercises and food play important role. Get the help of qualified teacher to put you on required exercises. Then take fat free healthy diet. This also requires a qualified dietitian's help. Since you are young, nothing to worry, you will regain normal weight as you grow older. Best of luck.
2007-01-11 23:41:13
answer #3
answered by Brahmanyan 5
I have been over weight many times in my life, any exercise you do will help but choose something that you won’t get tired of. I personally went with bicycling because it’s easy and no impact on your joints. When starting an exercising regiment be sure to take it slow so you don’t over do it and quit. A good example is to walk or ride about 1/2 mile twice a week, the next week walk 1/2mile 3-4 times a week, next week go 3/4 of a mile twice a week.......... sooo on
You need to know that you’re the only person who in control of your weight, it is up to you to change your life.
I know it’s only a simple answer but it’s a solution that will change your life forever
2007-01-11 23:43:48
answer #4
answered by biggunbubba951 2
OMGosh i have the same problem i am 13
and i am like 95 pounds and i dont knwo how to get rid of the extra flab haha
uhh u heard that running helps cuz it ttietens your legs and stuff and it makes your
legs not jiggle
2007-01-11 23:32:08
answer #5
answered by babe_cake12 2
The best way is to exercise and going to the gym as well, you can ask the gym instructor to teach you certain exercises which are focussed mainly to shape up thighs and hips. Those exercises if done in the right manner do help shape up.
2007-01-12 00:09:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Do jogging atleast 30 - 40 mins. with light mood just like while jogging/ running go slow for few secs. then again start running, go with music in ur ears as it will set u in a pace. Espeiaaly don't force it on urself. Only walk & Jog.
2007-01-12 00:33:02
answer #7
answered by Dimple U 2
Walk or run for about 30mins a day 3 times a week ;) Good luck
2007-01-11 23:33:13
answer #8
answered by ohio_gurl042 4
Eat things with low fat or no fate - learn to read labels on foods and exercise is golden. Also, no sugary sodas and no sugar.
Lots of fruits and veg and chicken.
2007-01-11 23:34:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I think you are very little. You motivate your idle time in playing like
physical game and slightly contol your food habits just like Ice Cream , Chocolate etc.
2007-01-12 00:15:04
answer #10
answered by catredsikkim 1
Try to spend at least one hour in Gym. Start Jogging
2007-01-11 23:37:58
answer #11
answered by jithen 3