I totally agree with you . Miami fla has already banned the breed because of the emergency room being used up almost every other week due to the fact that most people that get bitten are not insured medically and miamis mayor got sick of it . Yes when will people understand that these dogs were bred for fighting and not for pets . If you ask a vet i am sure he will tell you the same thing. The difference betewn these dogs and any other breed is the fact that I would much rather have an ankle bitten than my whole arm taken off as a result of an attack . People have lost their minds having dogs like these . How many more people have to die before this country decides to do some kind of legislation on this breed . I say rah ,rah to the uk for taking a stand against these dogs. Oh at least have a law that states muzzle them or loose them to be euthanized . Not trying to make anyone mad just stating how I feel . And how dare someone on here wish an attack by these dogs on someone . That is proving a point here that people have lost their minds. good luck.
2007-01-10 23:54:44
answer #1
answered by Kate T. 7
Banning Pit Bulls would be like banning cars because people get killed in car accidents! Who's responsible, the car or the driver/manufacturer? Any car can be deadly in the wrong hands or if built with defective parts. Same thing with dogs... Any dog. Pit Bulls are no more responsible for the way they are bred, raised and trained, than cars are responsible for the way they are designed, built and driven.
Simply put, the best argument against breed bans is that they are costly and ineffective. Breed bans are often a knee-jerk reaction from politicians who want to say they are "doing something", after a highly publicized dog attack (of any breed). This is a useless exercise.
Criminals habitually break laws, so having an "illegal breed" may indeed be attractive to them and might make them want to breed and sell more "illegal dogs". If their dog is confiscated and killed, they really don't care. They will just get another one because breed bans punish the dog, not the owner. Do you know most people have no idea what a pit bull looks like,even animal control officers. When given a test most ACO could not find the picture of a pit bull in 5 attempts. http://www.coldsteelpits.com/coldsteelfindthepitbull.htm
both of these sites were used in the test. I have had people who thogut they knew dogs not find the pit. My pit bull was attacked by a poodle this poodle as bit 10 people now, no one turns it in it is a poodle and cute. Gees guy when you googled pit bulls there were as many sites telling of how great pitbulls are did you look at any of those.
2007-01-10 21:25:02
answer #2
answered by raven blackwing 6
No way! regardless of if I do imagine human beings should be educated about a thanks to react in direction of canines; because now that Pit's have a stigma to them because of our journalists biases, even regardless of the reality that many situations the perpetrator hasn't been a Pit Bull in any respect that has been at fault for "stated" attacks (and the tale would not get retracted or corrected) and that makes human beings frightened at the same time as they see them. I have a rescued Pit and he's a cuddly sweet boy! i have also volunteered at a Humane Society strolling canines, and characteristic entered kennels, leashed up and walked many Pits with none difficulty in any respect in my opinion, i have been bitten in effortless words by technique of smaller canines, which includes a buddy with little Chihuahua, yet who can take that heavily? They ban one type of canines and then what's to end them from banning many breeds or taking canines possession faraway from anybody? with any success your community receives inquisitive about scuffling with the ban if there's a criminal petition going round. There are yahoo communities that ought to factor a thanks to wrestle those bans. no individual needs someone to take their canines away because of that is breed.
2016-11-28 03:38:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Not all Pits are aggressive. Im a proud Pit owner, and my dog is a model citizen. Good with children and other animals alike. I raised her with manners, and tought her commands and I am a responsible dog owner. Not all people that own Pitbulls are tweakers- I am a married and professional adult. As a child I was attacked by a cocker spaniel. I still have the scars to prove it. My niece was bitten in the face by a golden lab. Should we ban those breeds too? I think not. People who have aggressive dogs of any type should be punished by the law, and repeat offenders should not be allowed to own animals. That would solve alot of these problems. The lack of laws regarding aggressive animals is really the problem, but I dont think banning them is the answer.
2007-01-10 19:27:49
answer #4
answered by Penny P 5
You don't ban any type of dog unless you want to ban them all. You enforce laws against moronic pet owners who can't handle the responsibility of owning this certain breed of dog. Stiff fines. Jail time. Etc. If people want to own them, they need to be forced, by law, to act responsibly.
If pit bulls are the most dangerous breed, and rottweilers are #2 on the list, what do you think will happen after they ban pit bulls? Rotts will be next, because they will then become the most dangerous dog in the list, and people will want to ban them also. Then if, say, German Shepherds are next on the list, they will be bumped up into the #1 slot after rotts are banned. This will keep repeating over and over again until we're banning everything from beagles to cocker spaniels.
Banning dogs is just as idiotic as banning guns. It never solves anything, and people never learn to be responsible.
2007-01-11 00:34:24
answer #5
answered by The Truth Hurts! Ouch! 5
Just because one pitbull attacked your dog doesn't make the entire breed bad, let alone deserving of being banned. Just because trashy, low-life people decide to train dogs improperly does not conclude that the entire breed should suffer.
How ignorant are you?
"Pitts" descend from the Staffordshire Terrier, which was not bred to fight. Maybe you should do some research.
Since you clearly haven't noticed, the media gives more attention to pitt, rott, and doberman attacks than any other dogs. This is despite the fact that labs, retrievers, huskies, boxers, shepherds, dalmations, spaniels and more are just as guilty of biting humans. OF COURSE if you google "Pitt Bull Attacks," your result will be PITT BULL ATTACKS. You're not typing in "dog bites," "spaniel attacks," or anything but a concentrated search for pitt bulls only.
I have a Staffy, and she is the most loving, loyal dog I've ever known. I've only ever seen her be vicious once - which was warranted, as three guys were attempting to rob me. Even then, she did not bite anyone. I've also witnessed her run away from cats much smaller than her after being scratched or hissed at, no attack nor aggression at all. Labs have attacked my other dog on more than one occassion, but I see no reason to call for a ban on all Labs.
We don't ban people who commit certain crimes, no matter what type of fixed statistic may show that certain races have affinities towards certain crimes. You know why? Because people are people, and dogs are dogs. There are abused, mistreated, untrained, unsocialized, mean, vicious, and unstable people AND dogs in the world.
It's people like you who are perpetuating the steroetype, causing others to believe that they are a "dangerous breed." Dangerous people breed them for dangerous activities. The dogs aren't to blame. Idiots like you and the dumbasses who train them improperly are.
2007-01-10 19:50:36
answer #6
answered by watchitibite01 1
Its usually not the dogs fault. Its the people you referred to in your question. Not all pit bulls are mean. My best friend owned one that thought he was a lap dog. If they are raised responsibly they are great animals. But in the hands of ignorant people, they can be dangerous. Banning these dogs will do no good. All dogs can be viscious if they are not taught properly. So until we can ban ignorant pet owners, banning this breed will do no good.
2007-01-10 19:11:56
answer #7
answered by Janelle J 2
Regardless if you are Pro pitts, or agains pitts, you NEED to watch this video.
Watch it all the way to the end, it does take a little time to load but the information is very worth it. Eye opening!!
2007-01-10 19:29:39
answer #8
answered by cinnamon_n_spice97 2
I love pits and I'm none of the above. They are just like any other dog. It is all on how they are raised. My pit was the most gentle, caring, and obedient dog ever. How knows when any dog will attack.
2007-01-10 19:20:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Not all Pit Bulls are vicious.. They just have di*khead owners..
2007-01-10 19:11:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous