say please..woof..shakes..good doorbell
2007-01-08 07:36:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Two of my dogs are hunters.
One is a Master Hunter and the other one is working on her title.
One has caught a phesant that no one even shot. It was her bird.
The other dog is a pet therapy dog who can visit hospitals and does demonstrations at the pet stores for our rescue.
2007-01-08 12:38:37
answer #2
answered by tlctreecare 7
My dog can recognize over 20 verbal commands. My favorite one is the secret phrase that I can whisper to him and he will run around the house ferociosly barking and growling. I assume that he is looking for an intruder of some sort. I don't use this command when strangers are around because I think he may attack them.
2007-01-08 12:49:38
answer #3
answered by luker 3
my dog is a 107 lb German Sheperd that is a retired police dog from the drug unit..he does everything in German language..he is very smart and has alerted me several times of people carrying drugs into my home..I feel safe with him and if I ever felt threatened I can give one command and he would take down the person..thank goodness I have never had to
2007-01-08 12:38:44
answer #4
answered by petmomx9 3
This isn't a weird question, I get what you are asking. Don't listen to the people who put you down. Perhaps they are having a bad day.
I have two labs. Both can sit and only one can shake. But we don't care much about tricks. Both give us lots and lots of love. They cuddle on cold, snowy days and give you kisses when we are sick. They adore our 5 month old and welcomed her with much warmth and compassion. That stuff bi-passes any fancy trick any day!
2007-01-08 12:40:44
answer #5
answered by Peanut Butter 5
he can use the bathroom and flush after he finishes, he can sit at the dinner table with us and eat with a knife and fork my dog can answer the phone and watch anything he wants on dog is the bomb there is nothing he can't do he is going to make rich one day you will be seeing him on TV soon. (his name is boogott)
2007-01-08 12:49:12
answer #6
answered by heavenlli_61 5
My dog rides a Harley.(
2007-01-08 12:56:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You pretty much train your dog to do things. Mine can sit pretty, roll over, go to back door when they need to go out. Mine can dance for a treat.
2007-01-08 12:37:42
answer #8
answered by daisy 3
I have a little Chihuahua and when he begs he claps his hands. Ha actually turns his front paws in together and claps. When his nails start to grow out you can hear them click. But since he was a tiny puppy we started calling his begging, clapping. Now we tell him to clap his hands, and he does it. Other people who don't know that it started out as begging think he's the smartest little thing. :)
2007-01-08 12:43:48
answer #9
answered by Becky 3
My dog can let minself in and out of the house....and everything else any other dog can do
2007-01-08 13:10:16
answer #10
answered by azn_butterfly2124 3
The same as most dogs, eat, sleep and crap!
2007-01-08 12:37:18
answer #11
answered by Anonymous