♥youre saving the wittle animals
♥youll feel better.
♥by that i mean youll feel better bout not eating animals and that by not eating meat does make you feel somewhat long as you take calium supplements...or drink your milk.if you dont like milk then look for vitamins and such
♠youll miss the meat
♠youll feel less buff.
♠if you cant go without meat for more than two weeks then its not for you.unless you really dont want to eat meant.
i cant really think of any other ♥pros♥ or ♠cons♠.
gyud luck with whichever way you choose.
2007-01-09 17:56:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The pros: you'll never get fat and are very unlikely to ever have heart disease or high blood pressure. You are also saving lives and preventing suffering, since the amount of meat consumed by people has forced the horrific condition of factory farming upon animals. Since there are so many animals being consumed, it is now affecting the environment through sewage runoff into waterways. The amazon rainforest is being cut down to either raise cattle or soy to feed livestock. That is causing global warming, droughts in Africa, displacing natives and killing the many animals that live there. Check out this months National Geographic. The Cons: You'll probably have to take a B-Complex and perhaps iron. It is possible to get the nutrients you need if you eat the right kinds and amount of foods. I've been a vegetarian my whole life. A great source and great tasting protein supplement are protein shakes.
2007-01-09 17:57:02
answer #2
answered by Morgan 2
There are pros, such as antioxidant benefits.
Easy weight management.
Not killing animals.
The cons would be nutritional deficiency, anemia and death.
We were made to consume both meat and vegetables, and our bodies do not function 100% properly without both.
Ever seen someone who was a vegetarian accidentally eat meat? They have their systems so out of kilter, that when they do eat meat, they get SICK.
Simply put, our bodies are NOT designed to eat only vegetables.
You don't mess with something if it's not broken...
2007-01-09 17:46:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You wont have to feel guilty about eating a defensless animal
you'll be helping the environment
your body wont get enough protein
maybe you will starve for a while
2007-01-09 17:56:03
answer #4
answered by i love someone 2
i see nothing wrong with eating meat. God made it an option, u shouldn't feel bad for eating it (except for pork) Ur supposed to enjoy it, not think of how it was killed. God made it that way cuz it's a part of life. And i hate vegetables so i don't think there are any pros.
2007-01-09 17:59:16
answer #5
answered by Sarah360 3
Pros: you eat plenty of greens and have a clear conscience of eating animals
Cons: you lack the other nutrients your body requires and you still have to live with the fact you killed an organism.
2007-01-09 17:47:08
answer #6
answered by Gray 6
I've noticed the following benefits in the past year:
no more period cramps
lost 8 lbs. without trying
no more allergies
haven't had the cold or flu
I attribute this to the fact that I'm no longer consuming the hormones they put in animals.
2007-01-09 17:50:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
A word to the wise: life without meat isn't worth living!
2007-01-09 17:46:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
the pros, you get skinny
the cons, you look dead
2007-01-09 17:46:53
answer #9
answered by Gummy 4
no pros. just cons. your going to die.
2007-01-09 17:45:54
answer #10
answered by Holdielocks 1