he either needs to leave, or stay. tell him to decide, and then everyone needs to stick to that decision. he's scum if he left you at 8 months pregnant, and then is messing with your head like this. if he's going to keep coming around, you both need to get into counseling together. tell him that's the condition. if he wants to see you, he needs to go to counseling with you. if he wont do that, then tell him goodbye, and don't put up with him coming around. if you have supportive parents, maybe you should head back to where they are so they can help raise your baby, because that's what's number one now, not you, and that baby doesn't need a daddy who can't decide if he loves or doesn't love. that's not love. that's selfishness.
2007-01-08 16:09:17
answer #1
answered by corinne 2
Thanks for the extra Info. I am sorry to hear that...
All I can say is this guy is selfish, and a coward. Now is the time to look after yourself. You have the baby and your health to think of. Use the support of your family and friends. You can always work things out one way or the other after the baby is born and you are feeling less stressed by the situation. Give your self time to think. He may be genuinely worried about you, or it maybe BS. From now on you have to be strong and dictate what happens - remember he walked out on you! Be very careful I have know things to get ugly fast.
2007-01-08 16:17:34
answer #2
answered by Blackdog 2
Do you want to rekindle the relationship? It's not to late and he sounds like he does still love you. Was it your first pregnancy? Sometimes men as weak as it sounds get cold feet. I know he hurt you but do you think he's trust able? If you still trust him and he doesn't have a history of hurting you and miss treating you then maybe you could attempt to work it out. Meet somewhere publicly for coffee and a chat. It be beneficial to at least have him on your side for after the baby comes It sounds tricky. Good luck
2007-01-08 16:12:25
answer #3
answered by Venessa M 4
Sorry to hear that you are 8 months preg. and your husband left u. Right now you should think solely about your baby.. its up to you rather u want him to come back or not. if not... change your number, dont answer the door and explain to him that you are "doing you and the baby" meaning you are doing whats best for yall. take it one day at a time =D
2007-01-08 16:14:17
answer #4
answered by HyPhY c0llege GurL 2
I'm sorry for what you are going thought especially since you
are 8 months pregnant with his child. it normal to feel as you do.
but you need to be strong for you and this child. he will always be
in you life as the baby father,but you dont have to depend on
him for your emotional need. time to look forward to the future
with this beautiful child and go from there. time to put your self
first and then start to look at life without him . as long as this
back and forth it will hurt you and you deserve much better
then this. good luck. but it will get better, it Will just take time
to deal with everything that going on right now.
2007-01-08 16:12:25
answer #5
answered by luckystar 6
its really hard to get over someone your so in love with. it takes time.....a lot of time. and everyday you'll get stronger and after a while that person may not even be a serious thought in your mind.its is his lose to leave u and the baby. its not your lose because you are a woman and you are strong, and you can do it. u just have to believe in yourself and don't give up!!!!!
2007-01-08 16:10:23
answer #6
answered by Runaway Love 2
there is not any longer something you're able to do, yet to maintain a great strategies-set. do no longer block those emotions out, considering which will bring about melancholy. tell human beings the form you experience, and exhibit your emotions in a inventive way and you ought to start to experience a sprint greater beneficial.
2016-12-12 07:29:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sweetie, I think he's suffering from a bad case of "I don't want you but I don't want anyone else to have you either". I've been there too. It's very aggravating.
I know you're trying to move on with your life. Tell him to leave you alone unless he means business!
2007-01-08 16:09:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well ask him what does he want from you?
I know it 's harder said than done but what if you ignore him
maybe he will think things over and come back but now he know he have you and hr can do what he wants!!
2007-01-08 16:09:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Claudia is right; set serious boundaries with this guy or he'll walk all over them, and you.
2007-01-08 16:06:59
answer #10
answered by Ade 6