One of my favorite cat names is a character in the play called Cats.
Deuteronomy. But who knows what you would call it for
2007-01-11 14:11:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Abagail Flossie Orchid
Abba Flower Patty
Abby Flowers Pearl
Abigale Flynn Peggy
Abina Fortunella Penelope
Abira Fran Penny
Acantha Franchesca Persephone
Acelin Frannie Petina
Achal Freddy Petula
Achit Freida Picasso
Adela Gail Pollina
Adelina Gazelle Polly
Adeline Georgina Porschea
Adina Gila Princess
Adolfina Gilly Princesse
Adonis Ginger Priscilla
Adriana Giselle Priss
Adrina Gizmo Prissy
Afia Goldie Promise
Afina Grace Queen
Aggie Gracie Queenie
Ai Greta Quinella
Aina Gretchen Rachel
Airlia Gwen Randi
Akela Gwendolyn Raquel
Akina Gweneth Rhonda
Aksana Harlo Ricki
Alaska Hattie Rochelle
Alberta Heidi Romance
Aldea Helen Rosalind
Alexandra Helga Rose
Alexandrea Henrietta Rosey
Alexandria Hepburn Ross
Alibi Hera Rosy
Aliz Hessie Rowena
Aliza Higera Roxanne
Alize Hilda Roxy
Allene Holly Roz
Ally Hope Ruby
Alma Ibis Rudi
Althea Icie Sabrina
Alyssa Incognita Sadie
Amalia Intaglio Sadie
Amanda Irene Sammy
Amarylis Iris Sandy
Amy Isis Sara
Andrea Ismelda Sarah
Angel Issabella Sasha
Angela Jade Sassy
Angelina Jamaica Savanah
Anna Jasmin Seoman
Annie Jasmine Shalimar
Anubis Jazzie Shania
Arriana Jazzy Shanna
Aspen Jenny Shasta
Athena Jessie Sheena
Augie Jetset Sheherazade
Babers Jewel Shelly
Babs Jillian Shena
Babsy Jinx Sheryl
Baby Jinxy Shianne
Barbie Julia Sissy
Barley Julie Sonya
Barrie Jumjum Sophia
Beauty Katherine Sophie
Bella Kathleen Stardust
Bess Katie Strawberry
Betty Katie Sue
Bianca Keiko Sugar
Billie Kelly Sugarspun
Blake Kendra Sultan
Bo Kiana Susan
Bojangles Lady Suzie
Bonnie Lancelot Svetlana
Boogiana Lassie Sweety
Buffy Lavender Sydney
Butterfly Laverne Talia
Callie Li Li Talullah
Candy Libby Tamara
Carly Lilas Tammy
Carmel Lily Tanais
Carrie Lioness Tangerine
Casanova Lisa Tangiers
Cassandra Lissa Tanner
Cassie Lois Tanya
Cathy Loretta Tasha
Chelsea Lorraine Tasmin
Chenielle Lotta Tessa
Cherie Lotti Tessie
Chika Louise Thais
Chrissy Lovenia Theresa
Cindy Lucinda Tia
Cleo Lucy Tigress
Cleopatra LuLu Tilly
Cloe Lynn Tina
Clover Madonna Topgun
Coco Madrid Tori
Combat Maggie Toya
Cookie Magnolia Tranquility
Corngold Mandarin Ukrainia
Cotton Marcie Ulysse
Cowboy Margaret Uma
Crocus Massie Una
Dabble Melanie Uno
Daisy Melinda Ursula
Dakota Mika Vampirella
Danielle Mila Velvet
Dante Minnie Venulla
Dazzle Missy Venus
Debbie Misty Veronica
Delilah Molly Versace
Devine Mona Vesper
Dianna Mr Cookie Vickie
Diva Mystique Victoria
Dixie Nadine Vilma
Dody Name Vivica
Dolly Natty Wanda
Donna Nell Wavy
Dozy Nelly Wendy
Duchesse Nessie Willow
Edith Nevada Windy
Elizabeth Nickleby Wynnona
Emily Nicky Xanda
Evanglista Nicole Xena
Evelyn Nikita Yolanda
Felicity Nina Yvette
Fergie Odessa Zaban
Fern Oksana Zelda
Fern Olga Zena
Flo Olivia Zephyr
Florence Ophelia Zsa Zsa
Consider the following important naming tips:
- Make a short-list of preferred names.
- Keep it simple, as possible.
- A couple of syllable names are best.
- Try to choose a name that is easily recognized.
- Is the name easy to call out?
- Base the name on how your pet acts!
- Names shouldn't sound like standard instructionsË (eg. Sit, stay ..etc.)
- Try it out. When you find a name you like, give it a test run for a few day.
- If it feels natural, keep it! Otherwise, try the next name on your list.
- If your darling is adopted, try and keep the name your pet already owns.
I really hope that helps~
Good luck!
Have a great day!
!~!â¥Kennie the Actressâ¥!~!
2007-01-11 22:14:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Do the world a favor and don't name him Garfield-the world does not need another orange tabby named Garfield. Other than that, the best advice I can give you is let the cat tell you his name, observe his behavior and see what fits. Oh-another suggestion. Have you ever read T.S. Eliot's series of poems about cats? The musical Cats was based on it-Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. There are some rather unusual, quite descriptive names in it-who knows, some of them might translate well into Chinese.
2007-01-11 22:18:13
answer #3
answered by caitkynthei 3
I'm partial to orange tabbies; the ones we've had have been very sweet cats. I generally find that it takes awhile to find a suitable name. We try out names and wait to see which one sticks. But just for kicks, here are a couple of suggestions with dual meanings:
Sun (Can be a Chinese name or the sun in the sky-- yellow or red or orange)
Tang (can be short for tangerine or refer to the dynasty, depending on if you want a hard g sound or a soft one)
Good luck!
2007-01-11 22:32:27
answer #4
answered by princessmikey 7
Orange Blossom
Yan Tao
2007-01-11 22:33:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Whe ahve a male orange tabby kitten and we named him Garfield.
2007-01-11 22:23:08
answer #6
answered by Love not hate 5
My orange tabby is named Pumpkin-Wumpkin.
2007-01-12 02:55:33
answer #7
answered by Cat 2
I just got a new orange male tabby kitten. I named him AWWLIVER (Oliver). I should have named him Garbage Monster because he eats everything, but AWWLIVER is cuter :)
2007-01-12 05:36:47
answer #8
answered by elementoflife 6
I've always wanted to name an orange or yellow cat Ginkgo, since ginkgo trees turn the most beautiful yellow fall color.
2007-01-11 22:14:10
answer #9
answered by Halley 2
2007-01-11 22:15:53
answer #10
answered by from HJ 7