*The engine quit while flying over a lake. But we got it started again, and now I love to tell about it!
*While on a flight from Kabul to Dubai, my friend and I were the only girls(and Americans besides our husbands) on a flight full of Muslim men on Hajj. The men didn't like us, and so we were moved to the front of the plane and were instructed NOT to look back.
2007-01-11 10:26:14
answer #1
answered by DJ 3
I was flying between Tblisi, Georgia and Yerevan, Armenia on (what appeared to me to be) a Soviet-era leftover propeller plane. The pre-flight instructions were barked out from a surly airline attendant in rapid fire Russian. I seem to recall being able to see into the cockpit (although I'm probably imagining that...) There was none of the "stow your baggage in the overhead compartment or securely under the seat in front of you" business. It was strictly find a seat, sit down, toss your carry-on in the seat next to you and don't ask questions. Instead of carpeting down the aisle between the seats, I distinctly remeber a random strip of cloth that wasn't really fixed down well. It was reminiscent of the cloth hand towels some public restrooms have in those machiens. Because it was a small propeller plane, and we flew pretty low, the engine was incredibly loud and you could feel the vibrations the entire flight. I swear I lost a filling or two in the process. It was by far and away the longest 1 hour flight of my life...
The airline went under about a month after I took that trip.
2007-01-11 14:21:33
answer #2
answered by ccf4980 2
There's a cap on the outside of planes where they stick a hose in to suck out all the bathroom waste. When we were midair, someone flushed the toilet in the front of the plane and the pressure forced that cap to fly off and it flew back into the airstream and got stuck in the engine. The plane sounded like it was backfiring. We had to shut the engine down and then make an emergency landing at the nearest airport. We spent what seemed like at least an hour in the air with just one engine. We ended up landing at Love's Field in Dallas and were sequestered in a building used by private pilots. Many of them said planes have been brought down by much less.
2007-01-11 10:42:26
answer #3
answered by Brooke22365 4
I was on a Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA-Delta Connection) turboprop leaving Atlanta, Georgia. We were about twenty minutes out of Atlanta when we hit what I thought was heavy turbulence. Two overhead bins popped open spilling luggage out and the drinks the flight attendant was preparing spilled everywhere. The First Office announced that there was a minor mechancial problem with the aircraft and we were returing to Atlanta for a precautionary landing. The flight attendant freaked out, closed the overhead bins, sat down, and wouldn't speak a word to anyone (and I was in the front seat, sitting right in front of her on the small Brasilia aircraft). After a very rough flight, we finally landed, and I routed myself all over the map, because I wouldn't fly the small turboprop home--only JETSERVICE for the rest of that day--it took years before I would fly on a turboprop again!
2007-01-12 12:36:47
answer #4
answered by Tyler J 1
It wasn't really scary, just annoying, but...
I went on a student ambassador trip to Europe, and we were scheduled to return on July 24th. The flight from Paris to NY went fine, but when we got to NY our plane was very late (we were supposed to go to Indianapolis.) We finally get on the plane and it's very small and we taxi around the runway for an hour before the pilot decides that the brakes aren't working, so we go back to the terminal and wait for a supposed "new plane" which never comes. 30 kids ended up sleeping in JFK Int'l Airport over night before we were transferred to LaGuardia, where we waited for three hours to take off because it was raining. Instead of sending us straight to Indianapolis, the airline connected us in Atlanta. Well, because we were three hours late taking off we were three hours late landing and barely made the flight. Lucky me, I was seated next to a woman who brought White Castle on the plane.
2007-01-11 13:20:26
answer #5
answered by kate 4
while i become a toddler, flying into Brisbane from needed Queensland in a small unpressurized airplane. We hit some nasty turbulence. i finished up with a busted eardrum and that i threw up everywhere. I have no thought how they have been given the airplane right into a place the place my eardrum could burst. It become awful. additionally, Flying into Orly Airport in Paris from London, the airplane descends at an alarming perspective. it quite is the comparable while they take off from Orly too.. that's frightening.
2016-12-12 09:28:40
answer #6
answered by ? 4
While we were still parked at the gate the power turned off about four different times and they had to keep restarting the plane. The Captian came on the intercom and said that there was nothing to worry about. We took off like that and I can honestly say I was more scared then than I have ever been on my countless flights.
2007-01-11 11:55:28
answer #7
answered by Hito 2
This was in a small training airplane. It was during one of my flying lessons. We were doing touch-n-go landings and right after one of the takeoffs, the engine puttered for a second. Got both mine and my flight instructor's attention. We landed and checked everything and things were fine so we continued with the flight. It was kinda freaky though.
2007-01-11 12:05:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
There was a crazy person on the plane that kept screaming some jibberish loudly. Several times she went for the emergency door. Other times, she just paced back and forth, her whole body trembling. Then suddenly she would have another wild outburst.
2007-01-11 12:49:14
answer #9
answered by averagebear 6
I was flying from Ixtapa, Mexico to Toronto, Ontario when about 2 hrs into our flight our No.1 engine completely failed and we flew on one engine for about 30 mins until we landed in Harlingen, texas where we were greeted by loads of fire trucks, ems, poice. WWe almost ran off the runway because there were no runway lights!
2007-01-13 03:50:36
answer #10
answered by jasongoriah 2