The other answers are interesting but they don't really answer the question of why humans have hair. Humans are mammals and one of the characteristics of mammals is that they have hair.
The purpose of the hair is another story. Since humans have much less hair than our nearest biological relatives, somehow the gene for less hair was chosen through natural selection. This could be because less hair gave a distant ancestor an advantage of some sort. I tend to think that it was what attracted mates. It's just an assumption on my part but I think that women selected men with less hair for their mates. Perhaps less hair looked less wild and more likely to settle down. Even today, we tend to think of bald guys as spineless henpecked schlubs. In other words, less hair was a signal to a woman that a man would stick close to the home and help care for the children.
That's just a wild guess on my part. The answer is that humans have hair because humans are mammals and all mammals have hair.
2007-01-09 02:24:24
answer #1
answered by pvreditor 7
There is no direct answer to this question. We can only speculate about why we have hair because the circumstances by which we, or any other living creature that has hair, is debatable.
"...the obvious function of [hair is] insulation against the cold. Other functions include camouflage and protection against dust and sand. The long, sensitive hairs, called tactile hairs, that are located around the mouth area of most mammals are extremely sensitive to touch."
Nonliving, specialized epidermal derivatives characteristic only of modern mammals. However, it is now thought that hair was present in at least some therapsid reptiles. It consists of keratinized cells, tightly cemented together, which arise from the matrix at the base of a follicle. A follicle is a tubular epidermal downgrowth that penetrates into the dermis and widens into a bulb (the hair root) at its deep end. The follicle, together with a lateral outgrowth called the sebaceous gland, forms the pilosebaceous system. Rapid cell production in the matrix, and differentiation in the regions immediately above, produces a hair shaft which protrudesfrom the follicle mouth at the skin surface.
The hair shaft (above the skin) is dead tissue, composed of keratin. Only a few growing cells at the base of the root are alive. Hair is formed by cell division at the base of the follicle (a tiny pocket in the skin), part of a cycle of growing, resting, and falling out.
2007-01-09 02:40:05
answer #2
answered by Double O 6
really, our body is still covered with hair, but it's very very small and is not visible. it helps, among other things - witch was already written, to keep us warm, though it's not enough. For example, anorexic people lose those small hair and are colder then the rest of people, who do not have such a problem.
2007-01-09 02:28:38
answer #3
answered by oli 1
To regulate temperature. When it's cold, you get goose pimples (the hair rise). This is to trap hair and create insulation.
Your eyebrows are there to protect your eyes from sweat.
Your eyelashes to protect your eyes from dust and sunlight.
Read some's fascinating.
2007-01-09 02:19:46
answer #4
answered by Stef 4
as most know, in the stone age we used to grow hair all over our body but humans soon got used to clothing so the body decided that growing hair all over the body is a waste of energy
2007-01-09 02:13:40
answer #5
answered by joon2k 1
evolution, mate.
We were once covered in hair (like apes and chimps and things) then as we evolved and wore clothes to keep us warm, the need for body hair came less and less.
Also, some hair helps to regulate body temperature by wicking sweat away from the body, which is why we're not completely hairless (and why we smell in our more hairy areas).
2007-01-09 02:11:41
answer #6
answered by Natalie B 4
Well, it sure shows that 2% DNA difference between humans and monkeys!
(But it's a pain for women!The only hair we need is on our heads!!!)
2007-01-09 03:04:11
answer #7
answered by Little_Miss_Advice xxx 2
we have some hair to help keep us warm and to protect us from injury (hairy man arms for fighting with saber tooth tigers etc) but have evolved not to have so much as we dont need it so much anymore.
2007-01-09 02:12:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
0⤋ drives me mad...i love my long dark brown hair which grows from my scalp...keeps me warm in these winter months...but the rest...not needed...all gone...only eyebrows, eyelashes and head hair on this
2007-01-09 02:18:05
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
that is the way god made us
2007-01-09 02:17:25
answer #10
answered by ... 2