What phone is she talking on? If she has her own cell phone, then take it away. Put a parental block on the computer. Do not let her go out until you meet her friends. Take charge mom and don't put up with this behavior any more. Until she starts treating you with respect, she has no privileges, but you have to show her how to respect. Doesnt sound like you are too strict if you let her treat you like this. Its just a manipulative tactic for her. You have to be her mom not so much her friend, she has enough of those and only one person who can mother her. Been there with my nineteen year old at that age. Its very hard but you have to set boundaries with her if you want this to get any better. Go to a parenting class in your area. And most of all Good luck to you and hang in there, it does get better
2007-01-07 11:58:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
When your 13 y/o is at the point that she is slapping you back that is a bad thing. Times like this I will tell you hell with the law and what some 8 year Psychologist have to say, you need to wear that as& out one good time and establish who is in control!
There is one adult in the house. Take away privileges and set guidelines in the house. I had to do that with my kid. He was on the same level as his mother because that is how she did things. As for me, I am the Father and he understands he is not my equal or above me (mother and I live separately).
Hang in there and get control of this issue. Good luck.
2007-01-07 19:52:25
answer #2
answered by Belize69 2
I have an almost 14 yr old with attitude.It sounds to me that there aint much discipline in the house take the computer away from her she shouldnt be on it all hours of the night. And if she wants to go to the movies then she has to let u know who she is going with.As for slapping u the girl needs some serious readjusting do it now before it is too late.
2007-01-07 11:56:37
answer #3
answered by wildpalomino 7
Teens can be tough, I am a single father with sole custody of two teenage girls and we do have our moments, but they know I can cut off cel phones, computers and orther thngs if they act up. I try and keep in tune with their friends or their friends parents and many of us parents sort of have this communication thing going and we let our kids know that we know everything. Now a days things (on a legal stand point) have been made easier for kids to report parents and to get aways with things, but I let my kids know where I stand, and I do give them their space and their respect, but they know they have to earn it, and in the long run they know I am the boss. Please, I do not mean this in any disrespectful way, but kids get away more with their mom's than their dads. Goodluck and keep on loving your kid and keep reenforcing that, and hold your ground, no matter what. Good Luck and God Bless..
2007-01-07 11:55:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You need to set limits and boundaries and let her know that you will not tolerate this behavior. Its not acceptable for her to hit you. If she does, her computer privileges or something else that she values will be taken away from her for two weeks or one month.
This may help her to learn where to stop with her behavior.
2007-01-07 11:48:42
answer #5
answered by Stareyes 5
You should learn how to write sentences first. And girls that age want their independence. Be more strict and tell ehr you're trying to understand her, but she is one grumpy chick.
2007-01-09 12:54:48
answer #6
answered by Ellen the Estonian 2
I think she needs therapy. Sorry to say that!!
2007-01-07 11:48:47
answer #7
answered by Woooo! 3