A dear sweet old couple notice as the years take their toll that they are becoming forgetful. Frightened they are losing it they go see their doctor who says he doubts that it is anything serious. However, he advises them to write things down, just to help the brain recall things.
That night they settle down to watch television and the old lady says to her husband."Do be a dear and get my some ice cream please."
"Okay" says the husband.
"You'd better write that down, dear, you'll forget when you go into the kitchen."
"Now come come, I hardly think I'll forget you wanted ice-cream my dearest."
"Well, I'd like some raspberry ripple on top, I think you should write that down, that's two things you need to remember." she says gently.
"Now, now dear, I think I'll remember you want ice-cream with raspberry ripple on top." he replies as gently as he can.
"But I also want some crushed almonds on top of it too, and some whipped cream. You will never remember all that dear." returns the old lady
"Listen," yells her by now thoroughly pee'd off husband," I will damn well remember you want an ice-cream, with raspberry ripple, crushed almonds and bloody whipped cream!" and he storms off into the kitchen.
Some time later he emerges and presents his wife the result of his efforts: Ham and eggs, with mushrooms, covered in tomato and brown sauce.
"See, you old fool!" she yells, "you forgot the bloody toast!"
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