Hi Dierdre...administering any type of human medications to pet cats can be lethal. Cats metabolize medications much differently than humans and dogs. So what may be alright for a dog can be downright deadly for a cat as well. PLEASE DO NOT ADMINISTER ANY HUMAN MEDICATIONS!
More on the dangers of human medicines for cats: http://www.cvm.uiuc.edu/ope/enotes/showarticle.cfm?id=133
Cats who have colds generally are suffering from an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI). This will require a visit to the vet to evaluate and treat respectively typically with antibiotics for secondary infections from the URI.
More on feline URI: http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_feline_upper_respiratory.html
2007-01-10 07:07:57
answer #1
answered by ♪ Seattle ♫ 7
Absolutely not unless it is totally monotored by a vet. Although some human drugs are used to treat animals the dosages and the types of drugs are limited and different for each individual animal. Even different breeds in the same catagory.. like felines... will be treated differently due to size, weight and even the breeding factor like if they are Exotics vs domestic. Please don't give any animal human medications unless a lisenced vet orders them. If you can't get to a vet due to the time of day there is always one on call in every area of the USA for sure and most foreign countries as well. Also, the symptoms in your cat may not be the same symptoms that a human would experience. If a cat is experiencing a runny nose and sneezing it usually don't mean a cold. It means an upper respiratory infection and will need an antibiotic for felines depending on the type of infection it has. Cat are the hardest animals on the planet to diagnose because they can keep their symptoms hidden very easily so please do your kitty a favor and take it to the vet or at least call and get a vets advice and not just someone's that doesn't have the training to give it. Your kitty will appreciate it.
2016-05-23 05:18:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Some are ok to give to cats but the dosage is different than that given to people. Some meds like Tylenol will kill cats. You should call your vet and ask what to give cat. A lot of times sniffles can be a sign of a bigger problem. It is one of the early signes of FIP (feline infectious paritinitus). So if the sniffles doesnt get better you might want to have your cat tested. Hope this helped! Good luck!!
2007-01-10 06:25:26
answer #3
answered by Allie G 1
THe only thing you can give a cat that we use is like neosporin for an abrasion or something. As far as some kind of amoxicillian, call your vet and tell them that the cat accidentally drank some and see if they say don't worry or bring her in immediately.
Or you can just take her in and pay 60 bucks for the office visit, and 11 for the meds.
2007-01-10 06:23:39
answer #4
answered by Reagans mom 1
The medicines that Humans take are tailored to the unique chemistry and body-mass of Homo Sapiens. Cats not only have a different internal chemistry than humans, but they are also much smaller, and thus more likely to overdose, even with just a single human dose.
However, there are certain healthy "actions" you can take that hold true across species. Make sure your cat is well hydrated, well fed, and well sheltered. Just as with humans, this can promote health and/or recovery in a cat.
As a side note, There are many examples of a substance behaving very differently in two species. For example, take the avacado. the avacado is harmless and even healthy to humans, yet it is highly toxic and potentially lethal to birds.
Another example is wood. Termites can munch on wood all day thanks to cellulose-eating bacteria in their gut, but a wood-munching human is asking for major digestive discomfort!
In general, the likelihood that a substance, be it medicine or otherwise, will have the same affect across two species is directly proportional to the evolutionary closeness of these species. Therefore, human medicines are quite likely to work in chimpanzees, possibly likely to work in mice, less likely to work in lizards, and remotely likely to work in cockroaches.
Bottom line, take good care of your cat, and if your little friend doesn't get better, take him to the vet!
2007-01-10 06:30:17
answer #5
answered by AnswerBlaster 2
NO NO ...and NO!
For example, any Aspirin based product will KILL your cat. Medication safe for humans is often NOT safe for animals. Talk to a vet. Please.
Great article on cat nutrition & possible supplements at the site below - should help with the info you're looking for
Sound like your lucky kitty has a great owner !
2007-01-10 06:21:50
answer #6
answered by belmyst 5
NO!!!! I give my cats some Vit. C (100 - 250 mg human grade vit C) crushed into their favorite wet food whenever I suspect they may be getting a cold. A day later, they're good as gold. Also, I don't let them out for a couple of days. I keep them in warm cosy rooms and give them plenty of fluids (water, tuna juice, wet canned food). Vit C is an excellent antioxidant and boosts the immune system.
2007-01-10 07:59:47
answer #7
answered by Phoebhart 6
NO! Most human medicines will kill cats.
If your cat gets colds often, you might want to test him/her for Bartonella. The test can be pricey, but if your cat has it, he can infect not only other cats, but humans as well, and it can be deadly to both.
Also, keep your cat updated with vaccines. There are properties in those vaccines that can help your cat's immune system fight colds.
2007-01-10 06:24:48
answer #8
answered by thezaylady 7
No! That's why you take it to the Vet. Some people do that and they end up killing there animals. Especially anything that contains Tylenol, because I know for a fact that will kill cats
2007-01-10 06:26:38
answer #9
answered by nanna 2
no, you have to take your cat to the vet and get him checked out. It may just be a cold, but it could be something else, so take him to the vet, and the vet will prescribe special medicine for him.
2007-01-10 06:22:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous