Should be.
When the time come.
The blunders and slip-ups with human errors was created in the past centuries and had been going on from generation to generation in planet of apes.
The misery of living human kind has never been trace or solve during those periods.
After the Liberation of Freedom back in world war two.
Survivors with their children from after world war two is the last
descendant of this generation who must trace and solve the misery left behind for us for the good of mankind in planet of apes.
That is a tough home-work left behind by our creator in cracking up coconuts in planet of apes.
Don't worry our creator left behind the answers for us to go about it.
Wanted us to come up with a yellow ribbon for the good of mankind in planet of apes.
So we can kick the butts of the three monkeys for making a mess in planet of apes.
The answers is out there.
All we need is the Missing x-files and the missing key.
Then we all be on the home-run in planet of apes.
Just living human kind still at loss and blurr with our creator's universal communication system in planet of apes.
2007-01-09 20:48:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Nobody LIKES wars---this one or any other on. How many of our countrymen died in ww1, ww2,korea, and VN to give you the right to live the life you have been able to live, with the freedom we have all enjoyed and have taken for granted. Our freedom has not come cheap. No ones has. If it's worth having, it's worth fighting for. You should be thanking God that we have people with the backbone to fight for it. If you don't think it's our war, look at it this way. Many presidents ago, the problems of cells building all over the world should have been taken care of---but it was ignored. Now the terrorists are spread world wide. It is like cancer. If you have one little spot and you let it go thinking it will just go away, pretty soon you have it in five places, then 10 etc--etc-- If you fight it in one spot, it will continue to spread. It takes alot to fight cancer in a person or in a world. Good thing President Bush has the guts to fight it!!!
2007-01-09 17:32:46
answer #2
answered by DixeVil 5
The war is over. What is going on in Iraq is civil war between Iraqis. We should stay out of it. We can NEVER settle the situation so there is peace. The Arabs have been killing one another for years. Why should American lives be sacrificed for the Arabs? When we occupied Germany after WW2 we helped the Germans rebuild because they wanted and needed our help (and money). The Iraqis want us out of there and I would leave and let them have the mess.
2007-01-09 20:19:49
answer #3
answered by wunderkind 4
Lol they are going to now not withdraw till they've mounted a steady puppet "Democratic" govt in situation and invaded a neighbouring nation. Afghanistan serves as a hub because it has each an oil and a usual gasoline pipeline and ofcourse with Afghanistan being proper at the sea, acts as a port and its usual assets may also be shipped immediately again to the USA. This is a superb method to again door Russia and Irans monopoly over neighborhood power provides.Ofcourse the blameless men and women of Afghanistan are being exploited and stuck up in a benefit conflict that doesn't contain them, however that does not subject...
2016-09-03 19:33:20
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Yes your right I think everyone is tired of the war including the president. However we cannot just leave now and leave the country in destruction and chaos. Since we already spent so much money on this and so many lives we need to do it right and finish it.
2007-01-09 17:16:36
answer #5
answered by Ski_Bum 3
I wished Congress and Nancy Poleitin,
would impeach President Bush from his position. Like they did with President Clinton. Why is the Bush *** so important for not being touched? I think he stinks to high heaven. Sorry, but all along I felt he has been misleading. I feel bad for our country. We used to be the most respected country in Europe now every one is pointing the finger at us and call us names. I am sometimes really ashamed and appaled by this . Why can't we stop the nurde?
2007-01-09 17:33:18
answer #6
answered by angelikabertrand64 5
I believe that when the Iranian theocracy and their little ferret in a snot-rag puppet feel the heat from a second carrier group in the Gulf, they will realize that it is way past time to stop antagonizing the US and save their misguided butts!
Iran is, was, and always has been the enemy we have been up against, but only now that we have caught them red-handed, are we able to take it to them if they don't back off, and I mean yesterday!
Hey Ahmadinejad, can you see Somalia? How many troops are we having to send there?-Just Air Strikes!-Imagine that!
2007-01-09 17:30:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You don't speak for me, and don't you forget it.
Your tiny mind is wrapped around itself and it believes it represents the universe.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In the United States alone there are over one hundred million people that disagree with you. Around the world there are millions of people that get a cold chill up their spine every time someone like you denies the fact the the western world is an official target of patient ruthless killers who want us, and our children DEAD.
The fact is that we are at war. The world is at war, we are entering WW3, can you grasp the concept.
2007-01-09 17:52:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Everyone wants this war to end, but you can't just drop everything and leave. I think giving the iraqi's a set date that we are pulling out (at least 6 months) to make sure they know they have to step up to the plate and take charge, to quit relying on us.
2007-01-09 17:19:15
answer #9
answered by Sarah C 2
I cannot give you a date when this war will finish but one thing sure it will be at sometime after the spoilt rich boy leaves office and is replaced by a Democrat
2007-01-09 17:48:31
answer #10
answered by Koala 2