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I just realized I have a little splinter in my thumb, and none of it is on the surface, so I can't pull it out. I've tried squeezing it out with my fingers but that wouldn't work either, what should I do?

2007-01-08 12:05:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health General Health Care First Aid

5 answers

Sterilize a sharp needle and gently put it through the top layers of the skin where the splinter is. "Dig" a few times till you get closer. See if you can then pull it out with your fingernails carefully so it doesn't break.

Disinfect your finger and put a bandaid on it.

If you can't get to it, disinfect it and put a bandaid on it...it will eventually push its way out on it's own. Leave it alone otherwise as you might get it infected.

2007-01-08 12:11:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need help doing this: have someone squeeze the part where you believe it is- also have a duct tape ready. Now put the duct tape on the spot right after the person squeezed the part with all his might (try it with the needle even- make sure needle is disinfected... and the person and you have clean hands, too). Then pull the duct tape, if you are lucky- the splinter might stick to it. .... or try Windex- just kidding.... or have someone work with tweezers, while you or that person squeezes the splinter out. believe me with help that splinter will come out. This just happened to me recently. With co-operation we got the splinter out- my husband and I. Have faith. Good luck.

2007-01-09 00:16:08 · answer #2 · answered by justmemimi 6 · 0 0

I've had splinters too for too many times, and damn, does it hurt or what. Anyway, what i did was first numb the area (well on your case, your thumb) with ice. Then i tried to kinda dig for the thingy using a sterile needle. Also, there was one time I gave up on taking the damn thing off and left it there. All i did was numb the finger every now and then with ice. After a day, I dunno what happened, but it was gone.

2007-01-11 04:48:09 · answer #3 · answered by Knickz 3 · 0 0

Wait a couple of days and let it fester a little.
Yes, it sounds gross
but the surrounding puss acts as a lubricant and will allow you to gently squeeze out the splinter or grab and pull it out with tweezers.
Use some disinfectant on it.

2007-01-08 20:38:25 · answer #4 · answered by Icteridae 5 · 0 0

try and soak your thumb in paroxide and see if you can get it to the surface. If not then you may have to take a needle and try to get at the splinter.

2007-01-11 21:10:55 · answer #5 · answered by Big Will 1 · 0 0

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