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Pet ownership is an abysmal situation brought about by human manipulation."
-Ingrid Newkirk, President, PETA, Washingtonian, August 1986

I don’t use the word "pet." I think it’s speciesist language. I prefer "companion animal." For one thing, we would no longer allow breeding. People could not create different breeds. There would be no pet shops. If people had companion animals in their homes, those animals would have to be refugees from the animal shelters and the streets. You would have a protective relationship with them just as you would with an orphaned child. But as the surplus of cats and dogs (artificially engineered by centuries of forced breeding) declined, eventually companion animals would be phased out, and we would return to a more symbiotic relationship – enjoyment at a distance."
-Ingrid Newkirk, PETA vice-president, quoted in The Harper's Forum Book, Jack Hitt, ed., 1989, p.223.
"The cat, like the dog, must disappear..... We should cut the domestic cat free from our dominance by neutering, neutering, and more neutering, until our pathetic version of the cat ceases to exist."
Let us allow the dog to disappear from our brick and concrete jungles -- from our firesides, from the leather nooses and chains by which we enslave it."
-John Bryant, Fettered Kingdoms: An Examination of A Changing Ethic, PETA, 1982, p.15.

2007-01-09 18:37:46 · 14 answers · asked by raven blackwing 6 in Pets Dogs

14 answers

PETA doesn't want our dogs..they kill 90% of the dogs they rescue, and kill them by gassing, NOT humanely.
ALL they want is our money..That's all..They exist to raise funds. Those funds should go to local shelters, but they don't. Give to your local shelters, not PETA

2007-01-09 18:46:34 · answer #1 · answered by Chetco 7 · 6 1

PETA - beware Highly activist and extremist That's exactly what they mean. If Peta had their way all animals would be walking freely around. Many starving, only the fitest would survive. I am talking ALL animals! No sanctuaries, No national reserves, No pets. No farms nothing. Have you been reading in the States where horses are wandering around starving because the slaughter houses have shut down. People can't afford to feed them so have just let them go free. Many of those 'let free horses' are now starving. Imagine ALL the horses , no other animal, being set free. All the horses in the States wandering around where ever they want to. Now, add to that every single dog and cat. Now add all the cows, steers, bulls, all forms of sheep and goats and pigs etc. etc. Now add all the game farms and zoo animals. That is PETA. Be very careful with PETA

2016-05-23 02:31:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have always wondered about this. If you do the math, reading from their own site: there would be no more pets in 15-20 years. The encurage adoption yes but discourage basically any form of breeding whatsoever. It's an absolutist stance that makes as much sense as saying no person should have kids because some of them will mistreat them.

I'm particularly interested in this because I am involved in helping to raise dogs to help people with disabilities. The stories of run ins that some in this community have had with PETA people have ranged from annoying to downright frightening. There the official position seems to be to find other ways to help the disabled. They totally sidestep anything about how to promote better training and understanding.

Give to charities that spend their money on animals not those talking about em.

2007-01-10 16:42:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anthony K. 2 · 0 0

Sounds like some people here need to remove their rose-colored glasses and get in touch with reality. Read Ingrids statements people, "phased out" and "enjoyment at a distance".

tsrvt - "they simply do not have any authority over the rest of the world when it comes to pets....It has no effect on anyone with pets. "

In reality, it affects animal lovers greatly! WHERE do you think all the anti-animal laws COME from??? Do you know that it was hSUS that started BSL? Do you know that they 'buy' politicians to help pass their animal hating laws?

Vette999 - "In a far off future, when spaying and neutering consciousness becomes widespread, we will no longer be overrun with unwanted kittens and puppies and the domestic cat and dog as we know them will naturally cease to exist."

Yes, CEASE TO EXIST! PERIOD!!! They would like EVERY SINGLE domestic animal S/N, or phased out, you could say. NO MORE PETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"This does not mean that PETA advocates taking away the animals in our care today."

If this is true, then why are PeTA employees in court for lieing to get animals from people, like a litter of kitten from a Vet, and then KILLING them and THROWING THEM IN DUMPSTERS like so much GARBAGE!

Time to take a stroll off the primrose path, people!!!!!

Anthony - it isn't just PeTA either, it is also hSUS, DDAL, IDA, ADL, BF, etc etc etc. They are all the same, some just hide it better.

2007-01-10 08:07:16 · answer #4 · answered by whpptwmn 5 · 1 0

Don't forget this one by Ingrid Newkirk of PETA:

“We do not advocate ‘right to life’ for animals,” Newkirk handwrote on a post card to neuter/return and no-kill sheltering proponent Nathan Winograd, who then directed the Law & Advocacy Department for the San Francisco SPCA and now does shelter consulting from San Diego.

I wish people would understand the difference between animal welfare and animal rights...is it really "rights" though, if they have no right to the most basic...life?! If you have and love animals, you need to run towards welfare and away from rights...before it's too late.

Here's another for the road: "We are not especially 'interested in' animals. Neither of us had ever been inordinately fond of dogs, cats, or horses in the way that many people are. We didn't 'love' animals." - Peter Singer, acknowledged founder of the animal rights movement.

2007-01-09 21:06:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

tsrvt - we need to be concerned because:

1) PeTA has a powerful propaganda machine which is little by little changing the way society sees animals. Look at the prevalance of the "Disney" mentality which sees animals as furry people, rather than animals which DO NOT view the world the same way we do.

2) PeTA has a powerful legal/advocacy machine which is little by little taking away our rights to own/breed/show/hunt/work our dogs. They take advantage of ignorance and fear of the general public and legislators to push through laws which seem on the surface to be aimed at solving a "problem" (like breed-specific legislation), until you take a closer look and see what these laws REALLY mean for us.

PeTA, HSUS, DDAL and their ilk are a great threat to our pets.

2007-01-10 01:01:06 · answer #6 · answered by DaBasset - BYBs kill dogs 7 · 1 0

Because they overreact, even though they have some valid points sometimes.

It's true, our current system of animal treatment is not working. There are millions of unwanted stray dogs and cats lose on the streets and in shelters. Keeping them in shelters, housing them, and eventually euthanizing them is not only cruel...but also costs Americans 2 billion dollars a year. People have an unfounded stigma against shelter animals, and choose to purchase animals from shops, which often get their animals from mills who breed the animals.

There is no need to stop having pets. However, we need to make sure that our beloved animal friends are well taken care of, spayed or neutered, and gotten from a shelter. "Puppy mills" should be done away with until all of the perfectly friendly and healthy abandoned animals have homes. It will save money to all tax payers, and will save money to the individuals who adopt instead of buying.

PETA are a bunch of extremest reactionaries. They have the right motives, but the wrong methods. There is a middle ground.

2007-01-09 18:53:20 · answer #7 · answered by joecool123_us 5 · 4 1

Why do I think PETA is not trying to take away our pets?

Well...Because they have no position of authority to do so.
They are simply an animal rights activist group, but they are in no position to make that kind of decision. They can say that it is what they believe, and they say it loud and clear, but that is about it. .

That is why they don't try. What would be the point? I am not arguing for or against their beliefs here. They have beliefs I agree with and beliefs that I do not agree with, but they simply do not have any authority over the rest of the world when it comes to people's pets.

Why is anyone worried about what they believe anyway? It has no effect on anyone with pets. We have bigger things to worry about than what PETA's beliefs are.

2007-01-09 19:13:15 · answer #8 · answered by tmrvt 4 · 0 1

No, PETA is not trying to take away your pets. What these statements mean is that they envision a future in which breeders are no longer creating more animals for profit and in which we live as equals with animals (as our companions); not viewing them as accessories or as merchandise.

In a far off future, when spaying and neutering consciousness becomes widespread, we will no longer be overrun with unwanted kittens and puppies and the domestic cat and dog as we know them will naturally cease to exist.

This does not mean that PETA advocates taking away the animals in our care today. PETA applauds everyone who takes in rescue animals and provides responsible care.

2007-01-09 18:58:01 · answer #9 · answered by Vette999 3 · 2 3

I think they should take away all the peta people instead of our pets. I know for a fact that my little zoo loves living with my family. My many dogs and one cat are very happy living here. They don't seem to be in an abyssmal state. My dogs happily follow me around the house all day. They give affection freely, they love to play, and when you are sick they know to just lay down next to you and help you stay warm. But I do know that life would be abyssmal for me without my dogs!

There is no way on God's green earth that dogs would not continue to be companions and friends to us. They were made that way, oh sure, different breeds have been made throughout the years but they still are from heaven. Only a dog could love someone who feels unlovable. Only a dog could play with a kid that can't play well. Only a dog puts up with your grouchy mood and still can't wait to sit down next to you.

As long as there is a dog or cat in the whitehouse, we should be safe from those peta people. Right?

2007-01-09 19:00:33 · answer #10 · answered by dog's best friend 4 · 1 4

PETA is a confused company. On minute they're all about animal rights, and the next, they are limiting which types of animals, deserve those rights.

Until they figure out what they truly believe, they have no right to take away our pets.

My cat is like my baby, and she couldn't be happier than she is, living with me. Same goes for my rats.

2007-01-09 18:47:05 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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