So... my cat had a problem with scratching my brand furniture (leather couch) he wouldn’t use his scratching post and wouldn’t stop! so I finally had to get him declawed... ONLY IN THE FRONT! but its weird! he still goes around to all of my furniture and tries to scratch it... like he still has claws! It’s quite amusing, but I don’t understand... is my cat stupid?? or is he just doing it to get the attention?!?!
20 answers
asked by
➔ Cats
god some of you can be assholes like WHOA!! damn i tried for almost a month to get him to stop clawing at my new couch, i tried using a spray bottle and a couple other ways!! damnit you all think your so smart and humane..... MY MOM made me get him declawed!!! HE IS AN INSIDE CAT!!! i live in the suburbs right by a water treatment facility where there are many racoons and several foxes!! cant you people just take it easy and tell me if your cat does that or not.. from the litter i got him from they all got declawed at about 4 months old!!! none of the other cats do it JUST HIM!!! he is not the brightest cat in the world BUT I STILL LOVE HIM so back off HO!
05:33:20 ·
update #1
Well I hope you are planning to keep your cat in at all times unless you supervise him at all times while he is out. You have now taken away his only way of defense, about like cutting off your balls. I understand where you were coming from though, but there are ways to prevent your cat from scratching your furniture. I have set out moth balls for instant in my plants so he will not dig in them, if you can stand the smell of the moth balls. I have also just clipped his nails rather than declaw him. And no your cat is not stupid, just human nature so to speak. You know it's kinda like you guys, you have toilets in your house but still prefer to piss off the front porch.
2007-01-08 05:05:04
answer #1
answered by sweetme35 5
Your cat is just doing it out of the nature of a cat. Haveing him declawed is the easiest way to prevent the damage.
Try putting some catnip on his scratching post. It could draw him away from the furniture. although he is not damaging it with no claws now.
Be sure and NOT let him go outside without claws. He could not get away from dogs or other critters that could come after him. He should now be strictly an inside cat.
Your cat is not stupid. He is just being a cat by nature.
Good sure and try the catnip\
2007-01-08 04:55:03
answer #2
answered by vicscavies 3
Your cat isn't stupid, but you might be. De clawing a cat is very INHUMANE. It sounds like you didn't try hard enough before going to some vet who doesn't deserve to be licensed (if he actually is). Cats HAVE TO SCRATCH. It is a natural instinct and you took that away from him. He doesn't understand why his claws are gone and it is still programed in his head to scratch. It's kind of like the fight or flight. It's a NATURAL thing. Think of how weird it feels when you cut your nail back too far. Now think how much it hurts when a Nial gets bent back to far. What you did to him was horrible and it sounds like you don't deserve your cat. If you care more about your stupid leather couch then a LIVING, BREATHING CREATURE you need some real help. But first, find someone who actually loves animals to take your cat. YOU DON'T DESERVE AN ANIMAL. You deserve your knuckles broken and fingernails taken off!
2007-01-08 05:02:00
answer #3
answered by Aero Cat 3
its natural for a cat to do that its instict. they feel they need sharp claws even if they dont therefore they scratch things to sharpen them much like using a wetstone to sharpen a knife. your cat is not stupid at all however i do think you are for having him declawed poor thing i hope he is an indoor cat only and if not your more stupid than i thought. next time read up about the animal your going to get so you know more what your getting into and dont have to resort to somthing like declawing.
2007-01-08 05:12:09
answer #4
answered by chrfou18 3
No he is not stupid, it's normal. It's in a cat's nature to scratch to not only dull the claws (contrary to popular belief that it is to sharpen them, it helps keep them trimmed) and to mark territory. In the wild, cats will claw at trees and such to let other cats know that that territory is taken. Your cat is simply doing what is in his nature but this time, unable to do damage. ;) My cats are declawed as well and still do it too.
2007-01-08 04:54:34
answer #5
answered by MasLoozinIt76 6
All cats do that. Even though he has had his toes amputated down to the 1st knuckle (how sad), he will still go through the motions of scratching. Your cat is not STUPID,and he is not doing this just for attention. He is just doing what comes naturally. Too bad you didn't try different methods before having his toes amputated!!!
2007-01-08 05:01:01
answer #6
answered by Kitty Mom 4
Even though he's been declawed, it's a naturla instinct to claw, so he continues to do so.
2007-01-08 04:56:39
answer #7
answered by Ty Cobb 4
Every cat I ever had and I'm 54 did that after they were declawed. Its just part of being a cat. Its in their make up.
2007-01-08 05:57:25
answer #8
answered by aelenaj 2
Nope, it's instinct. My mum's cat is declawed in the front and does the same thing. It's also a way for them to stretch.
2007-01-08 04:54:34
answer #9
answered by suede_blueyes 3
My one cat still does thins all of the time, we call him our pick-pocket kitty. He loves to do it on the pocket of pants people are wearing and has even pulled things out. He was declawed as a kitten, about 5 months old and 8 years later he still does it. I say it probably just animal instinct.
2007-01-08 04:53:29
answer #10
answered by Krispy 6