The additional troops will be slightly helpful, but that is definitely not the smartest strategy by itself.
In a related analogy, the wrestler (Roman-Greco style) with the biggest muscles gains only a small advantage by it over his opponent. Speed, skill, and a flexible pinning strategy are the winning elements.
Likewise in the war in Iraq, speed, skill, and a flexible, winning, exit strategy are far more important than the added strength of 20,000 troops. With a brilliant strategy, we could easily win the War against Terror in Iraq with 20,000 troops alone.
Fortunately, my strategic mind has developed the foundations of that comprehensive strategy; I've only had a whole four years to consider it. Additional troops is not the answer in this case, as the current massive deployment of troops simply haven't been utilized effectively. Bush needs to employ a strategic thinker like me for an effective and speedy resolution.
2007-01-11 03:48:45
answer #1
answered by Andy 4
As a republican, I am completely embarrased by this allegedly new strategy in Iraq. "Surges" in troop strength of the magnitude Bush is now talking about have been tried in the past and have failed. The last election should have been a wake up call to the president that the American people will no longer support this exorbitantly expensive and seemingly futile war. Mr. Bush should have established a timetable for withdrawal that would have essentially forced the Iraqi government to step up to the plate. This latest strategy does little more than postpone the inevitable, i.e., our withdrawal from Iraq, at the cost of perhaps thousands more young Americam lives. I am appalled.
2007-01-11 11:59:29
answer #2
answered by Ira B 1
President Bush has finally given a concrete plan. He did not just get up there and say "I'm sending more troops." He outlined specific objectives, concrete deadlines for the Iraqi government, etc. HE GAVE THE DEMOCRATS THE TIMETABLE THEY HAVE BEEN BITCHING ABOUT FOR SO LONG!!!!!!! I have always been a Bush supporter, but never a fan of his speeches. Last night I was truly impressed.
The democrats don't seem to understand what is going to happen if they take away funding. The troops will go anyway, and the things they need to survive over there will be taken away without the money. They say they don't want any more soldiers to die, but that's exactly what they're causing.
The two biggest problems there are the limited number of troops available for each objective and severely restrictive rules of engagement. I am not simply spouting off what Bush has said. My husband's squadron has at any given time 100-200 troops at various bases in Iraq. All of them that I talk to on a regular basis have been saying for the last year that these 2 issues were major problems. PRESIDENT BUSH PROVIDED SOLUTIONS FOR BOTH OF THESE PROBLEMS IN HIS PLAN!!!
I think that if the Democrats were so concerned about sending more troops, why the hell were they running around like chickens with their heads cut off bitching about for the last 2 weeks. They could have spent that time creating a CONCRETE alternative plan to present. The best way to approach someone when you have a problem with something they're doing is to come to them with an alternative plan, and ask them to consider the alternative solution. Seriously, people. WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR PLAN?????? I'm waiting for a viable alternative. Believe me. You think I want to sit here and spend my life worrying about my husband and my friend's husbands and all of my other friends that are active duty? I would love it if this thing were finished and they could all come home. But it's not finished. It would have been if Bush would have had the balls to do this 3 years ago. But he didn't. And now he's fixing it. So come up with your own way to fix it(without surrendering like the tree-hugging ******* you all are) and then we'll talk.
2007-01-11 12:14:09
answer #3
answered by AFWife05 1
100% disagree!!!
Sending more troops is not going to help the situation it's going to make it worse, probably much worse. When we invaded Iraq Bush said they had "WMD's..... which were never found (imagine that, a Bush lie), then we were there to get Suddam out of power, which we did. No were still there in the middle of a civil war.
We need to withdraw our troops and bring them home, make our borders safe as possible and fight the war on terror in our own country. Over 3,000 American troops have died in the war in Iraq, and at least 30,000 iraquis have been killed in this war. Is taht not enough. How many more inncoent young american Soldiers have to die before we can get out of iraq. We will never win in Iraq, They will always be fighting a civil war we should not have tried to stop it. All we are going to do is lose thousands of brave young soldiers.
In 6 months President Bush will be on TV saying this surge in troops did not work and that he needs a larger surge. This will go on and on until we are out of troops and a draft will be needed.
2007-01-11 11:47:56
answer #4
answered by sauter00 2
While the extra troops might relieve pressure on those who are there now, there is a risk that more troops would be exposed to the dangers there.
From what I have read and heard, the real problem is less the number of troops, but more the rules of engagement which handcuff the troops into killing the enemy.
To be very honest, I can't give a definite answer. I admit to being an armchair general (as are the rest of us). One can only hope he has consulted with many people and has given it alot of thought.
What is most important is NOT what Bush says or does, but ensuring VICTORY.
2007-01-11 11:39:37
answer #5
answered by C = JD 5
20,000 additional troops will not make any difference at all against the population of an entire country. This is nothing more than a warmed up leftover of Stay the Course, or, better yet, Stay the Curse.
2007-01-11 11:42:51
answer #6
answered by James M 5
if bush sends 20,000 more troops 2 iraq, i thnk that were sunk... he might as well start drafting people right now... im sooooo sic of people thinking that bush is doing a good job in office... he is a sic fool that is dummer than a monkey
2007-01-11 11:42:45
answer #7
answered by nwhotti4eva 1
He shouldn't do it. There are already a gazillion troops over there, and he's just going to make the situation worse. I don't know why he even started the war! Even though it's not the most common idea in the world, he should've just sat down with the Iraqi leaders and talked it out. It would've saved our whole country a lot of heartbreak, sorrow, and anger.
2007-01-11 11:40:04
answer #8
answered by ♥hollister 4
This guy is trying to risk 20,000 more of our sons just to rectify his mistakes.... This is only the first stage. He'll thereafter want 40,000 so on and so forth until all the troops are stationed out of the US giving way for more attacks on our installations....
2007-01-11 11:37:55
answer #9
answered by Insight_syl 2
Very nice Yankee, and your taxes will be increased, in order to support those extra soldiers.
While Bush, Blair and their associates the oil companies will increase their benefits.
2007-01-11 11:44:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous