Could be you're bathing the dog too much! Dogs should not be bathed that often. Itching can also be caused by fleas. I would always suggest a vet check up. Diet can also cause itching. Our pets need quality pet food. Read the ingredients list and learn what the stuff on there is and what it does (or does not do) to/for our pets. A quick pet food 101. If the pet food contains corn/corn products or by products it is a poor quality food. Do not pay attention to advertising, they all say there food is great. Corn is a filler that can trigger skin problems. (allergies, skin problems, itching and excessive shedding) By products is anything from an animal not fit for human consumption, including cancerous tissue. Quality foods have meat as the first ingredient. California Natural, Solid Gold, Innova and Merrick are a few of the best brands available. If you want to learn more check out: more=1$$PetFoodsByRating?OpenForm
2007-01-08 05:31:59
answer #1
answered by Stick to Pet Rocks 7
First, start by bathing your dog once a month instead of once a week. You are drying out her skin by bathing her so frequently. Second, if you aren't already, make sure you are using a dog or puppy shampoo. Human shampoo is the wrong pH and will dry out the dog's skin.
Third, itching skin can be a sign of lots of different things. Is your dog on a flea preventative? Does she have mites or mange? All of these are things that you need to see a vet to diagnose and treat.
If she's got a clean bill of health, it could be allergies. Where humans have allergy cells in their noses, eyes, and other mucous membranes, dog allergy cells are mostly in their skin. Dogs can be allergic to all kinds of things, including their own dog food, and when they have allergies, they itch. I know dogs that are allergic to cedar (found in most dog beds) and even cotton! You need to work with your vet to determine the source of the allergies so you can eliminate it from her environment.
2007-01-08 05:18:11
answer #2
answered by GoldenDonut 3
Your poor dog is itchy all the time BECAUSE you bath her once a week. You've stripped all the oils from this poor dog's coat and totally dried out her skin. Stop all the bathing - once a month is more than sufficient.
You need to give this dog about 1 teaspoon of veg. oil in her food daily and her skin and coat will improve.
2007-01-08 05:12:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First off, you don;t have to be bathing her once a week, that is drying her skin out. Are you using a good shampoo, does she have fleas, she could have mites or allergies or scabies. She could be allergic to the shampoo you are using. Stop the bathing and see what happens. If she continues to itch, take her to the vet before she gets an infection from the scratching.
2007-01-08 05:10:55
answer #4
answered by Sandy B 3
Your drying her poor skin out! Relax on the bathing. I know it's nice to have a fresh soft poochy, but imagine having endless dry itchy skin and you yourself can't do anything about it. She has natural oils to protect her skin, but not able to do their job if repeatedly being washed away. Try once a month, or only when needed. You could also call your vet and ask what kind of soap is best. My dog has done great with Head and Shoulders. (only when needed)
2007-01-08 05:18:09
answer #5
answered by Lady Butler 3
It may be because you bathe her once a week, the dogs natural oils on their skin aren't like humans, take her to the vet. My Great Dane/Lab mix gets a rash every summer and the vet gave us a special shampoo. Good luck
2007-01-08 05:09:07
answer #6
answered by piggylover_850 4
If she has any type of a skin condition you are making it worse by bathing her so often!!! You are stripping all of the oils out of her fur which can only make the problem worse!!
She needs to be taken to a vet to see if she has a skin problem such as an allergy, parasite, etc. that you can get treatment for.
2007-01-08 05:37:04
answer #7
answered by msnite1969 5
your drying out her skin....unless your vet told you for some reason to bather her that often then go with it...if not, there is no reason she'd need baths that often! also, when you give her baths are you rinsing all the soap out? or it is even possible she's allergic to the soap. either way give her a break don't bathe her for a couple weeks, i bet she isn't so itchy!
2007-01-08 05:13:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Could be because ur bathing her/him so often. They have natural oils on their skin and when bathed that often that washes the oils away and they get dry skin. Also, could be fleas? Lay ur dog on his/her back and check the stomach area, if u see little black bugs then ur dog may have fleas. If thats the case a flea collar, or a flea bath could help. Good luck!
2007-01-08 05:16:45
answer #9
answered by snowbunny67ss 2
too sensitive to the soap. Also, maybe too much washing, you could be drying her skin out. A food you gave her could be an allergy. Even poison ivy can effect animals.
2007-01-08 05:12:54
answer #10
answered by mc 2