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2 answers

There are many scholarships out there for nursing since there is a nursing shortage. Some are from well known companies. All the sources listed below are free to locate and use.

First, I recommend completing the FAFSA form. It will tap into need based financial aid from the state and federal governments along with the college itself. It is based on both family income and family financial resources.

Second, search Google.com and Yahoo.com for college grants and scholarships for nursing within your state.

Third, a current high school student can locate local scholarships at the guidance office.

Fourth, the college's financial aid office and website has a list of private scholarships offered from outside organizations and companies. The college's nursing website will probably list scholarships, too.

Fifth, the public library has a book listing scholarships. Some are not even located on the web.

Sixth, join several free membership scholarship search websites. Most are updated on a regular basis. Most offer a customized search.

Good luck!

2007-01-08 10:05:38 · answer #1 · answered by dawncs 7 · 0 0

depending on where you live, there is a financial aid office and a financial aid officer at most schools to answer these types of q's for you. Also make sure that you ask for grants and bursaries you may apply for because believe me, they won't offer them. lol best of luck to you.

2007-01-08 09:28:59 · answer #2 · answered by Bree 1 · 0 0

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