NEVER settle for second best and I'll tell you why along with a piece of advise ,,,, If you really have true feelings for this guy and he feels the same way towards you then believe me choose him ,,,, Your mother gave you life but she can't live your life for you ,,,, She can't rightfully make decisions for you where this is concerned or choose your mate for you either ,,,, and it's very unfair of her to involve herself in this part of your life and dictate to you ,,,, You are going to be the one that will live with the person you choose for life not her ,,,, She is being an interfering nosy busy body where this part of your life is concerned and it's very unfair of her to force a decision on you that you have to choose between him or her ,,,, She's being selfish and self centered too ,,,, This is the rest of your life and your happiness we are talking about here ,,,, Even if things eventually didn't work out between you and him then that's your problem not hers but it would be easier for you to live with your mistakes than it would be living with hers ,,,, So you want to know what the scenario is ?? I can give you one that I know of first hand ,,,, You let your mother dictate to you and dump this guy on her say so and you will eventually wind up hating her ,,,, You will lose contact with him and he winds up settling for second best after he returns from being in a war ,,,, He is misserable and winds up going through three divorces ,,,, As for you the same thing pretty much holds true except for the war and divorces but you notice parallels in your life with his ,,,, Your mother more less picks the guy you are going to marry because she's satisfied with him and you will have to live with her decision ,,,, Ok so the guy you loved originally is single now ,,,,, You are married but very unhappy because in your heart you know that you've settled for second best on your mothers decision not yours ,,,, You keep kicking yourself because you let her interfere with this part of your life ,,,, You can't believe the pain and regret you feel ,,,,This husband she picked for you turns out to be a drunk and very abusive towards you and eventually even towards your mother ,,,, You wind up having two misscarriages because of his physical abuse ,,,, She winds up passing away and leaving you alone with her choice ,,,, You eventually wind up running across your old boyfriend and meet him several times for coffee behind your husbands back ,,,, Nothing else happens between you two and never has even when you were young and in love with each other ,,,, You wish ever so much and so badly now that you would have chosen him instead of her when she gave you that ultimatum ,,,, Your old boyfriend winds up commiting suicide in a bar that he wouldn't have ever been in if you two would have been together the way you should have been ,,,, Your abusive and drunkard husband who also turns out to be a pedophile winds up killing himself by driving off the road into a deep ravine ,,,, So there you set ,,,, You've been alone now for 15 or16 years ,,,,You've never remarried because you lost your chance at Mr. Right years ago by listening to your mother ,,,, You've had plenty of offers to marry but you know they would all be second best ,,,, and you know you lost your chance for happiness when you were 18 ,,,,Now as for you ,,,, you have a hard decision ahead of you ,,,, Just remember this ,,,, You are going to live allot longer than your mother does and every day you are going to have to live with the decision you make right now ,,,, Make the wrong one now and it will be you and your boyfriend and not your mother that has to suffer and live with it ,,,, She wants to make major decisions in your life but it's you and your love that will have to live with the major consequences whether they be bad or good ,,,, If you choose your mother then two people will be unhappy for the rest of your lives ,,,, Choose the one you love and only one person will be unhappy but there's always the chance she will eventually have a change of heart especially when grand children start comming ,,,, If mistakes are made in your life then tell her that you are going to be the one to make them not her ,,,, Believe me you will feel better for it ,,,, She is forcing something on you that she has no right to do ,,,, Mothers have certain rights that's true but this is not one of them and she's totally out of line demanding this of you ,,,, And just what's she going to do anyway if you choose your boyfriend ? ,,,, She can't kill you and she can't starve you and she'd better not beat you ,,,, I don't know your age but you are eventually going to be on your own if you aren't already ,,,, She can't stop that either ,,,, If the two of you have to wait to be together then fine ,,,, If the two of you really love each other then your love will stand the test of time ,,,, There are no words that could possibly convey the regret and pain I've experienced for not having listened to my heart instead of my mother when I had this choice before me ,,,, I can tell you one thing for sure ,,,,, Regret and the pain associated with it is much harder to live with than any mistake I ever made in my life ,,,, Your question brings to mind allot of things that have happened to me ,,,, Please don't let this happen to you and the one you love ,,,, You only have one chance in life ,,,, Don't let anyone call the shots for you EVER ,,,, It's allot easier living with your own mistakes than it is with mistakes made for you by someone else ,,,, I wish you the best of luck in this ,,,, Just remember your life is your own and so are the events that take place in it ,,,, Take care and if you have a chance at happiness then grab it with both hands and never let go ,,,,
2007-01-08 00:53:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous