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The minutemen aren't all racists or fascists. They're American citizens who are standing up for their country. The buck stops here - the race card is totally overused and old news.

2007-01-08 09:15:49 · 26 answers · asked by ♥ Scorpio X 3 in Politics & Government Immigration


2007-01-08 09:15:59 · update #1

You who claim it's racist are just trying to take the attention off of the REAL PROBLEM.

Come up with a valid argument as to why we should let these illegals into our country to take and not give back.. Until then, shut up.

2007-01-08 09:19:07 · update #2

You who claim it's racist are just trying to take the attention off of the REAL PROBLEM.

Come up with a valid argument as to why we should let these illegals into our country to take and not give back.. Until then, shut up.

2007-01-08 09:19:16 · update #3

AZULA - you got it right! I don't understand how people call the Minutemen racist when they're all ethnicities.

2007-01-08 09:26:24 · update #4

Miss Diana - your foul mouth is outrageous. Next time you wanna call someone a ho do it to their face instead of over the keyboard.

2007-01-08 09:27:24 · update #5

26 answers

Yes. I've heard of this one Mexican minuteman so it's obvious the minutemen aren't racist. It's just that there is more caucasian minutemen, that's why they're racist?

2007-01-08 09:23:57 · answer #1 · answered by killer queen 5 · 3 5

racism and immigration are two separate issues.

Racism is alive and well in the USA. That is a fact.

I am of hispanic heritage. Most people are surprised when I mention my heritage. I can pass as a typical, white-anglo american male. I often hear others make racist remarks about mexicans. I don't know, but my great grandparent were from Mexico, they were good, hard-working, God-fearing people, and I am greatly offended by racist remarks that target mexicans and hispanics.

Unfortunately, the illegal immigration problem (and it is a problem, unfortunately) is too often a red herring and an excuse for racists to scapegoat illegal immigrants from Mexico.

2007-01-08 10:37:22 · answer #2 · answered by Jack C 5 · 5 1

Absolutely, you have certain "race based" groups only supporting one race and blah blah blah. Yet, its seriously over played. ANyone speaks the words illegal immigrant and your automatically branded a bigot or racist.
I am not politically correct in the least and personally I let it roll off my back. These people who only see a color are the racist when someone else stands up for their country. You also have to remember that this site give the weak a place for them to call the rest of us bigots, racist and hitler wannabee's because they are weak and have no guts to say it to my face.

I however will speak my mind and say my peace, thats my God given right and my free speech is protected in the Constitution. Anyone else want to slander me ?

2007-01-08 10:14:28 · answer #3 · answered by Baghdad Pete ! 4 · 3 3

No it isn't. In case you didn't know, racism still exists today. It's just more subtle than it was back in the day. You must be ignorant if you think that the minuteklan...er, MINUTEMEN sorry aren't racists. They are a white supremacist organization. Why do you think people protested their showing up at a university for an event held by the Young Republicans(aka. the Young Dummies)groups they have. If they were standing up for their country like you heroically claim that they do, then they'd do something more worthwhile such as finding a way to ease up on the red tape that we proudly call our legal immigration system so we no longer would have this problem with illegal immigration.

I bet you think that the race card was being played after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and residents who tried to get out of the city to safety couldn't because of a bunch of racist cops from Gretna threatened to shoot them dead if they attempted to get past them.

The only reason you and any other ignorant person claims that the race card is totally played out is because you can't handle the goddamn truth that racism still exists. Looks aren't everything so maybe you should invest in some brains to go along with the beauty. Another dumb ***** who gets by on her looks, just like Jesi.

2007-01-08 09:32:04 · answer #4 · answered by iwannarevolt 4 · 6 7

I'm sorry to disagree with the person above me, but, I've visited all but four (4) nations in the Americas, and our hispanic neighbors refer to us as "gringos," "yankees," "norteamericanos," or "americanos." I've studied Poli-Sci for a few years, now, and have NEVER heard "United Statesian" until their posted replies. I need to see some documentation of this term. It strikes me as a Maddison & Wall type ploy to rename something, frivolously, while maintaining political correctness, the new nazi-ism.

2007-01-08 09:30:49 · answer #5 · answered by sjsosullivan 5 · 3 2

No, the race card is not played out and never will be. America was founded on racism. Native Americans tried to stand up for their country, did it work?

2007-01-08 10:41:55 · answer #6 · answered by shutup_ho 1 · 5 2

I agree. The race card has been overused for everything. The minutemen are only trying to protect their families from illegal immigrants.

2007-01-08 10:00:24 · answer #7 · answered by Kikyo 5 · 3 5

"Don't you think the race card is totally played out?"

You want people to stop talking about racism so that racism can flourish. That's not going to happen.

2007-01-08 10:50:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

The Minute Men are not racists .They have members of all races in their membership.The race card is worn out and ineffectual.
If you want to talk real racists lets talk about La Raza Unida and The Brown Berets.They make the KKK look like a boy scout troop.

March 27, 2006

"We have an aging white America ... They are dying ...We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida political party

"If anyone's going to be deported, it's going to be you! ... Get out! We are the future. You're old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you – leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Right now, we're already controlling those elections, whether it's by violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we're going to take over." Augustin Cebada, information minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles.

sjsosuli ......United Statesian is a word a guy made up one day on the Internet to make Americans angry. Look it up .I did ...

Urban Dictionary

United Statesian 14 up, 9 down

There exists no singular term for a citizen of the USA, untill I, Shane T. Hanson invented it yesterday, while fighting with "Americans" online, about their attitudes to the people in the rest of the world and their foreign policy.

2007-01-08 09:30:30 · answer #9 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 5 6

Even Jon Stewart skewered the illegal loving, brat students for attacking Jim Gilchrist at Columbia. The left believe in free speech only when they agree with it.


2007-01-08 09:28:26 · answer #10 · answered by bugeyes 4 · 2 4

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