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2007-01-08 11:28:46 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

41 answers

no but they can get a disease or get sick from them, which could make them die.

2007-01-08 11:31:37 · answer #1 · answered by Alyssa 1 · 1 4

Yes they can. It can cause tick paralysis. Someone dropped a dog off near our place a few years ago. I found her after a rainstorm, she couldn't move, she was almost dead. I grabbed her up, ran in the house with her, filled the tub with warm water while calling our vet. I told him the condition of the dog and said I was doing a flea/tick shampoo on her and bringing her in. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of the blood engorged, big gray ticks. I pulled as many off, some fell of because there was no place on her for them to bite in or not enough blood left for them to suck. I didn't rinse off the shampoo, just wrapped her in a towel and went to the vet as fast as I could. I pulled ticks for over an hour along with a couple of other girls that worked there. She also had maggots around her anus. The vet gave her some blood, they got off the rest of the ticks, kept her a couple of nights and we brought her home. She recovered quickly from her ordeal. If I didn't find her when I did, she would have died.

2007-01-08 11:40:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes. Not only do they carry lyme disease but they carry many other one's as well that aren't as common. Dogs can die from any kind of parasitic infestation. Fleas and ticks are blood suckers and if not treated they can cause enough blood loss to bring on enemia. This means they won't have enough iron and other protiens in there blood and they will get very sick and extremely weak and can eventually die. I hope this helps.

2007-01-08 11:36:47 · answer #3 · answered by dawggurl47 3 · 0 0

Yes, the ticks will eventually drain all of the blood from the animal. It's a cruel death that can be easily prevented if a dog's owner properly takes care of their dog - - that is, if they even give a darn about another living and breathing being.

2007-01-08 11:50:58 · answer #4 · answered by Annie Answers 2 · 0 0

Yes,it could...so if it has tics..try going to pet smart or other pet store around you...and you could find shampoo that takes of tics from a dog...So,good luck!!

2007-01-08 11:44:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ticks carry lyme disease which can be fatal. Get your dog on Advantix or Advantage NOW. He will need to see a vet for this, and the vet can remove any ticks on him. This has to be done properly or you'll just remove the body and the head of the tick will remain.

Take him to a vet asap.

2007-01-08 11:33:40 · answer #6 · answered by Enchanted 7 · 1 0

If the get bit by the Yellow Belly Tick yes. Deer Ticks and Brown Ticks are common, but they can carry disease.

I spray my Dog down with Perethrin and he has not had a Tick that I know off. They check out.

2007-01-08 11:33:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Dogs can die from having too many fleas, tics or any other insect that sucks their on them

2007-01-08 11:32:45 · answer #8 · answered by georgiabanksmartin 4 · 1 1

ticks have deseases, if a dog has a tic, he can get a desease, a dog, or any animal, human, or caugh drop can die from a single tic

2007-01-08 11:32:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


2007-01-08 11:32:23 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. Sir 5 · 1 0

Ticks carry diseases which can make your dog sick and can even lead to death. If your dog has ticks you need to remove them immediately and depending on how many, the dog's behavior, etc. you may need to seek treatment from a Vet.

2007-01-08 11:40:02 · answer #11 · answered by tnewton8351 2 · 0 0

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