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and ive never told him. we hang out all the time, and im too scared to tell him incase we loose the friendship we have now. hes mormon, im christian, which makes it even worse. i could never imagine him being attracted to me, because he tells me all the time who he likes etc, and just recently, another friend of mine admitted she now likes him, not knowing i like him too. he used to have a crush on her. although im only young, deep down i feel like hes the guy im supposed to spend the rest of my life with... this is always happening to me, im always the friend, nothing more. and ive just about had enough. what should i do? no stupid answers please.

2007-01-11 12:28:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

4 answers

I can't tell you how many people in my life (including myself) who liked/dated some guys-- (who turned out to be jerks) and then later found their soul mate. God will make things when they're supposed to happen. Until then, trust that He knows better and try not to worry about it.

In the mean time, you'll find that the type of relationships you want to be in always start off as friends. If a guy just picks and chooses girls...but doesn't know them...then he's going after them for the wrong reasons. With my high school boyfriend, we dated and then he broke it off --because I was Mormon and he was Christian. I cared about him so much that I remained friends with him. A year or two later when I left the LDS church, things made since for us to date--and now he's my husband.

Pray that God will send you a good, honest boyfriend that will help you understand more what you do/don't want in a boyfriend. Finding a boyfriend that will help upkeep your values is half the battle.

Hang in there. All of us have an experience like this.

PS--in response to the message above, please-please-please do not fall into the trap of believing the Mormons are Christians. They swear up and down that they are--since their church's name has Christ's name in it and since they have the Book of Mormon "another testament of Christ"...

BUT, they are not Christian. They believe that Jesus Christ only opened a door for us to be saved, but that we have to walk through the door (by doing good works) in order to be saved. They believe that Christ was our spirit brother in heaven--and Satan's. They don't believe in the trinity. They believe that God, Jesus, and Holy Ghost are 3 separate individuals--meaning: they believe in more than one God. They believe that they will one day become Gods themselves...etc. go to http://www.carm.org/mormon.htm for more information.

2007-01-12 15:48:42 · answer #1 · answered by applesoup 4 · 0 1

Well, the fact that you are Christian is actually a good thing for a potential relationship. Since he is "mormon," that means he is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Notice that the primary part of the name of the church is Jesus Christ which would reference christians. He is christian. In fact with the idea that he faithfully lives his religion, you will find he has more "christian attributes" than most.

If he is attracted to you, then you have a chance. But some guys need a little push. Try flirting to see if it is returned with more flirtation. If nothing else, that would be an indicator that he is not against the idea.

2007-01-12 16:52:31 · answer #2 · answered by Sergeant of Marines 2 · 1 0

Alright first you need to know a bit about Mormonism-it is a Christian church! Many people believe they are not because of the lack of crosses-that is because we celebrate the eternal life, not mortal death, of Christ. The Book of Mormon is another testament of christ. Here's my advice-if he's a good Mormon, he will be accepting and not be a jerk etc. To tell you the truth, guys can be pretety stupid. For example, me and a girl were talking and all of the sudden the topic of crushes came up. Stupidly, I told her about this girl I really liked-only to find out she was about to say she liked me! Haha, I was able to cover up pretty good. So tell him! What's the worst that can happen? And if he acts stupid, forgive him.

2007-01-15 00:29:48 · answer #3 · answered by Spearfish 5 · 0 0

Well if he dosen't like you now chances are that he might like you someday don't give up hope. Your friend probably will get over him and if they do go out just act like your happy for them and try to move on.

2007-01-11 20:35:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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