You can probably do it yourself. If you pull your credit report it will show your debts. First, you can start by paying off any credit cards that have a balance over 50% of their limit, so that the balance is below 50%. Also, any collections that show up can be paid off by calling the numbers provided on the report.
2007-01-10 15:23:42
answer #1
answered by moonman 6
Hi there,
It depends how bad your credit is. As a few people on this post have pointed out already you can indeed check your credit report yourself, once a year for free. That will not show you a score but it will detail any defaults, late payments etc. An easy way to start cleaning up your credit is if your report is showing any collections - pay them off. But if there are very old accounts on there trying to do this yourself can sometimes be detrimental. For instance - lets say you have an old account from 2000 that you have not paid on. You can start to pay it down but until now it has laid 'dormant' - starting to make payments can actually 're-activate' it so that it is reporting to your credit history again and can actually result in your score dropping again for a while. Sometime its better to go through a company that it is professional at dealing with this...and yes, it costs money...nothing is for free. But in the long term it can be cheaper - they can negotiate lower payoffs (sometimes as low as 30% of the balance) and can dispute lots of lates etc. I am a mortgage broker and my advice is free. Good Luck!
2007-01-10 23:47:25
answer #2
answered by EmmaHersh 2
Actually anyone can do their own credit repair. All you have to do is contact all 3 credit bureaus directly and request a copy of your credit bureau. Each copy will come with a dispute resolution form that you fill out and send back in to them. They will then advice the lender that posted the negative claim on there to verify the information....Good news is they have to do it within 30 days and most have clerks working for a meager wage that end up having to handle that. Most of the time the disputed Item will be removed due to no response from the negative reporting lender. You want to becareful however not to remove good accounts. Accounts with a 1 rating are good 2,3,5,8 and 9's are bad. R will indicate a revolving line of credit and I will indicate a Indvidual line....Best of luck. You can do this 2x a year for free!
2007-01-10 23:26:56
answer #3
answered by inastateofshock 2
No one can repair your credit unless your credit report has errors on it. Don't waste your money on advertisements that tell you that they can repair your credit. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. In the case where there is inaccurate info. on your report, you should then contact that credit reporting agency and let them know. They will then forward a form to you to fill out. Once you return that form to them they will investigate your report for you by contacting the creditors in question. The creditor will have a certain time to report back to them. This process will take several weeks however, if there are mistakes on your file, they will correct them for no charge.
Otherwise, the best suggestion that I can give you is to order a credit report on yourself from one of the major credit reporting agencies. Here's the contact information for Equifax;
Once you've received your report, look at it to determine if everything on it appears correct. If so, I would advise that you get a list together of all the creditors listed on your report that state anything negatively regarding your credit. For example, charge offs may appear if you had a credit card but did not pay on it. This of course would reflect negatively on your credit. The only way to remedy this is to contact that creditor and come to an agreement. For example, if you owe them $300.00, offer to pay them $100.00 as payment in full on the account and require that they send you something in writing before you pay them anything. Most creditors will work with you. Little by little, if you are able to pay off what you may owe, you will improve your credit rating drastically.
Good luck to you!
2007-01-10 23:39:26
answer #4
answered by Mary R 5
I use to have very bad credit, this is what i did. A friend suggested using, Its an info web site you do have to pay like 15 bucks in order to access there 295 pages of info but its worth it. They walk you thourgh the steps in order to rebuild your credit. I got my first credit card in about a month. Oh and by the way there no such thing as someone els repairing your credit for you, they are all gimicks.
2007-01-12 04:44:10
answer #5
answered by Riley 1
Learn to repair Bad Credit
2007-01-11 01:19:36
answer #6
answered by sam 2
Try using one of these companies to help improve your credit score. You have to pay, but if you are having trouble it's well worth the money in interest savings. The free ones make you sign up for all kinds of crazy things. You get what you pay for in the end so don't skimp on it. Good luck!
2007-01-12 13:06:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Do it yourself and save a ton of money. Its not that difficult. especially if you have the right educational tools...
2007-01-11 00:16:14
answer #8
answered by CreditScoreBooster 2
0⤋ for one or go to and learn to do it yourself. Its cheaper and more satisfying
2007-01-10 23:21:26
answer #9
answered by chuck 2