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Listen. I had this little issue with skin irritation in random areas (not Genitals) arms, inner thighs, um mostly arms tho,hands, shoulders etc...

The awkwardness of my irritaition is the first ever in my life having any n it goes like so.
Randomly out of nowhere i'll look at my wrists n i'll have reddish areas with varied shaped welts mainly by my inner elbow, bicep, n forearm. somtimes on my wrists n top of my hands. All randomly throughout the day. minor itch, more so just visually annoying.

Whenever i grip something tightly especially rope, like walking a dog or even curling barbells my palms will swell n kind of itch n swell to the point it burns to make a partial fist (clenching motion) WTF?!!?!?!
I could be just clapping my hands n that area will swell n stay that way for a few minutes n have an almost burning itchy feeling...
(Iv'e never in my life had any kinds of reaction of these sorts n iv'e been around it all!!!!)

Not working nor have insurance soo....

2007-01-09 19:35:54 · 5 answers · asked by youngbucc20 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

5 answers

Take the Homeopathic Remedy SULFUR in 30 potency, three times a day half hour before or after meals, nothing cures itching faster then this remedy and totally without any side effects or complications. And keep me posted about your progress after taking three doses (24 hours)
Take Care and God Bless you !

2007-01-09 20:03:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

Man when I read this I couln't believe some one out there is going through the same hell I'm going through. I have been going through this now for about 7 years and I'm to the point I can't take it any more! I deal with this itch on an every day basis. Some days are worst then others. What happens is I start to itch, say on my leg. I will scratch it and then the itch gets worse, then red welts appear. Then If I try to ignore the itch after already itching it it will begin to burn and itch even worse. The itch will move and I will have a line of welts where I have scratched. I have this happen all over my body. I have said some thing to many different doctors but they throw it off and say take benadryl. I really feel there is more to this then the stupid doctors will look into. Also every time some thing hits my skin like say opening a box and I look at my arms and I will have red welts there. Also if I take some thing dull nothing that would brake the skin and write on my skin It will welt up and you can see what I wrote. Sounds weird I know but try it to see if it happens to you also. I have heard of skin graffitti when I was looking up skin disorders and it says you can write on your self and it will welt and you can see the writing. I really think this is tied in to what ever the hell I have. I'm going to the doctors today and hopefuly I can find out what is going on. I will keep you informed if you want me too? But I do say find help cause I'm not sure if some thing like this can lead into some thing serious.
From some one who is feeling the itch too!

2007-01-10 19:18:08 · answer #2 · answered by Darlene l 1 · 2 1

This looks like hives

Hives & Angioedema

Hives, also called Urticaria, is a skin disease in which red welts of swelling occur on the skin. The welts occur in groups and can form anywhere on the body. Hives is a very itchy condition. The welts may be small, a few millimeters in size, to very large welts of round or other shape. The hives, as these welts are called, disappear in a few hours but new hives develop on other body parts. Hives generally occur in groups and also burn or cause stinging sensation along with itching. Hives can happen to anybody and they form when small blood vessels in the skin leak blood plasma. This happens due to histamines, the chemicals that are released because of allergies, foods, medications, etc. The formation of hives can be understood thus - hives form because of release of histamines due to reasons described above. The goal is to find out the reason and treat hives as soon as possible. Angioedema, a condition that is similar to hives cause welts near lips and eyes. These welts are deeper in the skin compared to hives. Both the conditions are quite similar.

2007-01-09 20:45:07 · answer #3 · answered by goodquestion 2 · 2 2

My sister developed an odd thing when she was around 25 or so. Just came out of nowhere. Her knees and elbows started getting odd sores she couldn't explain. My sister is a character with stuff like this - she talks about eyeball surgery, people loosing their bowls and what that can be a symptom of - at the holiday dinner table with my aunt. lol But I digress - both are RNs.

Anyway she explained the whole thing over Thanksgiving a number of years back. Here is what I learned:

Turns out she has a rare auto-immune disease. The lower layers of her skin and the upper layers of her skin are effectively allergic to each other.

For her, Its on her knees and elbows mostly because pressure intensifies the problem (just like you with your palms). Apparently, it can be anywhere, but places that get more pressure are more likely - shoulder, knees, elbows, feet, palms, etc.,...

Its not fatal or anything, just irritating (comfort and cosmetically).

Sound familiar so far?

She is on a drug now that takes care of it, but when she and my brother in law wanted to start their family, she had to go off that drug. The drug (don't know the name and certainly don't want to be part of anyone trying to self prescribe something they can probably order over the internet) is no problem for her, really bad for the fetus.

Here's the interesting thing that alluded her doctors for a long time. Diet. When she eats gluten - read ANYTHING with wheat starch - it sets off the rash. When she went off the drug, she had to completely cut out gluten from her diet for the duration. That is NO small feat.

Salad dressing? Sorry - its got gluten in it.
Bread? Need you ask?
Cereal? Repeat above.
Gravy on your Thanksgiving turkey? Goodbye
Pasta? Please....

Its a real challenge to cut gluten - IE any wheat products or derivatives out of your diet in America - wheat is a staple and its in everything in one form or another - at least finished products. BUT... If she either takes her meds or eats no gluten, she has no problems - the diet restriction only applied when she was pregnant and when she was nursing.

I wonder if you have the same condition? The symptoms sound very similar and chances are that unless you are reading the back of EVERY SINGLE LABEL and KNOW EVERY SINGLE WAY AN INGREDIENT AS LISTED WOULD INCLUDE GLUTEN ('and fillers', and 'other spices' count as possibilities) you could be ingesting gluten - even if you don't eat what you think of as 'wheat'. I just looked at the back of a jar of Chinese Fermented Black Bean Sauce I use for stir fry - served with rice, beef and vegetables. Sounds innocent enough, but if you said it doesn't have gluten in it, you would be wrong (has wheat flour)

If this sounds like it fits, maybe you should bring it up to your doctor? I realize you don't have insurance, but honestly, if a simple test can tell you one way or the other, it might be worth at least knowing. I'm not sure what else to tell you specifically to get your doctor on the right track, but its a start. If you can't do that, then you might try going completely gluten free. Since that is so hard though, the only way you would know is for the following to be true.

1 - you ACTUALLY HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM as my sister (rare and do you have the proper testing equipment just laying around?)
2 - you REALLY DID cut out ALL the gluten (almost impossible and how can you REALLY be sure?)
3 - both 1 and 2 are true AND the problem goes away

I did find the link as a first hit on google, but as I'm not a doctor, let alone an alergist or immunologist plus I can certainly have missed important details about the dangers and the symptoms so I have no authority nor medical expertise to say - just sharing my sister's experience as she explained it to me. I think that at the end of the day, GO SEE A DOCTOR. What if its something else that is a larger problem than a rash?

2007-01-09 20:46:24 · answer #4 · answered by Justin 5 · 0 4

well with the first paragraph i was thinking eczema or psoriasis but looking at the second paragraph i don't know, but i do suggest insurance or no insurance u need t seek medical attention asap

2007-01-09 19:46:54 · answer #5 · answered by candyas 3 · 2 3

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