Just for the sake of pride, why don't you tone it down just a bit in the winter time.
Girls are very catty and don't take well to someone who looks like she is going to try and steal her guy!
You can look cute and sexy without showing it all off.
2007-01-09 06:03:48
answer #1
answered by Agent99 5
Do you wear the same type of clothes during other seasons? Do people call you nasty names in the summer? Maybe it is time for you to reconsider the way you dress. Based on your question I can tell that you do care how other people call you and I bet you feel I bit offended. Try wearing not mini but skirts just above your knee. I'm sure you will still look attractive but at the same time people will have more respect for you.
2007-01-09 14:05:31
answer #2
answered by vicktop 1
**** 'em all. You don't have to impress no one. Quick question: How is it that you don't get cold during the winter? Wearing mini skirts and tanks doesn't always mean that you're a whore, slut, or what ever else names you are called.
2007-01-09 14:01:59
answer #3
answered by miss info 3
How old are you? sounds like somewhere in between 14 and 16.
if you are not dressing to get attention guess what YOU ARE...if I saw someone dressed in this type of closing out of season they would get my attention. I have a natural higher body heat then average I get too warm very easy - with all the new fabrics out today ...it is easy to dress appropriate to the season and still be cool....and that is COOL!
2007-01-09 14:05:06
answer #4
answered by Ruth M 2
Well, you could dress more conservatively and make sure that your skirts are not overtly short.
2007-01-09 14:01:55
answer #5
answered by Victoria Love-Williams 5
Is there no other reason why you get called horrible names??
2007-01-09 14:02:23
answer #6
answered by Baby Jessica 2
who are the people calling you these names? also are you the appropriate size for the outfits?
2007-01-09 14:00:56
answer #7
answered by sexy c 3
the expression is, "if 10 people tell you youre dead its time to fall down." they discount you because they view you as you choose to be viewed.
2007-01-09 14:02:48
answer #8
answered by David B 6
I might suggest dressing just a little more conservative. Do you sleep with just anyone? If not, screw them, and what they think.
2007-01-09 14:01:29
answer #9
answered by mjcariati1971 3
I see nothing wrong with what you wear maybe they are jealousy how great you look.
2007-01-09 14:03:47
answer #10
answered by SUN FLOWER 5