Cushings Disease which is an adrenal disorder, Diabetes Mellitus, Spinal Disk Disease, Megaesophagus which is a digestive tract disorder, Undesended Testicle, Cystin Urine Crystals, Kidney Dysplasia which are urinary tract disorders, Deafness,Epilepsy, Lysosomal Storage Disease which is a brain disorder, Hypothyroidism, Bacterial Skin Infections, Immune-mediated skin disease, Foot Infections, Cataracts, Corneal Ulcers, Entropian, Glacoma, Keratoconjuctivitis Sicca, Lens Luxation, Pannus, Progressive Retinal Atrophy which are eye disorders, Hemolytic Anemia, Platelet Deficiency, von Willebrands Disease which are blood disorders.
2007-01-10 17:18:47
answer #1
answered by Katprsn 5
There are many known health problems in Dachshunds.
- Spinal disc problems (Dachshund paralysis)
- Heart Disease
- Urinary tract problems
- Diabetes
Dachshunds have a tendency to become overweight and lazy. This is a serious health risk as it is putting added strain on the already delicate back.
2007-01-10 17:28:30
answer #2
answered by Elena 5
While there are particular health issues that each breed is prone to, every dog, and every dog's lifestyle, is different. In general, Dachshunds are prone to spinal disc problems, which you can help to avoid by keeping your dog from becoming overweight and from jumping from significant heights. Dachshunds can also be prone to heart disease, urinary tract problems, and diabetes.
2007-01-10 17:08:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Spinal problems are a very significant problems for Daschunds. Especially as they get older, there is a decent chance that their back legs can give out entirely (and permanently in most cases).
2007-01-10 16:58:41
answer #4
answered by Anthony K. 2
yeah i had a Dachshund , it suffered from paralysis of the hind legs & it also had some kinda skin disease
2007-01-10 18:09:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
bad backs from what I have heard
2007-01-10 16:57:26
answer #6
answered by dana5169 7