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1. When a man faints, what number will restore him?

2. Which number is greater - six dozen dozen or half a dozen dozen?

3. When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?

4. If 2 is company and 3 is a crowd, what are 4 and 5?

5. Why is 2 times 10 the same as 2 times 11?

6. How many times may 20 be subtracted from 100?

7. If I dig a hole 2 feet square and 2 feet deep, how much dirt is in the hole?

8. Make five less by adding to it.

9. Behead forty and leave fifty.

10. What is the difference between 100 and 1000?

11. How long will an 8 day clock run without winding?

12. From what number can you take half and leave nothing?

13. Why should the number 288 never be spoken in refined company?

14. If a man gives one son fifteen cents and another ten cents, what time would it be?

15. A farmer combined 2 compost heaps with 3 others. How many compost heaps does he have?

16. Take ten from nine and leave only yourself.

17. What would you add to nine to make six?

18. Why is the number 9 like a peacock?

19. Take 2 letters from a 5 letter word and have one left.

20. What is the longest sentence in the world?

2007-01-11 11:01:28 · 2 answers · asked by limallama 4 in Entertainment & Music Jokes & Riddles

2 answers

1. you must bring him 2
2. six dozen dozen (864) as half a dozen dozen is 72
3. when they make 22
4. nine
5. because 2 times 10 is twenty and 2 times 11 is twenty-two (twenty, too)
6. .....only once; any further subtraction would be from a smaller number each time.
7. none
8. .....add the Roman numeral I (one) to V (five) and you get IV (four)
9. .....Roman numerals again! Take X (10) from XL (forty) and you get L (fifty)
10. .....zero (100 has 2 zero's, 1000 has 3 zero's, a difference of 1 zero or 'zero')
11. .....not long at all if it needs winding
12. .....the number 8

13. .....Because it is two gross

14. A quarter to two
15. One
16. .....From the Roman number IX, take away the X and I is left
17. .....The letter "S" would be added to IX and then you would have SIX
18. .....Because it is nothing without its tail
19. .....Take off the letters "st" from "stone" and "one" is left
20. ....."Go to prison for life."

haha, why should i think that much.

2007-01-11 13:12:43 · answer #1 · answered by yungr01 3 · 0 0


2007-01-11 19:21:08 · answer #2 · answered by Dananana 5 · 0 0

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