Hey man whatsup?
Had us a braai yesterday, couple beers-- this buddy of mine is visiting and the boy cooks, so he's gonna be doing it the rest of the week.
By the way my brothers gonna be at the flat the weekend........sorry about that.
Have a goodun
2007-01-08 19:28:22
answer #1
answered by Cyrill sneer 2
Sir, Since you asked the question, I'm sure you want a positive response from me, BUT NOT HERE! Would you like it if it was her idea? How are you going to feel when you see her with somebody else? Have will you handle her having close sexual relations with another man? Lord know how great it is to be a player, but being a player leaves a very shallow & empty taste in your heart. Most players are just users. Are you a user?
2007-01-09 03:33:41
answer #2
answered by Mr Brightsides 2
Sure, as long as you both agree.
I can see you want to see other girls.
But how would you feel knowing some other guy is f**king your girlfriend? What if he's better than you?
Are you going to be happy knowing that someone else is enjoying her? If she is committed to you, she might not like knowing that you are f**king other girls.
But you never know. Just ask her. She might be into it. She might tell you where to go.
2007-01-09 03:28:28
answer #3
answered by Anna K 3
Not. It translates: "I'd like you to stick around just in case, while I go out and see if I can't do better." And that is the polite translation. After two years, please don't ask or expect anyone to go along with that!
2007-01-09 03:37:44
answer #4
answered by and_y_knot 6
this means you are done with her. If you really cared for her you would never think this. Just dump her, dont hurt her please. Can you stand to see some guy...way hotter and *bigger* and better that you dating your lady. If you dont mind then its time to move on. NO ITS NOT COOL!
2007-01-09 03:28:10
answer #5
answered by I hate stupid ppl like you 4
Not for her, maybe. But it's cool if that's what you really feel and you don't feel good about staying with her anymore.
2007-01-09 03:27:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well i guess you would be being honest with her but dont count on her sticking around or fr that matter taking it too well either
2007-01-09 03:26:33
answer #7
answered by AliasPlease 2
Yes...especially if you're young! No need to get tied down yet. Explore your options!
2007-01-09 03:26:46
answer #8
answered by marincaligirl 3
it all depends on the person, with some people it might be, but i suspect that most people wouldn't be ok with that
2007-01-09 03:26:26
answer #9
answered by Paulie Paul 3
Go ahead if you want to lose her.
2007-01-09 03:27:26
answer #10
answered by richard_beckham2001 7