You have obviously never fell in love and it sound's like you have a lot of growing up and maturing to do..Life is NOT a big frat party....
2007-01-08 01:55:51
answer #1
answered by Maureen B 5
It's not that they are turned into a wuss, it's that they are growing up and learning what the world is all about. It is much smarter to have one women that you can depend on than to have two or three that you can't depend on and by depend on I am taking about giving you something sexually that Ajax won't wipe off. With Aides and all these other things you can catch, I would think that your friend is being pretty smart, not to mention that marriage is not all that bad and there are a lot of other things in life other than partying all the time.
2007-01-08 01:47:09
answer #2
answered by golden rider 6
Yes I agree with you. That chick turning your friend into a law abiding, respectable citizen instead of a frat boy to party hard and do drugs to ruin your mind and body, was the most despicable thing I have ever heard of.
2007-01-08 01:44:09
answer #3
answered by Big C 6
Guys change for chicks. Hmm. Maybe it was his time. There is more to life than partying. I am sober and have been for almost 18 months. So I used to party hard myself. But life changes and you want more. Want to provide and share it with someone.
2007-01-08 01:45:06
answer #4
answered by LESLIE M 2
i understand. If the guy hit the girl first it truly is undesirable, beat his butt. If the girl hit the guy It extremely does all stem lower back to the full adult men being higher,more suitable,harder,inspite of. yet. If human beings did not note yet, looks are very deceiving. the girl can be a ninja assassin for god's sake and attempting to slice the undesirable guy in 0.5 yet all of us is not hit her!!! i'm extremely sorry about the double accepted fellas, i extremely am.i did not cause them to. i'm a lady too and regrettably fought some boys earlier. i'm not pleased with it in any respect because they were not quick in any respect. They hit troublesome. sure. yet they were unable to snatch me. in addition they began it, I in no way commence something with each person and experience like you should safeguard your self hostile to each person prepared to violate your own area.OR get some friends of a similar gender as your attacker and characteristic them kick their butt for you. it truly is what I did even as different incidents like that befell. you do not ought to slump to their element both.
2016-12-02 00:11:45
answer #5
answered by ? 4
ok - its a good question, it does happen - however -the way you have asked it - I feel is a little biased - you can't fault a man who falls in love with a woman and stops sticking it on other women, no woman can STOP a man from been a flirt, its in their nature - about the only thing we can do is stop them from going out as much with our nagging, if they are making wedding plans then HE asked her to marry him and is doing so WILLINGLY!!! why are you doing him down for not boning everything in site and for loving a good woman who probably does LOTS for him, which makes him LOVE her!!!! When you fall in love darling - you will be the same - its fatastic - you don't want to go out every weekend - you want to spend it with your bird cause she makes you smile, you don't want to stick it on other women because the one you have makes you feel man enough!! something tells me you might just be a tad put out that you have lost your friend, that happens in life though - he will always be your mate but he just isn't their on tap to drink and pull girls with - be pleased for him - anyhow - who knows - she could have some seriously good looking lovely ladies to introduce you to if you play your cards right!!
As for why women change men - we don't change them as such - the relationship just evolves - and for that relationship to continue working there has to be give and take with everything, for instance I have stopped my fella from drinking copiously in the house, it bugs him because I have always let him, now though I feel it could affect his health and our relationship, but in turn for him I have changed my car from a sports car to a 4X4, I have moved house to an area I am not so fond of, I have stopped my cats from going upstairs because it bugs him, I try to be more tidy when naturally I am not!! but I do these things for him cause I love him and he does the same for me!! its just compromise, everything changes in this life I am afraid - thats a definate!! you will too one day!!
2007-01-08 01:51:52
answer #6
answered by Grace - baby No.2 due in October 3
Maybe you feel this cuz you never felt love, and he did.
He found his real love, and he's growing into an adult rather than a teenager behaviour for rest of his life.
You should be happy for him, it's not about the girl, it was HIS choice to change.
2007-01-08 01:43:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
not everyone is going to stay a little kid maybe he has the true feelings for her and she isn't the only thing on his mind maybe they party together and they have the marriage plan because they want to be together forever and maybe they are getting kids and they think it is right to be married and they think it is best for the both of them
2007-01-08 01:43:51
answer #8
answered by jingle bells 1
well once in awhile people can fall in love but if they have benn dating for a long time hey i like to party hard but one day i hope to fall in love with a great and nice guy
2007-01-08 01:51:33
answer #9
answered by jewelzlovesfalloutboy 2
Yeah, we may turn them into a wuss. But, your friend is getting some every night, so there.
2007-01-08 01:41:57
answer #10
answered by Rosie aka Rosie 6