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6 answers

That depends on the situation. Let me explain with two (sort of) hypothetical cases:

1) A young woman was in love with a man who was out of jail on probation for car theft. He also didn't have a steady job. she wasn't interested in going to school and insisted on marrying the guy. A year later she was divorced--and pregnant. In this case, it's pretty clear she should have listened to her parents advice and waited--and gone ahead and gone to college. (True story)

B) A young woman met and dated a man for a couple of years. They were both pretty young--but "had their act toghether"--one in school, the other with a good first job. Parents didn't approve--but they went on and got married--and it worked out okay. (also true)

The point is--when you are "in love" you are apt to do stupid things---so you should give the relationship time and you should do a lot of thinking. But, if in the end, you have good, solid reasons--time spent together, behaviour on your intended's part that points to the maturity needed for this committment--you should go ahead--and your parents should respect your wishes even if they still have doubts. Ultimately its your life and you should do what's right for you, even if they don't give you that respect.

2007-01-07 11:49:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I could imagine how you feel right now; cause I'm in the same situation. My mom thinks she knows whats best for me, when it comes down to guys. But I already know who I want to be with, and have made it up in my mind that... no matter what anyone says "We are going to be together". Now, I'm not telling you to ignore how your mom feels, I'm just saying its YOUR life! Moms do have pretty good insights, and I'm sure there is a reason she disapproves. But you need to talk to her, and tell her... you are in Love, and its your decision. Hopefully she'll get over it!

2007-01-07 19:41:12 · answer #2 · answered by CUTIE 4 · 0 0

Mother's usually have pretty good insight. Sometimes more than we can see ourselves when it comes to someone we want to be with. Take your time and move slowly. Maybe things will work out, maybe not. But just remember if things don't work, your mother is always there for you. And if it does work out and you are together, she will find a way to accept the fact. Mother's are constant and will love you whatever you decide.

2007-01-07 21:02:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depends on why she disapproves. Lots of times, other people, especially family members, can see things about people that we can't see. We're often blinded by love. Maybe you can take what she thinks into consideration. This situation happens all the time. In the end, she'll have to support you in your decision even if it's the wrong one. (she doesn't have to support you but let's hope she does) try to put yourself into her shoes. in the end, you have to do what's right for you. not what is right for her.

2007-01-07 20:20:00 · answer #4 · answered by Willow 2 · 0 0

listen to your mom. but don't dump the person yet. find out why your mom hates the person. you're entitled to an explanation. then make an assessment of the person, the relationship you have. then make a decision if you are going to stick with the person or not. that way, you didn't disregard your mothers opinion and yet gave the person a chance.

2007-01-07 19:48:36 · answer #5 · answered by Coolitz 4 · 0 0

How old r u? If your under 18 then i would dissapprove too.

2007-01-07 20:03:05 · answer #6 · answered by wildpalomino 7 · 0 0

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