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We have been together in relationship for a year. But he was a friend of mine last 3 years. We got a crushed in each other.

As a friend everything is fine til when we were into relationship. There are so many problems. Example he still contact his 4yrs ex but it seems i feel something is cheeky going on. But i tried to trust him 99%.

We are planning to get engage next yr. But how do i find out that he is being faithful with me? Is there any way that i can find out?

I dun want be just blinded by love. Tho we know each other years.

2007-01-08 15:21:33 · 6 answers · asked by Murni Sad Adi 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

6 answers

It is always difficult for a friendship to convert to romantic love. But that's exactly NOT the point. In order for the two of you to be in a serious relationship, serious enough to be engaged to one another in, the two of you have to be both friends and in addition to your romantic relationship.

And as for the ex-girlfriend issue...DON'T ACCEPT THIS SITUATION. When a person breaks off a relationship with someone else, that relationship is over. Finished. Done with. There should be absolutely no contact at all. If there is, then you know that there are some lingering remembrances in play, which might mean that the two did not part as completely as they should have, or one of them or maybe even both of them still have fragments of feeling for each other.

When a guy is going to be your future husband, he has to offer all of himself. It's obvious that there is still a part of him that regrets leaving his ex-girlfriend. Even if you confront him about it, he'll deny it. He might not even know that he's still somehow attached to his ex-girlfriend. But, you have to make it clear to him that he is going to be engaged to you, and you to him. There can't be any ghosts or misconceptions clinging on that bond between you two, because then a marriage can never work.

He's faithful to you so far, but a person's emotions can only hold for so long before they are released. Tell him that, ask him about whatever you're unsure about. You're planning on getting engaged, therefore you have every right to ask him. Trying to find out another way will just break away at the trust between the two of you.

Good luck!

2007-01-08 15:32:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The first thing to ask yourself is that will the relationship work out well if there are too many problems between both of you. There is no point of getting engage bcoz of the sake engagement or marriage.
You have to trust your bf 100% before both of you get engaged and if you have any reservation of his truth feelings, I suggest that you should considered carefully before rushing into making such a decision.

2007-01-08 22:51:57 · answer #2 · answered by Clown & Joker 5 · 0 0

first of all, he has no reason to contact his ex. unfortunately there's no clear cut way as to how we can "test" someone's love. tell you what... why don't you tell him that you guys need some kind of a little separation for awhile & during that separation, try not to be in contact with each other. use that opportunity to really think things thro'.

the thing with you guys is that you're already having problems now. things might get worse when you're engaged. think not twice but many times about all these. last but not least, pray to god. good luck.

2007-01-09 03:29:19 · answer #3 · answered by mama leila 3 · 0 0

ladies seem to all go by way of this phaze quicker or later of their lives. (opportunities are extreme men do too, yet its no longer a reported topic). some ladies settle on their orentation after this phaze, some basically get over it. human beings, like between the solutions above will allow you to comprehend to inform your boyfriend, and attempt a threesum. even though it truly is amazingly an ok ingredient to do. this received't help your difficulty. In cases alongside with those, your body will certainly, be in a larger state, emotions will certainly be flowing more effective. in case you extremely do like your boyfriend, its achieveable your basically bi, or as i discussed, in a level. a ingredient to objective in case you ultimately end up unmarried (or experience like 'dishonest' on your boyfriend), is to objective being with a lady, no matter if as a one nighttime stand, it truly is going to fairly a lot right away allow you to comprehend techniques you experience about different women folk. you'll both recognize that you want both sexxes, or recognize that you in consumer-friendly words like men. Its as hassle-free as that :)

2016-12-28 12:10:20 · answer #4 · answered by bel 4 · 0 0

You have to completely trust someone 100% in order to even consider marrying him, and just because you trust someone doesn't mean you can marry them. You should just be completely honest with him and ask him. It would also help if you could speak with his ex-girlfriend and so you know the truth for sure. The truth shall set you free.

2007-01-08 15:25:46 · answer #5 · answered by aSchway 3 · 0 0

Hired a detective, they charged enough ; but if you are going to spend the rest of your life with a
cheater; i think the money is worth
to invest.
My daughter hired a detective on her
fiancee before she married him. the detective followed him for about 2 weeks;after that time he told her, lady you have nothing to worried about him; he is clean. and he was right they have been married for 6 years now. she is glad she invested that money to really know the truth.
You should do the same; use your credit card; i tell you it's worth it.
you will save yourself lots of trouble
heart ache and years of pain.
Good luck to you; and God bless you.

2007-01-08 15:36:21 · answer #6 · answered by COCO 4 · 0 0

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