These things are tiny. The structures of the ear are very, very small. The procedure is called a myringotomy, often known as a bilateral myringotomy because the procedure is usually performed on both ears. Ear tubes are used when a child has chronic middle ear infections (otitis media). Tubes allow air into the middle ear space behind the eardrum to allow proper function. In many children the eustatian tube (drains fluid from the middle ear into the throat) is not fully developed, so fluid remains behind the eardrum, causing bacteria to flourish, thus causing an infection.
Here is a website with some great pictures, however, remember these pictures were taken using magnification.
This is minor surgery and your child will recover quickly. They may experience a mild sore throat for a day or so, but that should be the worst of it.
2007-01-09 18:42:42
answer #1
answered by Aspasia 5