its not the akita thats illegal see below:
also if you are looking to buy a dog i highly recommend checking out the kennel club website!
1.—(1) This section applies to—
(a) any dog of the type known as the pit bull terrier;
(b) any dog of the type known as the Japanese tosa; and
(c) any dog of any type designated for the purposes of this section by an order of the Secretary of State, being a type appearing to him to be bred for fighting or to have the characteristics of a type bred for that purpose.
2007-01-09 10:46:02
answer #1
answered by PInky without perky!! 4
So you are planning on buying an Akita & you don't even know the correct name for the breed? Think you need to do a lot more research!! They are certainly not illegal in the UK. You either want a Japanese Akita Inu or an Akita. They are a wonderful breed but certainly not the right breed for everyone. Please do your research and only buy from health tested parents with excellent temperaments.
The first site below will explain the differences in the 2 breeds
The 2nd gives info on the possible health problems
2007-01-09 10:50:00
answer #2
answered by anwen55 7
Then I stay approximately 30 minutes removed from you. bypass to Champdogs uk for the main suitable breeders -- yet once you're taking that type of physique of strategies then a stable breeder does not sell to you besides. maximum stable breeders will in simple terms sell to take care of kinfolk residences with stable homestead existence. additionally thankfully Akita's at the instant are not a breed which you will get very nearly everywhere interior the united kingdom. there'll whether be Akita Rescue, and it would desire to be me that comes alongside and does your homecheck.
2016-10-30 11:28:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
the four dogs on the dangerous dogs act are
the Pit Bull Terrier
the Japanese tosa
the Dogo Argentino
the Fila Brasileiro dangerous dogs act are
Akita's are fine, Good luck
2007-01-09 10:44:08
answer #4
answered by gina 5
I have an Akita, and i live in Wisconsin, i got him from a pound, so I'm not sure if hes pure bred, but hes SO lovable, i don't think that they would be just for the simple fact that i have one. I hope this helps.
2007-01-09 10:43:49
answer #5
answered by lilchik 3
the answer is no they are legal
they are a popular breed of dog
i know about 8 peoplewith alkitas in my tiny lilvillage some police people also own akitas the dog it self is very legal
2007-01-10 00:05:39
answer #6
answered by reaper420 2
They're allowed, although their temperment has known to be pretty viscious.
I think the only dogs that are illegal here (well at least illegal to breed) are the pit bull dogs, which should have declined years ago with the Dangerous Dogs act '91
2007-01-09 10:52:24
answer #7
answered by Kat 4
i am a pet groomer and if akitas are illegal boy are a lot of people going to be in trouble
2007-01-09 10:44:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I don't think they're illegal in the U.S. There's a guy in my neighborhood that walks his dog that looks like an jap. akita.
you can email this site your question:
2007-01-09 14:23:56
answer #9
answered by alegna 1
I know several people that have akitas. And as far as I know they are not illegal. This website that I'm putting on here is for breeders in the usa only. I don't know what country you are talking about.
2007-01-09 10:40:34
answer #10
answered by Brandi 3