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Killing civilians? Might want to ask those 120,000 dead Iraqis what they think of American terrorism.

Political use of fear? Pretty much American foreign policy

Guerrilla wars? More or less like the US has done in Iran, Iraq, Venezuela and a handful of other countries.

The sad reality is that by its own definition the American government is a terrorist state. We are in a war our government is controlling both sides of. Al-qaeda is a department of the CIA, and in the war on ourselves we're losing. This war only exists to justify permanent military bases around the world and to create a sense of fear, chaos and despair at home and abroad for the consolidation of power.

Welcome to imperialist America

2007-01-08 21:34:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

To answer the second guy, actually my name comes from the section 802 of the obscenely named 'Patriot Act', about which there is nothing patriotic.

Domestic terrorism is defined in there as more or less any criticism of the government deemed dangerous by the government.

2007-01-08 21:42:16 · update #1

10 answers

Terrorist= No Uniform, No specific country, Not a state run recognized organization that TARGETS women and children and innocents for death.

2007-01-08 21:41:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well you don't analyze a problem well. Why don't you examine the root cause of terrorism? The root cause is our meddling in their affairs, propping up dictators and creating chaos and occupying their lands. unless you stop this, terrorists will never cease growing, they will grow exponentially. Kill one,3 will take their place. I bet you are the type to also advocate huge wild spending in a recession and not analyze the problem clearly.

2016-05-22 22:17:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its the media that makes one man a terrorist and another man a hero.

Pretty sure the germans in WWII thought the french resistance were terrorists,like the brutish call the IRA terrorists,Like the israelies call the PLO terrorists,like the germans called norwegian and russian resistance terrorists.

Its a sickening shame how the media can twist peoples perseption.This is why pure democracy is a failure.

2007-01-09 04:15:52 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

And what do you think about the tragedy of World Trade Center?
What do you think about all Italian soldiers died in Nassyria attack?
And the explosion in Madrid tube station?
And all attacks to American embassies around the world?

It's too easy to talk about American imperialism.
I think this is a simple summary of different politacl party of the left side.


Simon (from Milan).

2007-01-08 21:41:49 · answer #4 · answered by Simone S 2 · 0 0

I think your question shows your agenda as much as any effort to eliicit our answers.
What were you doing when Saddam Hussein killed tens of thousands of Kurds, protesting against him in Baghdad? Yeah, right, you wouldn't have had the chance.
Oh well, it's a lot more fun to poke your neighbors eye with a stick, than do something positive yourself.
Enjoy your attitude, because like your name says, attitudes make terrorists...

2007-01-08 21:40:30 · answer #5 · answered by Lt. Dan reborn 5 · 0 0

Empty belly makes a man terrorist. Jobless ppl r vulnerable to become terrorist. Religion does not make ppl terrorist.

2007-01-08 23:20:17 · answer #6 · answered by Major Haroon 1 · 1 0

You have points but miss a fact ..terrorism has been around much longer than American policy !

2007-01-08 21:41:20 · answer #7 · answered by dadacoolone 5 · 1 0

We all know that one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

2007-01-08 21:42:47 · answer #8 · answered by baldersj 1 · 1 0

war makes u a terrorist, when u want to fight and everyone is against u ,u r a terrorist...when u r against america and isreal u r terrorist..when u r a muslim or an arabian u r a terrorist...so that's wat makes u terrorist ...thats wat ppl think now

2007-01-08 21:40:10 · answer #9 · answered by someone 3 · 2 0

I dunno, you kinda sound scary.......

2007-01-08 21:43:58 · answer #10 · answered by pastor_fuzz_1 3 · 0 1

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