I'm bipolar. Your writing sounds bipolar, but don't assume anything. There are many different disorders out there. Get professional help quickly. You need counseling and maybe medication. If not, it could get worse. Don't take any chances. I didn't try to get help before and I just got worse over the years. Now I take pills that work for me. It took time to find the right ones though. I also started going to church. That helped me lot too. Please don't try to harm yourself. There's lots of help out there. Your life can improve. You can find balance. Have hope!
2007-01-11 08:35:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm not going to diagnose you either, but you need to go get a diagnosis from a professional. You need to talk to your parents. I am bipolar and it sounds like you may be, but I won't even begin to diagnose someone else, as there could be many other things that is going on with you.
If you are bipolar, there are many medications that you can take that work very well! If taken the way prescribed! Also will help the depression and the feeling like there is a whole other side of you.
But, you are not better than your friends! There is an old saying,"Birds of the same feathers flock together" so what makes you think you are better than they are?
2007-01-11 18:57:06
answer #2
answered by Ikeg 3
I would see a doctor as soon as you can, for a proper diagnosis, rather than seeing a few symptoms on the net and deciding for yourself. See this link to a wikipedia article on it. People often use the words 'depression' or 'depressed' in an everyday sense to mean really unhappy or miserable when they should be reserved for medical conditions.
In bipolar disorder, people swing from really low and depressed to high, over-energetic and over-imaginative, sometimes but not always getting delusional about being an important religious figure or developing conspiracy theories about the government spying on them or flying-saucers and things. If you've already attempted suicide, I would see a doctor to check you don't have bipolar disorder or some other condition, just real-world problems. He can advise you on sleeping better and not getting racing thoughts.
Your symptoms could be lots of different things, a medical thing like hyperactivity or just normal teenage feelings of being treated like a child by your parents or wanting to rebel against them, feeling the pressure of exams, problems with friends or school or girlfriends or not getting a girlfriend, etc. There are loads of things going on at 14. No wonder your mind races and you can't sleep. Ask on here or search previous questions about sleeping better. Exercise helps. You might want to reduce the time spent on your computer, especially late in the evenings, and do more things with your friends outside the house.
2007-01-11 16:32:13
answer #3
answered by ricochet 5
You know you might want to see a doctor about this problem. I wouldn't know because I have never felt so emotionally extreme as you described. I was depressed for a while in sixth grade and I haven't ever thought about killing myself. But I can recognize one thing is that you almost feel better than your friends. That sounds normal. I always think I am better than my friends because I got into the advanced classes. But I would go see a doctor if I was you to see if you have bipolar or if you are just a teenager going through some rough things.
2007-01-11 17:55:00
answer #4
answered by queenpan1295 3
I see that you have been reading on this site which is good but might start making you think you have something. Bipolar disorder is a very hard to diagnose order. I know it seems like alot of people have it. But i personally think its over diagnosed. alot of the things that you are experiencing are normal teenage things everyone goes thru but some are not. you say u don't want to go to the Dr's well that isn't good. why do u want to know if u have it or not if you're not going to get it treated if you do? do you just want to have a "cool" label ? or are you serious about getting better? the only way to know if you have bipolar is by a Dr they have to study you for a while see your mood patterns and see if they fit into the criteria. Bipolar disorder is not something i would wish on my worst enemy it is something you have to deal with for the rest of your life. and though treatment thru medication and therapy helps it doesn't help everyone.
2007-01-11 16:38:51
answer #5
answered by butterflyharmon 2
What you are describing is what I went through my entire life. I am now 18 and I was just diagnosed with depression and ADHD. I was on medication for awhile, but I just recently stopped. Something that you can do is go see a regular doctor. Not a shrink. Ask them about Strattera. Its kind of like Ridalin, but with no speed. It will help you with your thoughts, get your mind on one track, and lower your thoughts of depression. And when all the things in your mind are on the right track, your temper goes away and you don't feel like you need to snap at everyone who talks to you.
I am not saying that is what you have, but it sounds a lot like it. When I was 14, I had a hard time in school. I couldn't concentrate, I hated people, I was always in fights because something so small and stupid would upset me. I always thought about killing myself. And I couldn't sit still for more than 2 minutes. I never went to bed before 4 am and I always woke up at 7 in the morning.
Just make an appointment with your doc. Ask him. It wouldn't hurt.
2007-01-11 16:32:35
answer #6
answered by Megan F 1
I'm not going to sit here and try and diagnose you. You need to see someone rather you want to or not. There is no shame in seeing a professional. DO NOT LISTEN TO IGNORANT PEOPLE SUCH AS GM! I read that link he/she posted and it was the most assinine thing I ever read on mental health issues. Obviously written by someon who knows absoluetly NOTHING about such issues of the mind. The brain is a mystery to us, we use so very little of it and yet we are so intelligent (most are).
The studies on mental health are astounding.....Mental Health Disorders Are More Common in Young People than Many Realize
Studies show that at least one in five children and adolescents have a mental health disorder. At least one in 10, or about 6 million people, have a serious emotional disturbance (1)
There are many people walking this planet who are "ok" but something may happen to them that can cause their minds to change such as a closed head injury, a traumatic childhood, etc. Some people believe it or not are even born with mental disorders meaning it is biological. (2)
I worry about these attempts you mention as well as the thoughts. I want you to at least get help for that. Yes, in the beginning it is not easy finding the the right solution to making you feel better but YOU WILL FEEL BETTER. Also I read your other question about the swearing at your mom fighting with dad, I know your parents love you very much but you are having such a hard time of it personally that you can't get past this very moment in time. It's almost like wearing a leaded blanket from head to toe and all you want is for someone to help you lift it off of you. Your parents can help, trust me. Putting on the fake face of happiness so noone sees your true pain when inside you feel like you freaking out and at any moment someone might catch on and that's the last thing you want but the one thing you need.
How close am I?
If this sounds about right then please get help and don't listen to those who have no clue as to what they are talking about.
You are valuable
You are needed
You are wanted
You are loved
It may not feel like it at times but it's true.
One more thing......if you decide to attempt again and succede just so you'll know that I am also a mother and many years ago my son died not from suicide but from an illness as an infant. To this very day I still think of him, I still cry for him but my life did not end, it went on. Your mother will do the same.
I have worked in the medical profession for several years and even I have a Depressive disorder, Panic disorder and an Adjustment disorder I also suffer from RSL and NSRED. I know so many people who have mental disorders that are high functioning and have their licenses. GM has placed everyone into one category that what has happened to one has happened to all.
Do don't see a psychiatrist for the rest of your life either, I go through my primary doctor for my medication. Nobody watches me from behind a newspaper......
In the beginning this young man will need to see a specialist to find out what is happening and why and sometimes it takes a while to find the right medication.
Of all the people who take anti-depressants they said that it only worked for about 80%. About the early 90's they came up with a new buch of drugs for the other 20%. I fell into the 20%, never understanding why this stuff couldn't work. I felt like crap and the side effects (which do eventually go away) were awful. Once these new drugs came out I have been absolutely the best I could ever have hoped for and am so grateful for them.
BTW, think about get your blood levels checked as well, it may be something as simple as a diet change.
2007-01-11 18:29:43
answer #7
answered by Carol N 4
Trust me, you DON'T WANT to be Bipolar. Do you realize that you will be required to take medication for the rest of your life. I take 7 medications to keep me stable. I have done some things that have hurt myself terribly when I was manic. I have been in the hospital 10 times in my life. I have lost jobs and friends. I am just now getting settled in my life.
Sounds like you are unhappy and something is not right. But don't diagnose yourself and don't wish to be ill.
See a doctor and talk to them about what you are feeling. Only they can diagnose you and only they and yourself can help you.
2007-01-11 16:36:36
answer #8
answered by riptide_71 5
Since you have tried to end your life three times I am surprised that someone has not stepped in and tried to help you. You may or may not be bipolar. You however have tried to end your life three times, so severe depression is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Is there someone you can trust? Any teacher, family member? Wanting and trying to kill yourself is serious and you need help. So many people have tried to end their lives, and have seeked help, and are being treated, and they are okay. They make it, they live, have families and a "normal" life. You can survive this, you owe it to yourself to get some help, and if you are diagnosed with bipolar, it is not the end of the world, it's just a fancy name for major depression. Thousands of people have bipolar and live. Please get help.
2007-01-11 23:41:14
answer #9
answered by cindy 2
I dont know because I am not a doctor. But you could have a mix of depression and anxiety and if you have anxiety, you may have talked yourself into having Bipolar Disorder. Does that make sense?
If you have anxiety, or depression, or both, its due to an insufficient amount of seretonin in your brain. I can get a technical if you really want me to. But there are medications that produce seretonin in the brain that can be perscribed to you to help.
2007-01-11 16:29:55
answer #10
answered by AngelPrincess 3