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What can you tell me about this breed? the good, the bad, and what I should look for if getting a puppy. Thanks!

2007-01-09 08:57:12 · 11 answers · asked by basketball_luv15 1 in Pets Dogs

11 answers

When you get a golden you have to be prepared for the long puppy stage, which lasts about two years. You also have to know that these dogs are definitely not guard dogs. They do make a great family pet, provided they get the discipline they need, which means working with your pup one on one every single day with simple commands such as sit, stay, and come. It's also important to socialize them.

Goldens are great dogs, there is a reason they are used so often as disability dogs, but as with any other breed, the way one behaves is all up to the owner. If you put the time, love and energy into your pet, you'll be sure to have a great dog for years to come.

2007-01-09 09:06:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'll tell you some good about the breed and then some bad about the breed.

Golden retrievers have a cheerful, tail-wagging nature and a well-socialized golden will get along with kids, strangers, and other animals. They are known to be very tolerant if they've been around kids a lot. They're eager to please and quick to learn, and very people-oriented. They're very active, and love to play, so you can fetch with them until you can't throw any more.

On the down side, their high energy can mean hyperactivity and rowdiness if they don't get a lot of exercise -- particularly young dogs, from 6 months to 3 years. They grow fast and they grow big, so they can be very destructive with their exuberance. They need a lot of human companionship to be happy, or they'll be destructive. They shed a lot, they have a strong doggy smell, and the breed is prone to a multitude of health problems.

If you like the pros and don't mind the cons, then maybe this will be a good breed for you. Just make sure you consider every single con. Don't miss a single one! Remember, you'll be living with this dog for the next 12 years or more.

If you decide to get a puppy, go to a reputable breeder, not a pet store or puppy mill. It will cost more, but this way you should be getting a healthy, well-bred dog. Look for a middle-of-the-road sort of puppy. Don't get the one that walks on top of the other puppies to get to you, because he'll end up being an exuberant, hard-to-handle dog. Don't get the one that shies in the corner and is nervous of things, because he'll probably be a timid, jumpy dog. Get the puppy that joins in the play, but isn't the boss over all the others; he is very interested and oriented towards you, and will follow when you walk somewhere; and if you pick him up under the armpits and dangle him, he doesn't struggle furiously.

I hope that helps!

2007-01-09 17:42:08 · answer #2 · answered by Steel 3 · 0 0

First of all let me say that if you get a puppy you are in for a lot of work. Ex- house training, chewing, general training and some other stuff too. I have a golden retriever and I think he is the best breed of dog in the world. if you get one from a good breeder they are nice, mellow, and playfull. If you get one from a bad breeder they can be very hyper and playfull. Goldens as a whole are very friendly and loving. I think that they are a good breed to consider

2007-01-09 17:04:46 · answer #3 · answered by Monica H 4 · 1 0

Our family had a golden retriever for 10 years until he developed a tumor and died. He was the best dog we ever had. He was the best behaved dog I have ever known. When we got him, he had to put up with two 4 year olds and a 8 year old boy riding him like a pony, pulling his ear and tail. He was unbelievably gentle with the kids. You could pull food out of his mouth and he would not growl or snap. We never had any problems with him being hyper. I believe that good breeders breed good dogs.

2007-01-09 17:13:02 · answer #4 · answered by Meesh 2 · 1 0

Golden puppies can be very active and are sometimes little monsters (cute ones though). They like to chew on things, so you need to keep socks, shoes, children's toys, or anything else that you don't want destroyed up and out of the puppy's reach. They are easy to house train, at least in my experience (I've helped bring up 2 male Goldens). We used the crate method, which I highly recommend.
They are very smart and catch on quickly to tricks (shake, sit, lay, etc).
The puppy stage can last for up to two years but they usually are pretty well-behaved by 1 year. They're just very playful and get excited easily. Neutering will help calm them, somewhat.

As adults, they are AWESOME dogs. They do like to "retrieve" things for you, so if you have company coming, make sure to put away all laundry because they will proudly bring out your socks, towels, or even your underwear. They do need to be brushed often and, even then, will shed a lot. You will have to learn to live with having hair everywhere!

Health problems to expect: frequent ear infections (ears need to be cleaned on a regular basis), fatty tumors are common in older dogs, sensitive skin (hot spots, allergies), arthritis in older dogs

Other problems to be concerned with: hip & elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism (make sure to ask the breeder about the parents' health history), various cancers

Males= 65-75LBS, 23-24 IN Tall
Females= 55-65LBS, 21.5-22.5 IN Tall

Life expectancy: 10-13yrs

2007-01-09 17:49:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They are awesome, loving, high energy, fun to be around and they have a great smile. They tend to chew wood (mine ate my kid's fancy swing set). Excellent family pet. Very strong dogs - mine used to run right by me, slightly bump me and down I'd go.

You need to watch for hip dyspepsia and skin conditions. If possible buy a short muzzled pup so you won't end up with a collie nose . . . dog should have a flat back and carry his tail up high. His ears should come to just the end of his eyes. Here are the breed standards.

2007-01-09 17:15:36 · answer #6 · answered by kramerdnewf 6 · 0 0

They are awesome dogs and are very talented. I have a golden and we compete in Agility competitions, but he is a GREAT family dog. He is very careful around my little cousins, and has never jumped up on anyone, or knocked anyone over, etc. They are awesome dogs, but you have to be sure you train them the right way, with any dog the wrong type of training can cause a lot of problems. They are also good with other dogs.

2007-01-09 17:08:25 · answer #7 · answered by lj 5 · 1 0

Golden Retrievers are sweet family dogs and they are easy to work with.well at least mine are.

2007-01-09 17:55:53 · answer #8 · answered by (¯`*•.¸♥ @kylee@ ♥¸.•*´¯) 2 · 1 0

Personally hate them, but I worked at a kennel for years and got so many nose bleeds from them jumping up. People say they are the perfect family dog but they chew, bite, jump, and are just to big to be around kid. The puppies are monsters.

2007-01-09 17:00:51 · answer #9 · answered by Sassyshiba 3 · 1 3

Golden retrivers are so sweet but...I recomend a beagle mix labrador.

2007-01-09 17:06:24 · answer #10 · answered by angelsloveslight 4 · 0 1

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