I *know* there are good Muslims out there. I grew up with a girl who's mother was a Turkish Muslim, and they were really wonderful people. I have a friend from Iraq who is also a Muslim, and I adore him.
But Muslims as a whole? I have to admit, I'm having a hard time with Muslims. If Islam really is the religion of peace, why are so many Muslims so militant? It can't be entirely Americas fault - personal responsibility HAS to come in somewhere.
Where are the massive protests against the hijacking of your religion by extremists? Where are the protests against Muslims treating women like cattle? Hell, the cattle probably have more rights under Shira law. Why do cartoons piss Muslims off so badly, especially when Muslim newspapers think nothing of making fun of Jews?
2007-01-10 10:05:24
answer #1
answered by Jadis 6
The American public is torn. There is general feeling of tolerance - or live and let live - that runs through American culture. This belief (one I feel is noble) is what has driven our efforts to expand the concepts of freedom & democracy to people of all races & creeds.
On the other hand, many Americans see the absolute hatred expressed in Islamic countries toward our nation and our values. We see them expressing the exact opposite of tolerance while claiming islam is the most tolerant religion on earth. And the more they learn, the more they come to fear - and finally abhor a religion that openly preaches hatred and violence against all who are not within the fold of Islam.
And when they learn more, the anger grows.
Imagine if our TV ran programs for children that called Muslims animals. It would cause a national outrage - and quickly be stopped. Yet, it is commonplace in Islamic lands for children to see shows that call Jews the descendents of apes and pigs.
They also encourages youngsters to strive for Martyrdom - that is to kill non-believers and die to spread the cause of Islam. And they remind them that no manmade laws, including our Constitution, have any right to exist if they contradict any part of the Koran or fail tosupport the belief that Is the only true religion.
They also see the constant agitation by Muslims in this nation and are beginning to realize that the actions are part of a long term strategy to first gain acceptance, and then instutitute changes that will effect Shira law. As in Europe, that will first happen in locales where Muslims are a majority, and from that base it will spread to the rest of the country.
Islam is not simply a religion in the way that view spirituality. It is a concept that encompasses and controls all aspects of human behavior. It is the basis of politics, law, and permitted activities down to the most basic and mundane details of one's life. And the penalties for questioning or challenging these tenets are quite harsh - often being death.
I guess Americans are turned off when they see clerics - or Men of God - issuing fatawas to kill someone who has insulted Islam. They have a hard time accepting the idea that an apostate - one who leaves Islam - should be killed. And they certainly object to the numerous Koranic verses that remind Muslims to avoid interactions with nonbelievers, besiege and kill them wherever you find them, and never let them feel peace until the entire world is a blissful Islamic paradise.
Most Americans don't want to see this controlling religion become paramount in our nation. Yet, they are slowly realizing that such is the goal of Islam.
And thus ... Eminity!
2007-01-10 10:54:50
answer #2
answered by Bob B 2
I'd say yes, generally, there's enmity towards islam. That's because the extremists are so vocal and active. The moderate muslims don't speak out much.
There's also much confusion in the US as to what Islam really is. You've got all these religious leaders with such varying views as to what's the right interpretation, it's hard to see how any of them are right. I haven't read the Quran myself, but seeing all the disagreements, I'm starting to wonder if the Quran actually has any rules at all that it is clear about, or are people just making stuff up?
Plus, it seems to condone violence. Either that, or the muslim leaders have twisted things so that it's Allah's will to kill and maim anyone who disagrees with that particular leader's view. Really gives an image of a barbaric group of savages.
I had a real good Muslim friend in high school, and he swore Islam was a peaceful religion. I knew him way before 9/11 happened. However, he and all the other nice muslims I've met were all living in the US. I can't be certain that their nonviolent ways are due to US culture, or if that's what the religion really is like.
Conversely, due to either my race and/or religion, if I step foot in the predominantly Islamic country of Indonesia other than the heart of the capitol, I'm a dead man. Literally. I can't be positive if that's due to my race or my religion. Either way, if Islam were clearly peaceful, I can't imagine I'd be in such danger.
2007-01-10 10:14:03
answer #3
answered by Linkin 7
I will be honest and say that I was not angry but upset that muslims dont speak out against the extremists,however that changed immensley after thier celebration of Sadams hanging.I thank them for their support and hope they can forgive my stubborness.
But by the same token,I feel that all religions have the right to exists,that includes Jews,Christians or what ever religion one chooses to live or even the atheists that choose none. This is what makes America great,we should all have the freedom of our beliefs.God Bless America.
2007-01-10 10:07:48
answer #4
answered by rosierotnass 2
thank you, Bob. i was about to say the same thing.
as for Islam making more sense than other religions, i find it makes LESS sense. and honestly, if you read the Bible, which was written before the Koran, and the Koran, it looks like a lot of the stuff in the Koran came from the Bible anyway. (which is probably why Muslims claim that Allah is the God of Abraham.)
2007-01-10 11:18:06
answer #5
answered by political junkie 4
Tell you what, why don't you really read about true Islam, the real hard line Islams feel that we all join or all who do not must be killed. Read what Islams stand for, then you come back and tell us.
2007-01-10 10:31:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm having difficulty swallowing the "Religion of Peace" line. I'm seeing too much to the contrary. I do not hate or fear them, I am just watchful and do not trust them. If they are truly a peaceful religion I'm thinking they need a better public relations strategy. I gotta be honest here, the one they have now is not a real good one.
2007-01-10 10:11:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
How do the majority of middle east muslims think about US?
Enmity!! (See the huge 'Death to America' rallies aroung burning US flags)
Somehow I find it hard to feel the love here.
2007-01-10 10:06:06
answer #8
answered by Mad Roy 6
Is like this,, we are fighting terrorist and they all are Muslims terrorists. The rest of the Muslims are guilty for their inaction in the matter. In front of you they are friendly, but behind you,,, I just don't know..Their actions speak louder than their words..
2007-01-10 10:09:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Intelligent people realize that Islam is a peaceful religion that does not condone murder.
2007-01-10 10:22:32
answer #10
answered by mystery_me 4