hi my pregnant dog started pushing last night been haveing contractions, today is her 68th day her milk has been in for a week ,and ive seen dogs go 72 days and the pups be fine but with this dog since her contraction started ive noticed she is pulling herself across the floor dragging her belly could she have a puppy stuck or could it be her breast hurting she doesnt seem to be in full blown labour it seems to be coming and going however she seems extreamely stressed how can i help her to go on into labour will walking her help or massaging her belly maybe, has anyone else ever seen this with a pregnant dog i need answers asap thanks
24 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
i called 2 differant vets according to them since her water hasnt broke then she should be ok they said that with this beening her first litter she is miserable by the way i do know what im doing or i wouldnt have gotten panicked over a new sign and i have no idea where the black or green discharge remark came from cause my dog isnt having discharge yall must have seen the discharge problem on someone elses question and for everyone who said get her spayed i dont want her spayed i breed dogs and have done so for 5 yrs & my husband has breed dogs for 16 yrs so i do believe i'm pretty much educated thank you
12:41:13 ·
update #1
oh and also according to the vet the normal is 58 to 70 days they say its all in when you start counting and the size of the dog
12:43:13 ·
update #2
My sisters dog was pregnant and about 4 days befor she had the pups then she had a falls labor then about 4 days later she had 12 pups (my dog did not do that when she had pups but my sisters dog did)
2007-01-09 10:05:45
answer #1
answered by Outdoor Girl 2
If only all of you back yard breeder lost a dog or puppy in the first litter and stopped breeding. If she pushes for an hour and no puppies have shown then the hour is the limit. Off to the vet NOW! I am sure you probably have one dead puppy because once she starts pushing that means a puppy is coming into the birth canal and it needs to get out the breath. Honestly you should not have bred this dog if you do not know what the hell you are doing. You have probably already lost at least one now TAKE HER TO THE VET!
2007-01-09 07:30:07
answer #2
answered by Sassyshiba 3
If she's been pushing since last nite you need to fone ur vet asap and ask their advise. She may have a dead puppy stuck which could result in the rest of the litter being dead. You said that she is also very stressed which also indecates that there is something wrong too.
2007-01-09 07:30:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
no shown information that i understand of, yet small breed dogs like4 chihuahuas normally have issues giving start. each and every so often a loss of life can ensue and each so often you will lose mom and puppies as properly. Even the main veteran breeders each and every so often lose a woman for the period of start. because of the fact of this it is mandatory attempt to have somebody furnish help to once you're a clean breeder. I surely have introduced and helped furnish many puppies commencing from the time i replaced right into a youthful boy on a farm helping my mom or dad furnish a muddle of our working dogs and later as a chihuahua breeder myself. there have been some losses over the span of fifty year. no longer plenty, yet some. Spaying and neutering could be the final factor on your dogs from right here on out. i'm sorry on your loss.
2016-10-06 21:51:17
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Yep get her too a vet sounds like one of the pups may be dead,my friends dog did this,the dead pup passes an infection into the mum's blood stream and this could be fatal,every second counts get a vet now,luckily my friends ***** made it. But it was touch and go.
2007-01-09 07:29:01
answer #5
answered by MANC & PROUD 6
If she's been pushing since last night, and not produced any puppies, she's definitly in trouble. She's probably also in alot of pain and very uncomfortable. You need to get her to her vet, right away, because if you haven't already, and she's having these complications, you may lose her and the babies.
2007-01-09 11:16:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sounds like Trouble to Me ,If she is having a greenish black discharge for sure run don't walk to the vet.Oh Dear aren't you the guy that just pawned your car for a friend in trouble with a vet bill?Hope you get this taken care of soon!!!!Good Luck!!!!
2007-01-09 07:37:37
answer #7
answered by mcnatt c 4
Take her to a vet. This could be a very serious problem in need of quick medical care. Many vets will make housecalls in this type of case.
If you are asking questions on Yahoo answers then you clearly aren't a reputable breeder. Why did you allow your pet to get pregnant in the first place if you didn't have the knowledge to care for her? It's called SPAYING. Say it with me people...
2007-01-09 07:34:59
answer #8
answered by dog7788 3
(really really angry) for christ sake get this b1tch to a vet now. Make a call to the emergency vet. She is in agony trying to deliver a pup which is stuck. People like you have no business breeding. I would guess that she has one or more dead pups inside and cannot birth them. Get your credit card ready to pay for a ceasarian NOW!!!!
2007-01-09 10:29:52
answer #9
answered by fenlandfowl 5
Check her and make sure you don't feel a puppy. Call the vet and get her in, before you end up with an emergency vet visit with her. If she has been pushing since last night, she is in labor.
2007-01-09 07:27:33
answer #10
answered by bear 2 zealand © 6