Do you think she's cute?!
21 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
HER! name is Tilly, she was about 8 weeks when that photo was taken
19:51:38 ·
update #1
and she's not a mongrel
19:53:20 ·
update #2
No ones got it right yet!
20:04:45 ·
update #3
Crazyfo..... is the closest so far!
20:14:36 ·
update #4
Laura's cuddley teddy- you're half right.
20:20:58 ·
update #5
She is a mix between 2 breeds, i do know what breed she is, she is my puppy. Here are a few more pictures and a video.
21:06:18 ·
update #6
She is not dachsund or doberman,
11:54:23 ·
update #7
Looks like she has cocker in her.
You know what would help is if you said if she was a mix or not.
There are sooo many breeds and mixes that she could be anything so can you narrow it to purebred or mixed.
american cocker spaniel
english cocker spaniel
cavalier king charles spaniel
english toy spaniel
something like that
or I really hope you didn't go buy a
comfort retriever, or some or of mutt in the hybrid hype.
If its a comfort retriever you supported backyard breeders
2007-01-07 20:12:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
In that photo, it is hard to tell, because I couldn't see the body proportions, the tail, the angulation of front and rear etc. The age of the dog isnt mentioned either. The head type, color pattern, and appearance of the ears are common in many breeds as young puppies. She doesn't have the typical head type or the ears of a rottweiler at all. Judging from what little the photo shows, Black and tan coonhound is one possibility, doberman pinscher is another, Beauceron is another, although with over 400 different breeds of dogs in the world and with many breeds having coat type and color varieties within those breeds, these aren't the only possibilities.
2007-01-07 20:40:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
i am going to have to go with rottie maybe some other breed too maybe lab or german shepherd the paws look small from here so she may not get too big but then again i have saints and a retreiver and shepherd so not to big to me is about 50 lbs maybe 75 lbs she is a keeper good luck with her
oh and there are mutts but there is also something called a half-breed which is what my dogs are half one breed and half another mutts are 3 or more breeds
oh and i forgot the dogs attrabutes may change as is grows my lab/golden looked like a brown puff ball when he was a baby now he looks a golden retreiver with a hint of tan so your dog may lighten or darken giving you more of an idea of breed another why to tell is her attitude if she seem to be herding or other talents she has will also help determine breed but remember the protection instinct is common for all dogs no matter the breed
2007-01-07 19:56:42
answer #3
answered by maskedwhitewolf 2
Tilly looks like she is maybe a cocker spanial crossed with a rottie, she has the rottie colouring but the cockers size...thats my guess and I say rottie because my girlfriend has 3 of them- they're purebred though
I know I have the right answer, I just know it
Laura's cuddley teddy aka Mitch
2007-01-07 20:16:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Is she a Beauceron?? Do you Know what kind of dog she is? As puppies rotties and beaucerons look quite similar. And she is definitely adorable.
Put up another picture. i want to keep guessing.
Okay, i am going to guess rottie/cocker spaniel or rottie/cavelier king charles spaniel.
2007-01-07 20:08:02
answer #5
answered by Stark 6
Its hard to tell. She has the coloring of either a dachsund, a rotwiler or a doberman, but I can't tell because I can't tell how big she is. A doberman? She is cute!
2007-01-07 19:50:00
answer #6
answered by Heather 3
She's cute! I love black-n-tan on dogs....
I'd guess Black and Tan Coonhound not being able to seemuch of her conformation and not knowing whether or not her ears are/should be clipped, alot of dogs come in this color from Dachshunds to English Toy Terriers and many others...
2007-01-07 20:21:18
answer #7
answered by Shan 2
Cocker spaniel coonhound mix
2007-01-08 02:02:31
answer #8
answered by sunset12211 3
looks like Rottweiler+Doberman??? What a great photo. You should do a photography course, you've got a real talent there. Love it!!! What puppies name, its gorgeous!!
If you click on these links and then click VIEW IMAGE.
2007-01-07 19:56:03
answer #9
answered by blahblahblah 5
I think she is definitely a Rotti.
You never know she might grow up to be a famous painter.
Look at Michaelangelo. His surname was Bornarotti.
2007-01-07 19:55:39
answer #10
answered by Spikey and Scruffy's Mummy 5