I would say to add a piece of fruit or two with breakfast.
Also, have another piece of fruit or some unsalted nuts for snacks during the day (because you will get hungry on this diet).
I would also suggest some vegetables with dinner or lunch as well.
Make sure you have a bit of variety as you may get bored with this. Also, if you get hungry, dont reach for chocolate or anything. Grab some carrot sticks, celery sticks, a piece of fruit or some nuts.
Plus, make sure you exercise, and drink lots of water.
Good luck
2007-01-08 16:25:33
answer #1
answered by Minerva 5
Personally, I think that diet is very unbalanced and lacking in nutrition.
I think a well balanced diet is one that represents each of the food groups, and I do not believe they have been represented when for lunch and dinner you are merely eating a salad with meat and cheese...
Where is the fruit?
And hydration? Just one cup of skim milk at breakfast? Your body needs much more hydration than that. At least 8 glasses of water throughout the day.
Just curious, where did you hear of this diet?
2007-01-09 00:25:10
answer #2
answered by missbliss321 1
You need fruits, too. And that isnt very many servings of grains. I think that will leave you hungry - come up with some healthy snacks inbetween meals, too (maybe like fruits or some fruit smoothies).
2007-01-09 00:24:36
answer #3
answered by xfih2 2
I'd say it is pretty good. Just try and go for like low cal spread instead of butter and like low cal cheese.
2007-01-09 00:18:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Should you add some fruits in it? Be sure to drink lots of water too. Some exercises in it will be amazing too.
2007-01-09 01:13:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's okay, but where is your fruit and vegetable intake? you need at least five servings a day, their low in calories
2007-01-09 00:20:20
answer #6
answered by snowwhite 2
Yes that would be great, but you may consider exercising to help keep extra pounds off. The older you are, the harder it gets to get rid of excess pounds ! Thanks, Brandon
2007-01-09 00:18:05
answer #7
answered by hllwy_146 1