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I treated my cat with Frontline about 3 weeks ago, in the last 24 hrs I have been bitten twice. (I kept getting bitten when he had fleas before) I used the flea comb on him but only got a bit of white dandruff like stuff from his back. Could he still catch fleas if he's been treated?

2007-01-10 06:23:29 · 22 answers · asked by Lor24 5 in Pets Cats

22 answers

Yes, he can. Especially if he has dry skin, which is what it sounds like. Frontline doesn't gaurantee no fleas, it just lessens the amount. And if your animal has had fleas, that means they're in the house also.

2007-01-10 06:29:20 · answer #1 · answered by nanna 2 · 0 0

Frontline is good, and it is refreshing to see so many sincere and intelligent answers on Yahoo. What none if them mention, however, is the possibility of your cat picking up a flea or two from another cat/s in the neighbourhood; so even if you take all the steps outlined up to now, you must understand that flea control is an ongoing thing, not a once-and-done thing. My cat gets Frontline every month backed up with Program injections from the vet. We are flea-free.

2007-01-10 16:24:15 · answer #2 · answered by bingba n 2 · 0 0

Frontline is a product that goes into the animals bloodstream. It will kill all fleas. The only problem is that it does not kill flea eggs. That means they can hatch and jump off the cat and still survive. Frontline Plus will kill the eggs too. Otherwise, bomb your house. You can get some stuff at the vet to spray on your carpet and furniture. Its cheap and you don't need to evacuate your house. Once its done, its done. Continue with Frontline Plus and you'll be good.

2007-01-10 14:33:38 · answer #3 · answered by Reagans mom 1 · 1 0

Your cat can definitely still have fleas. Frontline will kill all the fleas on your cat, but it cannot kill the eggs. Your cat might be flea-free for awhile, but eventually the eggs hatch and you're back to square one again.

When my cats had fleas, my vet had me treat them with Frontline once a month for three months. It worked very well, but it ain't cheap.

2007-01-10 14:37:48 · answer #4 · answered by ratzerman 2 · 0 0

a flea's life cycle is 2 weeks. so, any eggs could be hatching, and in a week you could have more eggs (to hatch later). also, frontline works by killing fleas that BITE the cat. so, it only works with adult fleas.

you could treat your carpet. you should reapply the frontline. you should continue to comb your cat.

controlling fleas takes time. after you get them under control, though, you all will be happier and it won't require so much work.

2007-01-10 14:38:57 · answer #5 · answered by theoutcrop 4 · 0 0

yes! i dont find frontline that effective, the best thing ive found are the flea collars at about £2.99 each, theyre supposed to last 4 months but i change them every 2-3 months. I'm pretty sure the make is johnsons, i find them a lot more effective than frontline.

2007-01-12 11:48:08 · answer #6 · answered by Butterfly 2 · 0 0

its frontline combo you need (prevents contamination of the environment of treated pets with the immature stages of fleas - ie it inhibits the development of flea eggs, larvae and pupae for 8 weeks after application). Frontline is excellent, but unfortunately fleas need to bite to get it, so you will see adult fleas, but they will die in 24 hours. Make sure you use every 4 weeks aswell

2007-01-10 15:47:12 · answer #7 · answered by emmasilverpawsfreddie 1 · 0 0

yes. after 3 weeks the frontline is wearing off but you can't retreat the cat until the 4th week. bummer eh? i treated my dog with frontline (for dogs) and now he's picked up my cat's fleas so it's another trip to the vet for more frontline!

2007-01-10 14:36:11 · answer #8 · answered by mery 2 · 0 0

Fleas are a major pest. There are various species of fleas - cat fleas, dog fleas, rat fleas and rabbit fleas.
You can get rid of them by the safest and cheapest methods like boric acid.
More details are available at http://pests.in/fleas.html

2007-01-12 22:16:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to spray your carpets,soft furnishings etc,fleas live in your home and will constantly reinfest your cat and bite you.best thing to do is ask your vet for household flea killer and use at the same time you frontline your cat.Dont use the sprays you can buy in petshops/supermarkets they are not strong enough,keep a supply from the vets then use regularly

2007-01-10 14:36:19 · answer #10 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

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