if they were both about to fall of a cliff which one would you save? and before you try it; you can't save both! it's a thought provoking question there aren't any loop holes. If you can't choose, they both fall. So make a decision.
2007-01-08 16:01:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Years ago my son thought he was in love with two women. I suggested that he take a sheet of paper and put the names of both ladies on the top in two columns. Then divide those columns into two - one says PRO and one says CON. After a few weeks he came to me and said that there was a lot on the con side of one of the gals and nothing on the con side of the other. He married that one and have four darling daughters. I think this helps to sort out your feelings and why you care for thm and why you are so undecided. I hope this helps.
2007-01-09 00:07:39
answer #2
answered by Santa's Elf 4
So would I.....LOL
Seriously, I have been trying for a while now, and nothing has worked. It has been a constant battle between the heart and mind. My best advice would be to take a break from the situation and do some sould searching.
2007-01-09 00:01:20
answer #3
answered by Mystery Girl 3
well i have many ways of doing this-i think about the one who can make me smile as soon as i see them walk into the room-the one who makes me laugh even on the worst day of my life-the one who makes me feel like the most special person in their life with the smalles gesture-the one who is always there when i need them but also tells me the truth about me even if i dont want to hear it-the one who wants to have their own space and isnt afraid to tell me-the one who wants me around and isnt afraid to tell their family or friends-the one who is kind and doesnt judge others just by appearences....when you find the right one u will know-u wont have to search very hard
2007-01-09 00:02:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
which person are you completely your own self around?
which person do you have more fun with?
which person do you spend more time with?
which person can you better see yourself with in the long run?
which person when your together it just feels right like you are both equally sharing the same feelings with?
2007-01-09 00:06:05
answer #5
answered by mom_in_love 4
You will know who your feelings are for. No one can tell you who you really love or care for. You are right about one thing though, you have to search your-self to find who you are first of all. What do you like and who would you want in your life, possibly for the rest of your life....O.K.....GOOD LUCK..........
2007-01-09 00:09:18
answer #6
answered by Lea, 2
Are you honest with yourself? If you are, then the answer is very simple. If you are not honest with yourself, I doubt you will ever know.
2007-01-09 00:00:35
answer #7
answered by Zippy 2
You never know how you really feel until you feel like you lost someone. Try imagining your life without them...what would you miss, how bad would you feel...knowing you'd never be able to say another word to them? Who makes you smile when you think about them and you not even know it?
Try to imagine your life without them...cause you honeslt don't know how you feel until they are gone.
2007-01-09 00:01:17
answer #8
answered by * Kittles * 3
You can sit there and think about the person and then think about their faults and if you can deal with being with a person with those faults, then you think about the good things about them. from doing this you should see if you truly care about this person
2007-01-08 23:59:56
answer #9
answered by Amazing_clarity 4
it would take a lifetime to explain and a lifetime to accomplish. your feelings are not static but are continually changing as your point of view changes.
2007-01-09 00:04:35
answer #10
answered by Butch 3