Hi there...if your cat hasn't been spayed/neutered this would be the first approach to cease the territorial urine markings since this is hormonally induced and cannot be trained to stop other than spay/neuter. If your cat is spayed/neutered then the inappropriate urinating may be as a result to a lower urinary tract disorder which will require an evaluation of a veterinarian to treat respectively.
Neuter: http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_neutering_the_male_cat.html
Spay: http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_the_feline_spay.html
More on feline lower urinary tract disorders:
Urinary urethral obstructions: http://www.marvistavet.com/html/urinary_blockage.html
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine for Feline Health on house soiling problems:
House soiling is the most common behavior problem reported by cat owners. It includes urination and/or defecation outside the litter box, as well as urine spraying.
Why do cats eliminate outside of the litter box?
One common misconception is that cats soil in inappropriate places for revenge. It is tempting to conclude, "He defecated on the living room carpet to punish me for leaving him for the weekend." But this kind of calculation requires sophisticated cognitive abilities that cats aren't believed to possess. Furthermore, this conclusion assumes that cats view their urine and feces as distasteful, when in fact they do not. It is only we humans who view it that way.
Medical Problems
So why do cats urinate or defecate on your bed or carpet? Medical problems are one possibility. Inflammation of the urinary tract may cause painful or frequent urination, inability to urinate, bloody urine, and crying during urination. An affected cat is likely to eliminate outside the litter box if he comes to associate the box with painful urination, or if he has an increased urgency to urinate. In addition, kidney, liver, and thyroid diseases often lead to increased drinking and urination. Inflammation of the colon or rectum, intestinal tract tumors, intestinal parasites, and other gastrointestinal conditions may cause painful defecation, increased frequency or urgency to defecate, and decreased control of defecation. Age-related diseases that interfere with a cat's mobility (for example, arthritis, nervous system disorders, or muscular diseases), or with his cognitive functions can also influence his ability to get to the litter box in time. In short, any medical condition that interferes with a cat's normal elimination behavior can lead to house soiling.
Litter Box Aversions
Behavioral problems, such as litter box aversions, inappropriate site preferences, or urine spraying can also lead to house soiling. An aversion implies that there is something about the litter box that your cat finds unsavory. It could be the box, the litter, the location of the box, or all three.
Urine Spraying
When your cat rubs against your leg with his face, or scratches his scratching post, he is also depositing his scent from the glands in his cheeks and paws. Another equally normal but less pleasant marking behavior is urine spraying--the deposition of small amounts of urine around a given area. Spraying announces a cat's presence, establishes or maintains territorial boundaries, and advertises sexual availability.
Cats usually spray on vertical surfaces, like the backs of chairs, or walls. They don't squat to spray (as they do to urinate), but the tail lifts and quivers, and small puddles of urine are left in several consistent locations. Cats that spray are usually unneutered males and, to a lesser extent, unspayed females, but 10% of neutered males and 5% of neutered females also spray. In households with more than seven cats, the likelihood of spraying is high.
Cats may spray when they perceive a threat to their territory, such as when a new cat enters the home, or when outside cats are nearby. New furniture and carpet smells can prompt spraying as well. Cats may also spray out of frustration resulting from factors—like restrictive diets, or insufficient playtime—often wrongly perceived by humans as revenge.
How can I stop my cat from spraying?
Because spraying is different than other types of house soiling, different tactics are necessary to manage it. First, because there are often hormonal components to spraying, any intact animal should be neutered or spayed. Next, identify the stimuli that cause your cat to spray. If outside cats are responsible, motion detectors that trigger sprinklers can be used to deter them from coming onto your property. Additionally, you can discourage your cat from looking outside by closing blinds or shades, or by placing double-sided tape or electronic mats that deliver mild shocks onto your windowsills.
Address possible sources of frustration that may be causing your cat to spray. For example, introduce a new diet gradually, or discontinue it until the spraying is under control. Increasing the amount of playtime for an under-stimulated cat may also help ease frustration.
Spraying can also result from territorial disputes between cats in the same household. They may need to be separated and reintroduced slowly, using food treats to reward and encourage peaceful behavior.
...please see website for full details
2007-01-08 17:35:56
answer #1
answered by ♪ Seattle ♫ 7
I have 3 cats so i feel for you. The fact that you said it is male, is making me lean to the fact that he isnt fixed, and sorry to say it isnt pee. He is spraying his scent to mark his territory, odds are the person who lived in the house before you had a cat or a dog that once marked there terrirtory and now your kitty is doing the same. Punishing the cat will not work, for they feel they are doing nothing wrong because it is there instinct, its kinda like they are protecting there space. The only real way to get it to stop would be to fix your cat. If you cannot afford it you can call local shelters or a local animal friends and they will give you vouchers for free or discounted neuters depending on your income :-) If you do not want to go that route the next thing you can try is going to your local pet store and getting stop spray or no spray (forget the exact name) and spray it all through your home after you take the time to wash everything, which i am sure you are anyway, and then you are going to want to get a rug scrubber or a carpet cleaner that is for pet odors and clean all your carpets and any place that can be cleaned with the pet cleaner. Hope thats helpful info, and i hope you really consider the neutering option for that will definitly make it stop!!!
2016-05-22 22:05:52
answer #2
answered by Ellen 3
If your cat is not spayed or neutered then get that done(many places will do it for free, ask around) this works 90% of the time in all cats.
If your cat is spayed or neutered then make sure the litter pan is always clean some cats will not use it if it is not very clean.
However if the cat is spayed or neutered and the litter pan is clean then your cat may have a problem in the lower uninary track which could cause painful urination, urgency to urinate, or even blood in the urine. If it has caused urgency to urinate then obviously thats why your cat is not making it to the litter pan. But if it has caused painful urination which is more probable, your cat may associate painful urination with the litter box and thats why he is refusing to use it. If this is a possibility then you need to bring your cat to the vet asap and he or she will be able to solve the problem.
If your cat is older you should take it to the vet to see if it has any age related illnesses that may be causing this and if so see what your vet suggests for treatment.
If there is more than one cat in the house they may have become territorial and you may need to seperate them to give them their own space. Also each cat must have its own litter pan.
Once you have identified the cause of the problem then you should remove or clean very well EVERYTHING your cat has pissed on (when it smells its urine it sometime causes the cat to continue the behavior).
There are also some sprays available at petco that you spray on your furnature ect. to stop your cat from urinating on it. Spray it on the places that your cat likes to piss the most.
Also ask your vet for advice. They will definitly be able to help.
However DO NOT as suggested above rub your cats nose in the pee firstly because it doesn't work and secondly imagine that your cat has a urinary track problem so first it is extremely painful when it urinates and then you come and rub its nose in it and then the only way for it to get the urine off its nose is to lick t off which is not health and could cause your cat to become sick.
Some people are just not that smart and personally I think that anyone who is rubbing their cat's nose in its pee should have their nose rubbed in their own pee.
Anyway good luck! :)
2007-01-08 20:03:36
answer #3
answered by shimeringstars01 4
Is the cat peeing or spraying? Spraying is where a male cat backs up to an item-tail straight up and sprays. If he's spraying-he's marking his territory. The easiest way to stop that is to have him neutered.
If he/she is peeing on stuff-it probable that the cat has a urinary tract infection. You will need to go to the vet. When cats have a urinary tract infection-they associate the pain with using the litter box so they avoid using the box.
It may also be behavioral in nature-and a lot of that has to be with the maintenance of the litter box
1) are you removing solid waste every day? Think about a toilet. If a toilet hasn't been flushed in a week-are you going to want to use it? Or are you going to find an alternate place to relieve yourself? Completely dump the litter and clean the box once a week
2) Avoid scented litters-cats simply don't like them. Some tolerate them-other won't. Use a non scented clumping litter or a generic clay litter.
3) Are you using a covered box? Some cats, especially large cats feel uncomfortable-try removing the cover
4) Some cats like to have one place to pee and another to poop-try two boxes.
5) If you have more than one cat-you need 1 box per cat
2007-01-08 18:12:08
answer #4
answered by TommyGirl869 3
I had a similiar problem awhile ago. If your cat is neuteured and there is nothing wrong with him medically, you can try this suggestion.
My vet had us wipe it up with a papertowel, toilet paper, etc. and place it in the cat box. Next you take the cat and lock him in the room with his cat box for a day. Keep doing this and make the duration you leave him in the room longer each time. I guess this makes them realize where the cat box is and that he is suppose to use it. Worked great for us.
2007-01-09 07:47:46
answer #5
answered by Sharkie 2
I trained my cat not to do things by spraying her in the face with a water bottle, but you have to catch them in the act. Boy they do not like that and they learn quickly. Eventually when they see you reach for the bottle they stop what they were about to do.
Another thing you can do is put catnip (the kind that repells them) near where your cat has been peeing. There are a lot of things for sale in pet stores that discourage cats from urinating on things.
If there is one particular spot that the cat has been going, make sure you clean up really well and that there is no scent left over because otherwise the cat will just keep going back to that spot.
2007-01-08 17:36:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Depends on the context.
Is he/she neutered/spayed?
If not, that's one way to stop it.
How is it peeing on stuff?
If it's standing a certain distance from an object and peeing vertical on it, then the cat's marking territory and not peeing. To stop that, you can spray the place it keeps marking with Feliway.
Has it stopped peeing in it's litterbox?
If that's the case, then the cat needs to see the vet because cats will not stop using the litterbox unless they are sick and something's wrong.
2007-01-08 17:36:13
answer #7
answered by Contemplate Silence 2
if your cat isn't fixed then it needs to be fixed (spayed or neutered). If it is fixed, then it probably has a bladder infection and needs to quickly see a vet to get treated with antibiotics if it's minor and if it's serious then surgery to unblock the urethra and then on put o special diet for cats who have urinary tract infections.
2007-01-08 17:55:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Replace every last damn thing it has pissed on so it doesnt smell it anymore.
Or, change its litter box- maybe its too full & its pissed.
Cats are so moody, so if it doesnt like you, it may be doing it just to tick you off.
Or---Get it nuetured, sometimes they do that to mark stuff, thats when its time for snip snip.
2007-01-08 17:34:42
answer #9
answered by JUSTFORFUN 1
when you see kittty squat to pee, pick him up and place him in his litter pan... he will get the idea. praise him when you see him using the litter pan, and reinforce the good behavior. remind him where he needs to go to do his business quietly as you relocate him into the litter pan. make sure he knows where his litter pan is and keep it clean.
neuter kitty so he does not mark territory any more...
treat the stinky areas with natures miracle--it is in petstores--after that there should be no more problem.
good luck--enjoy kitty
2007-01-08 17:35:04
answer #10
answered by z-hag 3
whne your cat is pising on your stuff, you make sure it is fresh piss and then you go get the cat and rub he's nose in whatever he pissed on and say "NO!!!" and he should stop after a copule of times. and to get rid of the smell go to like petco and look for Natures Miracle , but dont spray it on the cat!!!
2007-01-08 17:37:07
answer #11
answered by rae. 2