They are AKC Registered Shelties,male is 9yrs old,female is 8yrs old,they have been together all this time,so we don't want to separate them,the male is very friendly loves attention good around kids or elderly folks,the female tends to shy away from kids,if kids run in the house she will nip at their heels,like her male counter part she also loves attention,they get o excited when they know their going for a walk it hard to get their leashes on because their barking and going in circules,of coarse like most dogs they bark at any noise.which can be good at times,both are still breedable,we would like to find a good home for them.
18 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
Didn't you know when you took in the dogs that it was supposed to be a LIFETIME commitment to them, not throw them out when life changes?
People who can't keep a dog for it's ENTIRE life, should NOT be getting dogs at all!
Breedable? Your dogs are too old to be breeding! Get them fixed before you place them and save them the suffering of having to put out litters in their older years.
2007-01-11 07:04:50
answer #1
answered by Sweet Cakes 3
I would put an ad in the newspaper Free to GOOD HOME! under the free ads, that way you can see the kind of people that they are going to. This would make you feel better in the long run and you can let the people know what their favorites are and what their quirks are. If you can't do this make sure they go to a no-kill shelter. The ad would really help. Have you heard of This is a free place to post and ad, I don't know if it is available in your area, but you might want to check. Also, If you get one of those Dog Fancy magazines and look in the back there are some people looking for dogs and there are plenty of breeders that might want them as well. Good luck and Happy hunting!
Why are you people so against putting the dog in the paper. You can go to the home and see where they live and check them out! Where I come from people love see where their animals will be living. I just don't understand the problem. But I do have to say, I didn't see the breeding part. I would get them fixed first and then give them away. They are too old to breed! Maybe I'm from too small of a town, but we don't have sick people around here and we don't have people that train dogs for fighting or other sick people like that. The people that look for a dog in the free ads are FAMILIES that want to have a pet that was raised locally. I don't know where you guys are from, but I'm glad I don't live there. Happy Hunting once again. I think the free ads are great!
2007-01-11 15:03:02
answer #2
answered by Aero Cat 3
Why can't you take them? How come they haven't been fixed? She is not breedable at 8 years old...
You could try and find homes for them yourself through people you know. Try sending out an email with some of the cutest pics you have of them. People will forward the mails on and you should get at least some interest. I think it's always best if you can place them in homes yourself with people you know so that you can keep in touch both ways and even visit on occasion.
Your other option is to surrender them to your local shelter or rescue group. They will most likely ask for a donation fee and they WILL neuter them (it's the law). However, they will have a good chance to find a new home and in the meantime be in the care of knowlegable people who can care for them and find them the best home.
You should definitely stay away from advertising them in any papers. You will get all kinds of nutjobs and you'll spend more time screening out bad owners. Labs and research facilities also take animals from the ads posted in papers under the guise of "adopting" them and use them for research, which I'm sure you don't want. YOU SHOULD NEVER EVER ADVERTISE AS "FREE TO A GOOD HOME" EVER. PERIOD. People who are serious about a pet are willing to pay for one. What you will get from advertising a free pet is 1) Labs and research facilies 2) Dog fighters looking for bait (and yours are small enough to use as bait), or 3) People who want a "cheap" pet and aren't willing or have the funds to pay for one.
2007-01-11 15:02:13
answer #3
answered by dog7788 3
You could put an add in the paper to try to get them a home. If it were me, I would try my family and friends first to keep them together. Be careful, though, about telling folks they're breedable, because some people would only be out to make an extra buck! I'm sure you want your babies to go to a home where they will be loved instead of turned into little money makers. Best of luck to you.
2007-01-11 15:03:06
answer #4
answered by Lovely_Lady 3
I would try very hard to find them a home before you leave. Don't take them to a animal shelter. Look up dog rescue facilities where you live some places travel to pick up dogs , some of the rescue places are just for a certain breed . So look up a Sheltie rescue they will match your dogs with a person specifically looking to adopt a sheltie, Make sure you take them to a no kill rescue. good luck I'm sure this is very hard for you.
2007-01-11 15:04:17
answer #5
answered by Diane C 1
Kudos to KJ and Jenny... These dogs are too old to be breeding, AKC registered does not mean breed-able. Just because a dog has papers does not mean it is a good representative of the breed.
And through divorce and subsequent poverty, going back to school and moving I have never once needed to consider giving up my dog. You are not trying hard enough. These dogs are obviously not important enough to you.
Seems harsh I am sure. You will surely go into 'Woe is me!' and so forth over this. But it is disheartening to true dog and animal lovers when they see people treating their animals with such disregard. These are your pets and as such should be a part of your family. When you move do you consider disowning your children if you have them? Or possibly every time you move you give up your significant other?
You are not concerned with giving these dogs a good home, just getting them out of yours. I will apologize if I am seriously overreacting here but to say these dogs are breed-able- - it is just too much.
2007-01-11 15:19:05
answer #6
answered by Newel 1
Why in the world would you move somewhere where you cannot take part of your family??? At 8 and 9 years old, these dogs are mostly through their lives. How devastating it will be to be thrown to someone else. Why did you take this responsibility on in the first place if you couldn't see it through? It's people like you that create such heartbreaking situations that we see everyday at the humane society and elsewhere. Shame on you!!! Thing is, if you have children, you are now showing them that responsibility is not important when its not convenient. Your decision is so wrong in so many ways....and nothing but selfish!
PLEASE...never, ever get another dog again!!!
2007-01-11 15:04:35
answer #7
answered by StephanieM. 2
Please don't say that they are breedable because you could get someone who has plans to breed these dogs and you don't know if their breeding practices are good or bad. WHAT YOU MUST TO FIRST! Is contact the breeder you got them from because most want the dogs returned to them if you must get rid of them. The second thing I would do is fix them so that the homes they go to don't use them for in proper breeding. PLUS they are both too old for breeding anyways putting the females life at risk.
2007-01-11 15:01:31
answer #8
answered by Sassyshiba 3
1) Why would you move somewhere that you can't take your pets?
2) The female is definitely NOT breedable at that age. And by describing them as such they are llible to be picked up by some puppymiller who will breed them to death.
3) Contact your local Sheltie rescue, they are your best resource for rehoming your dogs.
2007-01-11 15:00:15
answer #9
answered by DaBasset - BYBs kill dogs 7
Find a local NO-KILL shelter in your area and ask for advice, or ask them to advertise your pets on
WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T GIVE THEM UP AS "FOR FREE" ITEMS on ads papers/internet, OR THEY WILL DIE IN THE HANDS OF PSYCHOS. The only people who want dogs for free are those who don't even have the money to feed them, and plan to sell them to vivisection labs/kill them for fun/as bait to train fighting dogs/as sacrifice for sect weirdos, and other stuff you don't wanna know.
How sad, this is. I see you are at least trying to rehome them, but I could NEVER leave my pets behind, can't you move to a place where you can take them? So many dogs die every year because they get older and their owners don't care for them enough to keep them in their retirement years
But seeing as you say "still breedable" I take it you've bred them till you could and now just want rid of them.
I really hope someone nice will pick them up as friends and companions, rather than to make a profit out of their pups.
2007-01-11 15:02:34
answer #10
answered by sandwich 3