My dad spanked my brothers and my mom spanked me. Hands all the time but one when i got the back of a hairbrush.
I spanked my kids with hand and only on the butt. now is just tell them to stop what they are doing and they do it.
2007-01-08 05:16:00
answer #1
answered by picture 1
My parents hated spanking me and my sisters. Dad remembered being beat as a kid and didn't want that to happen to us. Mom was just completely against spanking too. I was spanked once and that's all.
Some of the consequences of getting in trouble are being banned from the computer, banned from phone/TV, staying in room until dinner, not going anywhere except school, no allowance and stuff like that.
My parents also discuss with us on why they are punishing us, what we did wrong and what we should do nextime something like that incident we were involved in happens again.
2007-01-08 12:55:33
answer #2
answered by sweetdollツ 7
We were grounded and spanked with a flyswatter for small things
For the bigger bad things we did, we got yelled at, slapped and sent to our room.
We had it coming and we are good people today because we got the discipline we deserved.
I used spanking and grounding. Every lie was a month of grounding. I rather have them tell me the truth and be disappointed in them for a short time than find out they lied. My methods must of work for I have a 20 year old that is every ones dream son !!
2007-01-08 13:31:24
answer #3
answered by Kitty 6
Mine used warnings, loss of privilages, being grounded, on our knees for an hour and if that did not work, a leather belt usually did the trick. I think time out is a joke.
2007-01-08 12:57:27
answer #4
answered by onecrazypeach 3
Spankings, time outs (they grew to love the time outs so that had to be cut short) deprive of a favorite toy, no dessert, play date canceled.
2007-01-08 12:50:10
answer #5
answered by stringhead3 4
My parents have a points/star system. Out of the three of us, whoever gets the highest gets to rent a movie of their choice and the 2nd place gets to choose a one week rental-old movie and the loser serves drinks, popcorn or chipsand does dishes. the loser got to watch movie but here & there but if the loser has been reaally bad then he/she had to go to bed, no staying late with the rest of the family member.
They were very reasonable and all three of us respected our parents for their respectabe disciplinary measures.
2007-01-08 13:14:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Aaahhhh? Why do kids go ape sometimes, why do I think, my kid is the boss? Have I lost control of my kids, where can I get help, what is my Child's destiny?
Click on the link below you can find some of the best books ever written on child discipline
2007-01-08 13:12:31
answer #7
answered by malc 2
spanking was put to a minimum. i got spanked once and i made sure to never get one again! most of the time, we were put in our rooms or time-out. sometimes phone and tv privileges were taken away. and privacy. i go my door removed once!
2007-01-08 12:49:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The yell and holler method along with on occasion the sank your bottom action.
2007-01-08 13:19:45
answer #9
answered by Baby Doll 2
2007-01-08 20:10:33
answer #10
answered by Kreutzer 4