To show you how deeply Marxian reversed logic has penetrated our society, let’s look at a recent article by a certain "Latino" gentleman. This Latino gentleman, if we can honor him with that title, states that with the aging of the white population in California, he doubts whether the Latinos — who he says are taking back the state — will want to continue carrying the older Whites on their backs. Of course, by "Latinos" we know he means activist Marxist Hispanics and the illegals they are exploiting for their socialist goals. The majority of Hispanics, naturally, the loyal Hispanic Americans, don’t count.
But isn’t his statement interesting? Especially the "continue" part of it. Those of us who are over forty, and not afflicted with Alzheimer’s, remember that until very recently, i.e., until the illegal invasion from south of the Rio, the overwhelming majority of citizens of this state were white. And they paid most of the taxes. The very taxes that are paying for the services our illegal friends are receiving free of charge.
How is it, then, that they are "continuing" to carry anyone, white, black, brown, or otherwise? God forbid that any of us, white or otherwise, should ever have to depend on them to "carry us on their backs." Even though, if we allow them to stay, maybe they owe us a debt of gratitude for letting them come here from the squalor of their homeland and receive free medical care, education, welfare, and other public services — which, by the way, whether you’re a legal or illegal alien, are still paid for primarily by that "cancer on the side of humanity," white European Americans.
We’ve all heard about the dog that bites the hand that feeds it, maybe we’ve even had such a dog at home. How is the Latino author of the above statement any different? And he’s right here in our home, our state, and a disgrace to his Hispanic heritage. He probably learned his Marxism in Chicano Studies 101 at one of our liberated State Colleges. If they give any grades at all, I’ll wager he got an A — like everyone else in his class, even those who didn’t attend.
Despite his successes at Chicano State, our "Latino" friend and those like him became stunted at around thirteen — you know, the age where you mock everything, reason be damned. For example, why is he proud of his Latino, or Hispanic, heritage but then condemns the Whites? Weren’t the Latins and Spaniards white? Yes, and I think they still are. Weren’t they as guilty of cruelty in the settlement of the Americas as the Anglos and all the rest? Yes, they were — except in the Marxist history books at La Raza State.
Or if he identifies with the American Indian part of his heritage (who were equally cruel to each other and the Whites), then why does he call himself Hispanic? The man is definitely confused, yet he and his ilk are trying to take over our state — and the entire Southwest. What is to be gained, I ask, by taking over the Southwest and turning it into another El Salvador, or even a Tijuana? The border to the southern paradises is close; so if that’s what you want, why not just stay there, or return there? It would save us all a lot of trouble.
During my radio talk show, the Savage Nation (KSFO, San Francisco), I had a caller just like the fellow above. The caller told me that the "Hispanics" were going to take over and make things like in the old days under the Aztecs, etc. I asked him what he thought of sacrificing innocent virgins on the alter of some pagan god or of a return to squalor under some Aztlan king.. He said that didn’t matter; for we, i.e., the Whites, would be gone, and they, i.e., the "Hispanics," would be in power.
I tried to reason with him, but the man was obviously a fanatic, a certified racist lunatic (didn’t Hitler want a return to worship of pagan Germanic gods?). But our "Latino" friend should spare himself the trouble; I’ll gladly pay his fare to the Latin American jungle of his choice. It’s all there waiting for him, ready made. Even the sacrificial altars are still intact, so maybe he should leave his daughters here. Please, give us a break!
The whole controversy is a hoax. "Reconquista" they call it, and "Aztlan." What is it these self-appointed "reconquistadores" are going to "re"conquer? Are they the descendants of the native California Indians? How could they be if they’re from south of the border? Those were different Indians down there, many of them hostile toward the California tribes. Or were their forefathers the Spanish settlers, the Alvarados, Picos, Verdugos, or Dominguezes of early California? Hardly. The descendants of the Spanish settlers have long become loyal Americans who contribute much to our society.
So how can brown racists like our "Latino" friend take back what they never had in the first place? What they really have in mind is conquest, not re-conquest. Their virulent hatred of the white man belies their claim that racism is limited to Whites; in fact, the Klan could learn a thing or two from them. And if you buy into their illogic, you are more deranged than they are.
In reality, if they have their way, what we will have here is not a return to some idyllic paradise of the Indian past but a tyrannic People's Democratic Republic of Aztlan, where we will, Hispanics and Indians as well, live on an all-inclusive government reservation under the boot of Big Brother.
Friends, Hispanics or whoever you are: It’s time to get real. It’s time to leave "Aztlan" and other "people's liberation" fantasies to the wiles of Hollywood, the media, the feds, the state colleges, and other fonts of Marxist delusion. We don’t need them to show us truth. God and common sense will do that. If we are to have a "re-conquest" of anything, let it be of the American Republic, where Hispanics and all of us can enjoy our Constitutional rights as free, individual American citizens.
2007-01-07 13:56:48
answer #5
answered by ♥ Scorpio X 3